
Matters needing attention in planting Fruit trees and Analysis of Economic benefits

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Matters needing attention in planting Fruit trees and Analysis of Economic benefits

Planting fruit trees in the courtyard can decorate the courtyard and eat fruit, so it is very appropriate to grow fruit trees. Let's take a look.

Matters needing attention in cultivating fruit trees in courtyard

First, select tree species according to local conditions. The kinds of fruit trees suitable for courtyard cultivation are pears, peaches, persimmons, dates, chestnuts, oranges, grapes, figs and so on. Different fruit trees require different environmental conditions. Such as pears, oranges and other requirements of deep, loose, fertile soil; persimmon trees should not be planted in dry and thin land.

Second, rational layout, suitable land and suitable trees. In front of the house, peaches, bayberries and pomegranates can be planted; pears, persimmons, chestnuts and dates can be planted on both sides of the house. Potted kumquat, grape, fig, pomegranate, dwarf peach can be planted in windowsill, drying table, roof platform, low wall, etc., and pay attention to the configuration of different varieties of fruit trees in the morning, middle and evening.

Third, configure pollination trees. The self-pollination rate of pear, plum and peach is low, and bayberry and ginkgo are dioecious fruit trees. When planting the above-mentioned fruit trees, different varieties with good quality, high yield, strong disease resistance and consistent flowering period must be used as pollination trees and paired male and female plants. Special attention should be paid to not mixing pears with peaches, pears and cypresses, grapes and cypresses, oranges and Lauraceae.

Fourth, prevention and control of diseases and pests. From falling leaves in autumn to sprouting in spring, check carefully in the cracks in tree trunks, branches and bark. If insect eggs are found, they will be destroyed and destroyed. The fallen leaves and fruits will be swept away and buried next to the tree. In winter, the withered branches were trimmed and the branches of diseases and insect pests were burned. For stem borer such as longicorn beetles, kill the overwintering larvae with hooks or plug the holes with cotton balls dipped in pesticides and seal them with mud to kill the larvae. Prepare whitening agent to whiten fruit trees in winter to control diseases and insect pests.

The method of fertilizing fruit trees in four seasons

The first topdressing should be pre-flowering fertilizer. Sprouting and flowering of fruit trees consume a lot of nutrients, at this time, if the nutrient supply is not available, it will lead to longer flowering period and lower fruit setting rate, so it is necessary to apply an appropriate amount of available fertilizer.

The second time is to get fat after topdressing. This topdressing should be carried out immediately after falling flowers in order to reduce physiological fruit drop, promote new shoot growth and expand leaf area. The first and second topdressing should be closely combined, mainly with the application of available nitrogen fertilizer, and each mature tree should apply 100 kg of human feces and urine or 1 kg of urea.

The third time was topdressing during fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation. At this time, the fruit expands rapidly, the flower bud begins to differentiate, and the contradiction between reproductive growth and vegetative growth is acute. timely application of appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the photosynthetic effect of leaves and promote nutrient accumulation. to meet the nutritional needs of fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation.

The fourth time is to stop growing and topdressing in autumn shoots. The main function is to improve the photosynthetic function of leaves, increase the accumulation of nutrients in the later stage, and promote the continued differentiation and fullness of flower buds. For the third and fourth times of topdressing, 50 kg of human feces and urine, 1 kg of calcium superphosphate and 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate were applied to mature trees. The fourth fertilization time: early-maturing and middle-maturing varieties can be carried out after harvest, and late-maturing varieties should be carried out before harvest.

Economic benefits of Fruit Tree cultivation

Fruit tree planting in the current market is also a very profitable market, now with the improvement of people's living standards, all require a quality of life, every day after meals fruit health and beauty, the market demand for fruit has increased, so the choice of fruit tree planting project is a very good choice. So, what is the most profitable fruit tree to grow?

As an industry with high benefits among cash crops, fruit tree planting is welcomed by farmers in some areas, but in order to really achieve good results, it is necessary to look at the local situation, generally speaking, each kind of fruit tree variety has its most suitable growth area, that is to say, it is the most important to choose the most suitable fruit tree variety in your local area. It can be said that half of the success is to select the suitable varieties according to the local natural conditions. In addition, according to their own local market conditions, generally planted ordinary varieties should not be developed, the quantity is large and the price is low, the competition does not have any advantage.

In line with the development and changes of the times, there is a market for profitable investment in the planting of fruit trees. We can choose some famous, excellent, new and special varieties to develop, and varieties with high market prices, such as southern bananas, oranges, northern apples and pears, and other bulk fruits should not be developed. at present, a trend is that the third generation of fruits and miscellaneous fruits generally have higher benefits.

Of course, planting fruit trees in the courtyard is not for the pursuit of economic benefits, so we can choose our favorite varieties to plant fruit trees in order to cultivate the fun of planting fruit trees.

Of course, planting fruit trees in the courtyard is not for the pursuit of economic benefits, so we can choose our favorite varieties to plant fruit trees in order to cultivate the fun of planting fruit trees.