
How to breed and cultivate Jasper

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jasper, also known as pepper grass, commonly cultivated varieties are flower and leaf Jasper, white leaf Jasper and so on. Jasper is native to tropical America and likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-28 ℃. The room temperature in winter should be kept between 10-15%, otherwise the leaves will fall, and less than 10 ℃ will be frozen to death.

Jasper, also known as pepper grass, commonly cultivated varieties are flower and leaf Jasper, white leaf Jasper and so on. Jasper is native to tropical America and likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-28 ℃. In winter, room temperature should be kept between 10-15%, otherwise leaves will fall, and less than 10 ℃ will be frozen to death. It is appropriate to loosen the fertile and well-drained soil.

Under pot conditions, bean green is very difficult to bear fruit, so it is often propagated by cutting or split-plant method. Due to different species, some bean greens have aboveground stems, which can be cut from branches. The cuttings are 5 to 6 centimeters long, with two leaves in each section and inserted into the plain sand. If there is no stem above ground, the thick leaves can be cut, put on a petiole 1 to 2 cm long, and inserted into coarse sand or vermiculite. At room temperature of about 25 ℃, the base of petiole can take root for about 3 weeks, young leaves can sprout after 40 days, and the seedlings can be divided into pots when 4 leaves grow. Ramet should be carried out in spring and autumn.

If your Jasper is seeded, you might as well try sowing the seeds and cover the pot with a black plastic bag until the seeds germinate, otherwise the light will inhibit the germination and the seeds will not be unearthed for about 20 days.

Potted Jasper should choose 5 parts of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, 3 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of coarse sand mixed with sifted culture soil + watering according to different seasons and weather, grasp the principle of seeing dry and wet, and avoid stagnant water in the basin; in dry climate and summer, it is advisable to spray clear water on stems and leaves once or twice a day to keep the leaves green. Rarefied liquid fertilizer is applied about every half month during the growth period. Jasper is more shady, the four seasons can be placed indoors with bright scattered light to cultivate, spring, autumn and winter can see more sunshine. In summer, you should pay attention to shade, avoid strong sunlight, cultivate potted flowers on a north-facing balcony or windowsill or under the outdoor shade, and pay attention to ventilation and cooling, watering should not be too much, hot and humid in summer, the base stem mouth is easy to rot, winter room temperature should not be less than 12 ℃, when room temperature is low, watering should be controlled and fertilization should be stopped, otherwise it is also easy to cause rotten roots and leaves, in order to make branches and leaves plump and green. A short cut was carried out every 2 ~ 3 years to promote the germination of new shoots.

Jasper plant shape plump, leaves as thick as beans, bright green four seasons: often used for interior decoration, such as in the study, bedroom, living room desk, several or desktop, green and bright, elegant and pleasant, quite loved by people.

How to breed and cultivate Jasper?

Jasper is native to tropical America and likes high temperature and semi-shade environment. the suitable temperature for growth is 25 ℃. The room temperature in winter should be kept between 10 ℃ and 15 ℃, otherwise the leaves will fall, and if it is less than 0 ℃, it will be frozen to death.

Under the condition of pot culture, it is difficult to bear fruit, so it is difficult to propagate by cuttage. Due to different species and varieties, some bean greens have aboveground stems, which can be cut from branches. The cuttings are 5-6cm long, with 1-2 leaves in each section and inserted into the plain sand. If there is no stem above ground, the thick leaves can be cut, a petiole of 2 cm in length is taken, and inserted into coarse sand or vermiculite. At room temperature of about 25 ℃, the petiole base can take root after 3 weeks, young leaves can sprout after 40 days, and the seedlings can be divided into pots when 4 leaves grow.

Jasper is strong, and its cultivation and maintenance are relatively simple. The three seasons of spring, summer and autumn must be protected by shade, and oblique sunlight can be seen in winter. Its leaves are thick, covered with a waxy layer, strong water storage capacity, low transpiration, and do not need too much water even in the peak growing season. When the spring drought season and winter heating are sufficient, the indoor air humidity should be increased and the leaves can be sprayed. Summer muggy should strengthen ventilation, otherwise it is easy to defoliate.

Propagation and cultivation of green leaf Jasper

Plant name: green leaf Jasper

Aliases: bean green, pepper grass, emerald pepper grass

Families and genera: Piperaceae, Capsicum

Green leaf Jasper, also known as Douban Green, Pepper Grass, Emerald Pepper Grass, is a perennial evergreen herb of the genus Piperaceae. Plant height 20-25cm, stem round, branched, light green with purplish red markings. Leaves alternate, slightly fleshy, long oval, dark green, glossy, as long as 15cm, base cuneate, petiole short. Spikes, 2. 5-18cm long, florets green-white, pedicels shorter than spikes, smooth glabrous. Fruit with curved acute beak. It is the representative species of erect Douban green.

Douban green, small herb native to the West Indies, Panama, and northern South America. Later introduced into China, it is generally used as a potted plant decoration, and is widely welcomed for its bright luster and natural green. And the plant can also be used medicinally. According to the pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine, its internal use can dispel wind and dampness, relieve cough and expectoration. External use can treat injuries and fractures, so it is also an important part of Chinese herbal medicine.

The main horticultural varieties are: (1) flower, leaf and bean petal green, with red spots on the stem, dark green leaves, yellow spots on the edge, and then nearly white; (2) green and gold, leaves with macula.

Pepper grass is a perennial herb of the genus Piperaceae. The plant height is 15-20 cm. No main stem. Spikes, gray-white. Can be used as a small potted plant. Often placed on the coffee table, decorative cabinets, Bogu shelves, desks, very beautiful. The whole herb can be used to dispel wind and dehumidification, relieve cough and expectoration, activate blood circulation and relieve pain.

Morphological features:

Perennial herbs. The height of the plant is 15ml / 20cm. No main stem. Leaves clustered, nearly fleshy, Obovate, grayish green mixed with dark green veins. Spikes, gray-white. The cultivated species are variegated, with fleshy fleshy leaves, green in the middle of the leaves, with a broad golden edge, and bright leaves with heart-shaped leaves with metallic luster. Wrinkled leaf type, deeply sunken veins, forming wrinkled leaves, very interesting.

1. Douban green perennial tufted herbs, 10-30cm high. Stem fleshy, base creeping, much branched, lower nodes often adventitious roots, internodes with thick longitudinal edges. Leaves dense, 3-4 whorled, subequal in size; petiole short and long 1-2mm, glabrous or pubescent; leaf blade elliptic or suborbicular, 9-12cm long, 5-9cm wide, both ends obtuse or round, glabrous or young leaves sparsely pilose, veins 3, thin, usually inconspicuous; leaves fleshy, with transparent glandular spots, yellowish when dry and wrinkled. Spikes solitary, terminal or axillary, 2-4.5 cm long; total pedicel slightly shorter than inflorescence rachis, sparsely hairy or subglabrous, while inflorescence rachis densely hairy; bracts suborbicular, shortly stalked, peltate; flowers small, bisexual, without perianth, symbiotic with bracts in inflorescence rachis depression; stamens 2, filaments short, anthers subelliptic; ovary ovate, 1-loculed, stigma terminal, subcapitate, pubescent. Berries ovoid-globose, apex pointed, near 1mm/ florescence from February to April and September to October.

2. The difference between Maoye Douban green and Douban green is that the plant is very short and the inflorescence is 3-5cm long. Stems and branches densely hirsute. The leaves are small, rhombic-elliptic, 6-8cm long and 5-6cm wide, densely hirsute on both surfaces, especially abaxially. Inflorescences short, 7-11mm long at anthesis, peduncle densely hirsute. The florescence is from April to September.

Growth habit

Like the warm and humid semi-overcast environment. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. It is not resistant to high temperature, requires high air humidity, avoid direct sunlight, and likes loose, fertile and well-drained moist soil.

Water: like moist, May-September growth period should be more watering, hot weather should be foliar spray or water, in order to maintain greater air humidity, keep leaves clear patterns and green leaf color.

Fertilizer: fertilize once a month until overwintering.

Soil: the soil that requires loose, fertile and good drainage can be mixed with river sand, mud fabric and rotten leaf soil.

Temperature: like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

Light: avoid direct sunlight and should grow in semi-shade.

Reproduction: ramet and leaf cuttings. Spring and autumn ramets are propagated. From May to June, the whole leaf was inserted, the leaf was inserted with petiole about 1 cm, it was inserted to 3 places of the leaf, and the substrate was made of river sand. It could take root in 15 days under the condition of 20 ℃ and 25 mol. Pay attention to keep the substrate moist and a certain degree of air humidity.

Producing area and habit

Native to the West Indies, Panama, northern South America.

Like the warm and humid semi-overcast environment. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. It is not resistant to high temperature, requires high air humidity, avoid direct sunlight, and likes moist soil with loose, fertile and good drainage.

Reproduction and cultivation

Multi-use cuttage and plant division method of propagation. Cuttings: from April to May, select robust top branches, about 5cm as cuttings, and keep 2 leaves in the upper part of the cuttings. After the cut is dried, they are inserted into the wet sand bed. You can also insert leaves, cut the leaves with petioles with a knife, dry them slightly, then insert them obliquely on the sand bed, and take root in 10-15 days. In a greenhouse with temperature control equipment, it can be carried out all year round. Ramet: mainly used for the reproduction of colored leaf varieties. The basin soil can be made of rotten leaf soil, peat soil and part of perlite or sand, and an appropriate amount of base fertilizer is added. During the growing period, topdressing should be applied once a month, and watering should be controlled in winter with the water that has been released into the pool for 2 days. The change of temperature directly affects the color of leaves, the optimum temperature in winter is 18-20 ℃ for colored leaves and about 15 ℃ for green leaves. If you are afraid of heat in hot summer, you can spray water under the shade to cool down, but it should be noted that overheating and humidity will cause stems and leaves to blacken and rot. Place plenty of light in winter and avoid direct sunlight in summer. Change the basin every 2-3 years.

How to cultivate in water

Douban Green is an excellent living model in hydroponics, with 4-5 leaves per plant. It is very easy to adapt to the water environment, does not decay, and is easy to grow. Like warm and humid semi-shady environment, not resistant to high temperature, avoid direct sunlight; resistant to drought, watering should not be too much, especially in autumn and winter to reduce watering. If the air is dry, you can spray more water to the leaves and avoid frost.

How to cultivate soil

Douban green cultivation substrate requires good air permeability, good water retention organic substrate, such as peat soil plus perlite or zhi stone, the proportion is about 6:1, avoid too much water in the cultivation substrate, and generally maintain 40-60% water content in the cultivation substrate. Usually placed in a bright indoor or open-air shade, the optimum temperature is 20-26 ℃, and the winter temperature is above 5 ℃. The leaves are often sprayed with water to maintain high air humidity. It can also be properly trimmed or transplanted in the courtyard for viewing after a period of time.

Cuttage propagation

Cutting substrate: is used for cutting nutrient soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. Due to the limited conditions, it is difficult to get the ideal cutting substrate, so it is recommended to use the prepared and sterilized cutting substrate; medium and coarse river sand is also fine, but rinse with clean water several times before use. Do not use sea sand and river sand in saline-alkali areas, they are not suitable for the growth of flowers and plants.

In early spring or late autumn (the highest temperature at noon is not more than 28 ℃ and the lowest at night is not less than 15 ℃), cut the leaves or stems (with 3 or 4 leaf nodes), insert them into the substrate after the wound is dried, spray the cuttings and substrate slightly, as long as the substrate is not too dry or water-stained, roots and new buds can grow quickly. When the temperature is high from late spring to early autumn, cuttings are very easy to rot, so it is best not to cut them.

On the pot: when the seedlings are installed in the basin, first put a coarse-grained matrix or ceramsite with a thickness of 2cm in thickness at the bottom of the basin as a filter layer, sprinkle a layer of fully mature organic fertilizer as base fertilizer with a thickness of about 1cm to 2cm, and then cover it with a layer of substrate, which is about 1cm thick, and then put in the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid burning roots.

You can choose one of the following substrates for potting. Vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil. Or peat + perlite + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1; vegetable garden soil + slag = 3 + 1; peat + slag + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1; sawdust + vermiculite + medium coarse river sand = 2 + 2 + 1. After putting on the basin, pour water once and keep it in a shaded environment.

Humidity management: like the humid climate, the relative humidity of the air in the growing environment is required to be 60-75%.

Temperature management: the optimum growth temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, avoid cold frost, the overwintering temperature needs to be kept above 10 ℃, when the winter temperature drops below 4 ℃, it goes into dormancy. If the ambient temperature is close to 0 ℃, it will die of frostbite.

Precautions during the summer:

1. Strengthen the air convection so that the temperature in the body can be released.

2. Put it in the semi-shade, or give it 50% shade

3. Spray it properly, 2 or 3 times a day.

Precautions during the winter:

1. Move to a brightly lit place for maintenance

2. Outside, it can be wrapped in a film to survive the winter, but the film should be opened every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

Light management: for fear of bright light, you need to keep it in the semi-shade, or give it 70% shade. For indoor maintenance, put it in a brightly lit place as far as possible, and move to outdoor semi-shade or shade for a month every one or two months to accumulate nutrients and restore growth.

Fertilizer and water management: there are many requirements for fertilizer and water, but they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and should follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less quantity and more times, and complete nutrition":

Spring, summer and autumn: these two seasons are its peak growing season. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao" at least twice a week). The interval period is about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance, with shorter intervals during sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy days or low temperatures. Put it in indoor maintenance for 2-6 days. Watering time should be arranged as early as possible when the temperature is low in the morning. Summer is watered in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and plants are often sprayed.

Winter: during the dormant period in winter, the main task is to control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, with an interval of about 7 to 10 days. Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.

Planting method

Matrix preparation: with loose, drained and ventilated imported peat of 5-40mm specification, break the peat and mix well with water. (standard of adding water: after mixing well with water, hold a handful of peat tightly and the water seeps from the fingers) to be planted in the cup. The amount of peat in each basin of 9cm basin is about 200ml, and a pack of 300L imported peat can hold about 1500 cups.

Upper basin: for the old basin that is re-used, it must be soaked in potassium permanganate 1000 times solution for more than half an hour, then rinse with clean water and dry for use. The new basin can be used directly. Generally, first use a smaller flowerpot (9cm plastic pot) to plant, first cushion the appropriate substrate at the bottom of the cup, and then move the sieve seedlings into the cup, the seedlings can be appropriately planted deeper, with the base of the flat plant slightly above, 1 ball / pot; the matrix is loose and tight moderately, loaded to the cup 9 minutes full, gently vibrate the basin soil, and pour the roots semi-thoroughly or with surface water.

Cultivation and management

Douban green is suitable for the culture soil with high humus content, and the basin soil can be mixed with 4 parts of peat soil or rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of sawdust, 1 part of perlite or river sand and 3 parts of garden soil. Make sure there is enough humidity in the air during the growing period. In high temperature season, potted plants should be placed in a ventilated and cool place to avoid direct sunlight. At the same time, we should also pay attention to more watering, and can spray water to the leaf surface to keep the leaf surface green. Douban green has a strong drought resistance, too much watering is easy to rot roots, each watering would rather be less than more, but always keep the basin soil moist.

Winter should be less watering, avoid using too cold water, it is best to make the water temperature and room temperature close. Fertilizer can be applied once every two to three weeks from May to September. In spring and summer, potted plants should be placed in a semi-shady place and can be placed in a sunny place in winter, but also avoid continuous direct sunlight. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. In order to keep the leaves green, the pots should be changed or renewed every 2-3 years. When the plant is about 10 cm high, it can be properly coring to promote the lateral branch germination and keep the plant shape plump.

Soilless cultivation

The substrates for soilless culture of Douban green can be vermiculite: peat: slag 1:1:1 or perlite: peat: river sand. The nutrient solution can be used with foliage plant nutrient solution or compound flower fertilizer. When putting on the basin, add a layer of gravel or coarse sand to the bottom of the basin, straighten the seedlings in the center, and then add the matrix until the basin is eight points full. The nutrient solution should be poured thoroughly for the first time until there is an exudate from the basin bottom tray. After the routine rehydration, small and medium-sized basins will be rehydrated once a week, 50ml each time. On weekdays, replenish water to keep the matrix moist, and the pH value can be kept about 6.5. During the growth period, clear water should be sprayed on the stems and leaves once or twice a day to keep the leaves green, especially in the dry climate and hot summer seasons. Douban green is more shady, it can be placed indoors where there is bright scattered light all the year round, and there can be more sunshine in winter. In winter, we should pay attention to keep cold and warm, keep the room temperature above 15 ℃, and reduce the times of rehydration and watering, so as to avoid rotting roots and leaves.

Disease prevention and cure

This kind of disease is less, mainly caused by ringspot virus, the damaged plants are dwarfed and the leaves are twisted, which can be sprayed with the same amount of Bordeaux solution. In addition, root rot disease and scab disease were sprayed with 1000 times of carbendazim wettable powder. Insect pests are occasionally harmed by scale insects and slugs, which should be prevented and controlled in time.

Generally known as the genus Peperomia of the family Piperaceae, commonly known as Douban green. It is an evergreen perennial foliage small herb. There are about 1000 species of this genus, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. There are many kinds of common cultivation in our country, the stem and petiole are easy to root, and the resistance is strong, not easy to rot. In the past, some textbooks often introduced the use of begonia leaves for cutting. compared with Douban green, begonia leaves must be laid flat on the soil, and it is best to scratch the veins under the leaves before cutting. The leaves of cuttings are easy to rot and the rooting is not as fast as Douban green. When Douban Green uses leaf insertion, just soak the petiole in water and take root in about a week at the height of summer.