
The efficacy and function of Lily Fashion and healthy Life

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of Lily Fashion and healthy Life

With elegant lilies and green leaves, lilies are also a valuable rookie of cut flowers. In addition to some value, many plants have some unexpected uses. Lily can be eaten or used as medicine, so what are the effects and effects of lilies? Then let's take a look at the efficacy and function of lilies.

Modern studies have shown that lily has obvious antitussive, antiasthmatic, hemostatic effects, increase lymphocyte transformation rate and increase the activity of liquid immune function.

The efficacy and function of Lily

Lily is a kind of nourishing medicine, lily taste like yam, contains starch, fat, protein, calcium, vitamin B1, B2, C, phosphorus, iron, carotene and other nutrients, in addition to some special nutrients, such as colchicine and other alkaloids. These ingredients act on the human body, not only have a good nourishing effect, for weakness, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, neurosis and other patients have great help, but also have a certain curative effect on some cancers, is a natural anti-tumor drug.

1. Lily has the effects of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the nerves, and can be used for tuberculosis and hemoptysis, lung deficiency and chronic cough, deficiency, palpitations, insomnia, unclear afterheat and thirst after fever.

2. Lily is rich in potassium, which helps to strengthen muscle excitement, promote metabolic function coordination, make skin elastic and reduce wrinkles.

3. Lily contains a kind of hydrolyzed colchicine, which has the function of nourishing and calming the mind.

4. Lily is blindly nourishing Miaojing, tonifying and moisturizing, which is most suitable for those with weakness of deficiency fire.

5. Lily boils porridge and soup with rock sugar and mung beans, which can clear fire and nourish yin.

6. Lily, lotus seed and red jujube cook porridge and soup together, which can cure neurasthenia, upset and insomnia.

In traditional Chinese medicine, lilies are used as tonics for hemostasis, promoting blood circulation, nourishing yin and clearing heat, clearing lung and moisturizing dryness, regulating spleen and invigorating stomach. If the lily is to be used in medicine, it is better to choose the wild one, which tastes sweet and bitter, slightly cold, and enters the heart and lung meridians, which is a tonic. Lily can also inhibit the growth of tumor.

Take the lily to eat, it also has different effects, the following is the editor to collect some practices, you can refer to.

Lily porridge-30 grams of lilies and 60 grams of japonica rice, rinse the lilies and rice respectively, put them in a pot and simmer with water. When the lily and japonica rice are ripe, add the right amount of sugar and you can eat it. Lily porridge is especially suitable for the elderly and those who are weak and upset, insomnia, low fever and irritability after a long illness. Of course, you can also add 9 grams of sweet almonds to lily porridge, which can be made into lily almond porridge, which is suitable for patients with lung yin deficiency for a long time, dry cough without phlegm, asthma and other patients.

Lily soup-rinse the lilies in clean water several times, wash them clean, remove some unwanted ones, add water to the pot, cook them until rotten over low heat, add the right amount of sugar, and eat the lilies with soup. It has a good effect of moistening the lungs and clearing the heart, and can be used as a dietotherapy for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, and it is also an excellent cold drink that can prevent dryness and moisturize the lungs.

Stir-fry lilies-50 grams of lilies and 50 grams of fillet slices, scratch with salt and egg white, mix with wet starch, stir-fry in a pan until cooked, add the right amount of seasoning to serve. Fried lilies taste mellow but not greasy, crisp, sweet and fragrant, with the effect of tonifying the five internal organs, nourishing yin and clearing heat. People who have been ill for a long time and have no appetite to eat this dish can also increase their appetite.

Conclusion: the above is the efficacy and function of lilies, how do you understand it? There are a lot of places you don't know, you can search for other aspects and learn more about the role of lilies, so as to add some fashion and health to your life.

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