
Matters needing attention in Propagation and Culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention in Propagation and Culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Penghao Chrysanthemum is a kind of Compositae plant with both ornamental and medicinal value. it is also a kind of flower which is very suitable for beautifying the room and decorating the courtyard. it has rich and colorful colors and beautiful and generous flower posture, so it is easy to love at first sight.

Introduction of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Basic introduction: Penghao chrysanthemum, also known as chrysanthemum, oriental chrysanthemum, Artemisia annua, the flowering period of oriental chrysanthemum is generally between winter and spring, because the stem of its old plant will slowly become woody, so it is also called Artemisia annua.

Morphological features: perennial herbs or subshrubs, plant height 60-100cm, whole plant smooth glabrous, much branched, stem base Lignification, single leaves alternate, irregular bipinnately parted, lobes linear, lower leaves Obovate-lanceolate, base attenuate into long stalks, middle leaves oblong to lanceolate, tip tip, base slightly narrow, upper leaves gradually smaller, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, heads attached in upper axils. Pedicel longer, ligulate flowers 1-3 whorls, white or yellowish, tubular flowers yellow, diaphragm coronal of crown hairs, dentate or shortly Awned. The anniversary of florescence, the full bloom from April to June.

Cuttage Propagation of Chrysanthemum morifolium

The time of flowering is determined by the time it takes to blossom: April-May blossoms in September-October of the previous year, and March flowering in May-June of the previous year.

The cuttings are made of twigs, that is, the top tips of robust branches are picked as cuttings, each section is about 6-10 cm long, 2-4 nodes, the lower part is cut off with a sharp knife at 0.5 cm below the node, remove the basal leaves, retain 2-3 apical leaves, and insert them in a shallow basin. The depth of the cuttings is 1-3-1-2 of cuttings.

The culture soil is generally mixed with garden soil and 30% rice chaff ash. In order to prevent the base of the cuttings from being injured, use small sticks to make holes in the culture soil, then insert the cuttings, and press the base culture soil by hand to make the cuttings come into close contact with the culture soil.

Finally, pour enough water with a fine spray pot and put it in a half-shaded place indoors to avoid direct sunlight and keep the basin soil moist. When the temperature is 20-25 ℃, it can take root in about 30 days.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

Fertilizer: generally apply sufficient base fertilizer when changing pots and planting, and no longer apply fertilizer in other periods. Chicken manure and a small amount of slow-release fertilizer are used for base fertilizer. Since chicken manure is ripe, it doesn't matter to have a little more. The amount of slow-release fertilizer must be controlled according to the size of the basin. The most important point is that the root cannot come into contact with the fertilizer. Occasionally chase some fertilizer during the flowering period, using "must blossom".

Environment: Penghao chrysanthemum has been kept in the balcony, it will not spend too much time in direct sun in summer. In winter, a few pots that focus on conservation will be put out of the rain.

Ball success: Ma will not grow into a very tight ball in the first year of her life. After the extreme heat in summer and the severe cold in winter, Ma can easily grow into a very tight ball. We should pay attention to that many leaves may dry up after summer and winter, as long as there is still green in the center of the branches, do not discard them, generally maintain and water them, and arrange the withered leaves in March or April of the next year and apply fertilizer in pots. Ma will soon grow very close branches and buds, and the volume will be more than 3 or 4 times the original.

Overwintering: once damaged by frost in winter, it will soon wither or even die, so when winter comes and the cold spell comes, the potted Artemisia annua should be moved to a warm indoor to avoid the cold. Those planted in the ground should cover it with straw to prevent frost. This is the only way to make it through the winter smoothly.

No matter what color the chrysanthemum is, it can give people the feeling of a gentleman. It is worthy of being the "four gentlemen in the flower" with plum, orchid and bamboo, with high ornamental value and affinity.