
[how to raise azaleas] detailed explanation of the culture methods of azaleas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [how to raise azaleas] detailed explanation of the culture methods of azaleas

Azaleas bloom beautifully and brightly, so they have good ornamental value, but not everyone can cultivate azaleas at once. Before raising azaleas, we still need to know how to raise azaleas.

How to breed azaleas

Cuttings: the semi-lignified branches of the same year are generally selected for cuttings from May to June, and then shaded in a shed. Under the condition of about 25 ℃, they can take root in one month. The rhododendron takes root slowly, which takes about 60 to 70 days.

Grafting: the propagation of rhododendron is used more often, the twig is often split, the time of grafting is not limited, the rootstock is mostly biennial rhododendron, and the survival rate is more than 90%.

How to raise azaleas

Soil: the general cultivation methods of plants and flowers are inseparable from the good soil environment, and the soil environment is more important for the cultivation methods of azaleas. There are many methods for the cultivation of rhododendron culture soil, due to different varieties, but the most important thing is to have the following conditions: loose, unobstructed drainage, good ventilation, acidic soil, rich humus and sufficient base fertilizer.

Watering: watering once after planting and changing soil, so that the root system is in full contact with the soil, so that the root can survive and grow. No matter when watering or fertilizing, do not use tap water directly, but acidify it (add ferrous sulfate or vinegar) and use it again when the pH value is about 6. Because of the thin roots of azaleas, we should pay attention to not too much and certainly not too little when watering, as long as it is appropriate. And the watering time is best in the morning and evening, which is good for azaleas to absorb water.

Fertilization: Azalea is a very atmospheric flower, she does not need too much fertilizer to grow, so be careful not to fertilize too much, too much fertilization will make it difficult for azaleas to absorb and die. Proper fertilization can make azaleas grow well and bloom beautifully.

Sunshine: there is also a very important and indispensable way to cultivate azaleas is the absorption of sunlight. For plants and flowers, it is necessary to promote photosynthesis. Therefore, the growth of azaleas is also inseparable from the sun, but can not be exposed to the sun all day, suitable sunshine can make azaleas bloom more beautiful and moving.

Pruning: how to raise azaleas must pay attention to the bud stage should be timely pick buds, so that the concentrated supply of nutrients, promote flowers big color. Pruning branches is generally carried out in spring and autumn, cutting off cross branches, over-dense branches, overlapping branches, diseased and weak branches, and remove residual flowers in time.

How to control rhododendron diseases and insect pests

Brown spot is the main disease of rhododendron. At the initial stage of the disease, small brown spots appeared on the leaf surface, and then gradually expanded into large dark-exposed patches, with many black or grayish brown spots scattered on the disease spot. The damaged leaves turn yellow and fall off easily, which not only affects the flowering in the same year, but also has a great influence on the bud development in the following year. Plum rain season is more serious, after the disease should be timely removal of diseased leaves, and spray 50% topiramate 800 times solution for prevention and treatment.

Military worm: the adult is small and flat, 3.5-4.0 mm long, black. The front wing folds to form an "X"-shaped pattern, and the wing surface is densely covered with reticulate patterns. The nymph is dark brown with obvious spines on its body. Adults and nymphs cluster near the dorsal host and lateral veins of the host leaves. Yellow self-color spots appeared on the injured leaves, and at the same time, a lot of dark brown insect droppings and husks could be seen on the back of the leaves. It can be sprayed with 50% carbaryl wettable powder 500,700 times and 50% phoxim or 50% fenitrothion emulsion 1000-1500 times.

Leaf swelling disease: mainly occurs on tender leaves, buds and stems. At the initial stage, the plaque is reddish. It turns yellowish brown and produces white powder on the surface. In the later stage, the lesion became exposed to black. The lesions healed each other, the whole leaf was swollen, or malformed and curled, and finally withered and fell off. Remove the diseased leaves and destroy them before the white powder is produced in the disease. Spray 65% Dysen zinc 600 times solution for control.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if the direct light in summer is too strong, frostbite, watering too much, fertilization is too thick, put indoors for too long, put in poor air circulation or dark and humid places, acid rain, etc., will cause rhododendron flowers do not blossom or leaves fall, so pay attention to it carefully.