
How to make banyan bonsai?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, ① buys banyan pile blanks with good tree shape, many tuber roots, small fibrous roots, rich luster and small leaf spacing, and subtracts withered branches and leaves and some old leaves with poor shape. ② banyan tree cultivation soil should use slightly acidic mud, add base fertilizer, plant in the shade place, keep moist, and gradually move light after survival.

① buys banyan pile blanks with good tree shape, many tuber roots, small fibrous roots, rich luster and small leaf spacing, and subtracts withered branches and leaves and some old leaves with poor shape.

The cultivated soil of ② banyan tree should use slightly acidic mud, add base fertilizer, plant in the shade place, keep it moist, and gradually move the light place after survival.

③ as a bonsai, tiger banyan banyan, melon seed banyan is the best, tiger banyan banyan grows fast, its aerial roots can be combined with the trunk, making the tree shape more beautiful.

④ modeling

1) arrange the existing roots, remove the dry mud and bottom roots, but do not damage the surrounding roots.

2) it is required that the cultivated soil is slightly acidic, fertile, strong in water and fertility, and good in water and air permeability.

3) choose a flowerpot of appropriate size as the bottom pot, put a small flowerpot inside, put the pile head on the small flowerpot, arrange the roots around the small pots, and make the roots slightly higher than the soil surface.

4) cut the trunk with a knife, coat the tree trunk with rooting powder according to the instructions, wrap the wound with sand, fix it with a plastic tube and sprinkle it with rooting powder. When the new root grows to 1 mm thick, you can remove the plastic tube and sand, and wrap the aerial root around the tree according to the design requirements, and fix it to grow according to the requirements.

5) the above ground part can be raised or knocked or stimulated by stone according to the needs of the design, keep it moist and grow in a place with good light.

6) pruning according to the relevant methods when growing to the third year, and often removing the heart and leaves, so as to make the leaves small. In the fourth year, the heart is also pruned in the same way, so that it can form the required crown.

If ⑤ makes bonsai with stone, it will first put the stump in the basin to cultivate, wait for it to grow thick and long roots, then move out, attach it to the stone, and make the root system close to the stone seam through the stone hole, so as to form the feeling of walking through the stone.

The selected stone should be sparse and porous sand stone, Reed stone, water rust stone and so on. If the root length is not long enough, you can pile up more soil, surround the root, and wash away the soil when the root grows to meet the requirements.

How to make banyan bonsai banyan bonsai

The banyan tree is a good material for making bonsai. Bonsai made with it can be placed in the courtyard or indoors, which can beautify the environment and purify the air. However, many people in life do not understand the method of making banyan bonsai and feel that they can never do it well. Today, the editor will share some experience so that everyone can easily learn how to do banyan bonsai.

How to make banyan bonsai banyan bonsai

1. Select the tree stump

Usually, if you want to make banyan bonsai by yourself, you must choose a suitable banyan stump. It is best to go to the wild to choose a natural wild stump. The time can be chosen between February and October of each year, because the stump selected at this time is most likely to take root and sprout, and the survival rate is particularly good. In addition, the stump should be disposed of as soon as possible and planted as soon as possible.

2. Prepare basin soil

To make banyan bonsai, the preparation of stone basin soil is also very important. this kind of plant likes loose, breathable and acidic soil. when preparing basin soil, it is best to choose materials such as Blackstone, silt, river sand, and building stone powder and cinder. in addition, an appropriate amount of bone powder or bean cake can be added as base fertilizer when preparing basin soil.

3. Planting requirements

When making banyan bonsai, there are certain requirements for planting. You can insert the stump of the banyan tree into the basin soil about three inches, then attach the culture soil to the upper layer, pour enough water, and put the flowerpot in a cool leeward place for maintenance. After it takes root and grows new leaves, it can be placed for a long time in a suitable environment.

4. Daily management

Making banyan bonsai is also very important in daily management. It is necessary to grasp the frequency of watering. At ordinary times, as long as the potted soil is moist, do not let the potted soil be too dry, let alone stagnant water in the pot. in addition, banyan bonsai should be placed in a ventilated and transparent place. if there is not enough sunlight and moisture, it will make the banyan plant yellow and dry, and in serious cases, it will cause the banyan tree to die directly.

How to make banyan bonsai? The making method of banyan bonsai

The banyan tree is famous for its "single tree into forest". It has the characteristics of beautiful air root, beautiful root and beautiful branches, and has high ornamental value. Therefore, banyan trees are often made into bonsai, which are used to decorate courtyards and bedrooms. So, how to make banyan bonsai? Now the production method of banyan bonsai is introduced as follows.

Picture: Banyan bonsai

I. selection of stumps

The most convenient and commonly used selection of banyan bonsai stakes is the selection of natural wild stakes. The collection time of wild stump is from February to October every year, of which April to July is the most suitable, during this period, the climate is mild, the air is humid, the stump takes root and germinates quickly, and the survival rate is high. After the wild piles are collected, they should be dealt with as soon as possible, and cut and choose according to the pile materials and training objectives. The banyan tree has strong vitality, the wound heals quickly, and the cutting pile can be put in place in one step.

Second, bonsai soil

The general requirements for the cultivation of banyan bonsai soil are loose and acidic black stone silt, river sand, building stone powder, cinder and so on, and these cultivated soils are easy to obtain.

Picture: Banyan bonsai

Third, water demand

The banyan bonsai is cultivated to cover the roots of the banyan tree, and the depth of the tree is about 3 inches. After dripping with fixed root water, place it in a cool leeward place for maintenance, and cover the ground with shade. Watering can be determined according to the weather conditions, keep the culture soil moist and unsoiled, too much waterlogging is easy to cause root blackening and necrosis. After survival, the banyan tree is waterlogged for a long time, which is easy to cause only roots but not branches. If the tree is not watered for two or three days in dog days, the tree will not die, but as soon as it is watered, the leaves will wither and fall off, affecting growth. Therefore, the management of water should be dry and wet.

Fourth, lighting demand

Banyan bonsai should generally be placed in a ventilated and transparent place, there should be a certain space humidity, the sun is not sufficient, ventilation is not smooth, there is no certain space humidity, can make the plant yellow, dry, leading to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, until death.

Picture: Banyan bonsai

Fifth, bonsai pruning

Pruning is a means of modeling banyan trees. The beautiful shape of the banyan tree can be achieved by pruning. Pruning should be timely and suitable for the tree. Banyan trees can be pruned all the year round. In the actual maintenance modeling, it is mainly to be cut, supplemented by binding, it is appropriate to cut once a year, the strong and dynamic cutting can be done twice, and the forked branches to be cut short will be cut again after being stout. The specific methods of banyan pruning are heart-picking, bud peeling, leaf-picking, truncation, shrinking and thinning, and so on.

VI. Bonsai fertilization

The banyan tree is a tree species that likes great water and fertilizer, and can endure both drought and humidity. After the stump entered the normal nursing, the rotten human and animal feces and urine or compost cake fertilizer were used as topdressing and applied outside the root once or twice a day. When transplanting or changing pots, you can also use cooked chicken dung, bean cake and bone powder mixed with culture soil as base fertilizer. Sufficient fertilizer will make the branches grow faster and thicker, and can be pruned more times a year, so as to shorten the culture period.

[editor's conclusion] Banyan bonsai is shady and drought-tolerant, has strong vitality and simple maintenance and management, so it is an indispensable bonsai indoors. The production method of banyan bonsai is introduced to you above. I hope it can help you!