
Brazilian wood hydroponic essentials?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 1. Brazil wood hydroponic selection points grow healthy; belly of small soil culture plants with root washing hydroponic cultivation, the best in the container to add ceramsite, 2 weeks after the growth of white aquatic roots. Also can be selected in May to September with leaves of the top shoot direct water planting. New roots grow in about 20 days

1. Key points of Brazilian wood hydroponics

Select healthy growth; small soil plants of belly are cultivated with root washing water, it is best to add ceramsite in the container, and white and tender aquatic roots can grow after 2 weeks. The top tip with leaves can also be selected for direct water planting from May to September. New roots grow in about 20 days.

two。 Key points of Brazilian wood water culture

At the beginning of hydroponic culture, the fresh water is changed every 2-3 days, and the time of changing water can be prolonged gradually later. When the plant has a strong growth potential, move to a place with sufficient scattered light and grow with foliage plant nutrient solution. Change the nutrient solution every 2 to 3 weeks. Mosaic varieties should also be often sprayed with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate dilute solution, otherwise the markings will gradually fade and the ornamental quality will be greatly reduced. When the air is dry, water should often be sprayed to the leaf surface to prevent the leaf tip and edge from becoming scorched.

During the peak growth period, proper pruning can be carried out to control the plant height and shape, and the aged and withered leaves in the lower part of the foliage can be cut off in time. In summer, it is necessary to increase the number of foliar water spraying to prevent direct light. It can be exposed to sunlight in winter. It can continue to grow when the room temperature is not less than 18 ℃ and enter dormancy when the temperature is less than 13 ℃. When the temperature is less than 5 ℃, the old leaf tip is easy to dry up, the center of the leaf bud is black and gradually rot.

How to raise Brazilian wood, the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Brazilian iron tree / Brazilian millennium wood / fragrant dragon blood tree

Brazilian wood, an evergreen tree of the family Liliaceae. The height is more than 6 meters, the pot plant is 50 cm ~ 150 cm high, branched; the leaf cluster is born at the top of the stem, 40 cm ~ 90 cm long, 6 cm ~ 10 cm wide, curved and arched, bright green and shiny. The flowers are inconspicuous and fragrant, which is a famous new generation of indoor foliage plants. The plant is graceful, regular and slightly shady. Like high temperature, below 13 ℃, the plant dormancy and stop growing. Prefer loose, well-drained soil; potted with rotten leaf soil or peat soil. Cutting propagation; a large number of cuttings are imported from abroad. The requirement of cutting temperature is higher. Like half-overcast sunshine and plenty of fertilizer. Common cultivated plants of the same genus are: Delilong blood tree, Fugui bamboo, silver star dragon blood tree and dragon blood tree and so on.

Growth habits of Brazilian wood

Brazilian wood likes a hot and humid climate. It is highly adaptable to light and can grow under a little shade or sunlight, but it is better to be exposed to sunlight in spring, autumn and winter, and shade or indoor ventilation in summer. Brazilian wood has strong vitality, needs only sunlight, air and very little water, and can live well with its own potential energy. Brazilian wood is resistant to drought and not to waterlogging. The growing season can be fully watered. Brazilian wood is afraid of cold, it should be kept in a sunny place indoors in winter and the temperature should be maintained at 5 ℃ ~ 10 ℃.

The propagation mode of Brazilian wood

Cutting method or hydroponic culture method can be used for propagation, and May to August is the most suitable.

After several years of planting, the Brazilian iron column, the plant is too large or the lower leaves of the stem fall off, the ornamental value decreases.

The stem can be cut about 10 centimeters above the basin, and then cut 5 to 10 centimeters a section as a cuttings.

A simple slotting machine can be made with coarse sand or vermiculite in a wooden bucket or a large flowerpot.

Insert the cuttings into the sand in an upright manner.

Or lie all the cuttings in the coarse sand in a semi-recumbent way, so that the sand surface is about 1cm or 2cm. The lower part of the cutter can also be soaked in water.

Spray water frequently to keep the high humidity of the slotting bed

The temperature of 21: 24 ℃ is favorable for cuttings to take root and sprout. The top with leaves can take root faster, and can take root in pot in 3-4 weeks.

The rooting of stem segments is a little slow, sometimes it takes 2-3 months.

The mother plant with amputated stem may have several hidden buds sprouting into new branches under the cutting mouth.

Cut the cuttings when the buds are more than 15 cm high, and they can take root in pots for 2-3 weeks.

Leaf insertion is to take complete leaves and insert them into a sterilized matrix. The same management can take root in about two months. After transplanting, about 40 days after transplanting, new buds will sprout at the junction of roots and leaves, and grow up into independent plants.

Key points of planting Brazilian wood

Brazilian wood can grow all the year round as long as the temperature and other conditions are suitable.

When it is high in summer, it should be shaded properly, and the room temperature in winter should not be lower than 5 ℃.

But it is best to make it dormant in winter, dormancy temperature is 13 ℃, the temperature is too low, leaf tip and leaf edge will appear chloasma.

Brazilian wood in the room should be in a place with plenty of light.

If the light money is too weak, the markings on the leaves will turn green, the basal leaves will yellowing, and lose the ornamental value.

During the cultivation period, the water quality should be kept clean and watered once or twice a week. It is not easy to have too much water to prevent the tree trunk from rotting.

When it is hot in summer, spray can be used to improve the air humidity and spray water on the leaves to keep it moist.

Brazilian wood likes high temperature, humidity and plenty of sunshine, and if it is too shady, the leaves will fade.

Summer requires semi-shade, avoid alkaline soil.

Pot soil should use rotten leaf soil or peat soil, add about 1 to 4 river sand or perlite and a small amount of mature organic fertilizer.

The soil is loose, well drained and rich in organic matter, which is beneficial to its growth.

During the growing period, the thin fertilizer solution dominated by phosphorus and potassium was applied once in half a month to prevent the overgrowth of plants and the return of leaf color to green.

Change the basin and soil in early spring every year, and apply sufficient base fertilizer.

The Brazilian iron pillar has strong adaptability and drought resistance, and it will not dry to death without watering for several days.

But if you want to grow well, you must have an adequate water supply.

Especially in the summer of exuberant growth, we can not lack of water. The flowerpot is placed in a sunny room. If the temperature is suitable and the water and fertilizer are suitable, it can grow all year round.

Only when the temperature is below 13 ℃, the plant becomes dormant and stops growing. At this time, watering should be reduced, wet and dry, and fertilizer topdressing should be stopped.

Low temperature is the main reason for falling leaves in winter.

Irregular watering, or insufficient nutrient supply, coupled with dry indoor air, or excessive fertilization, are all physiological diseases that cause leaf tip scorch. The phenomenon of withered leaves should be dealt with separately.

If there is an insufficient supply of water and fertilizer, spray it 2 times or 3 times a day, spray it with 0.1% ammonia sulfate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a week, and sometimes move out of the room to expose yourself to the sunrise.

When the weather is warm, use a big pot, change the new soil, and replant it, so that you can take more white roots and continue to grow vigorously in the future.

If it is excessive fertilization, you should immediately change the new soil, rinse the roots with water close to the temperature, and then replant.

The Brazilian iron column is resistant to pruning, as long as the top or upper part of the stem is cut off, the hidden buds below the cut will grow new branches and leaves, and 1-5 buds can sprout at the same time, and then grow into a single plant.

Pest control of Brazilian wood

Brazilian wood sometimes appears some phenomena such as leaf scorched edge and leaf tip scorch, which are mostly physiological diseases caused by drought, low temperature, improper watering, fertilization and so on. The control methods are as follows: improving cultivation management, controlling temperature and humidity, reasonable fertilization and proper ventilation.

Brazilian wood should always keep its leaves clean and remove insects in time in the event of insect pests. The sugarcane moth is more harmful to Brazilian wood. The damaged Brazilian wood can be moved to an outdoor shady place and sprayed with 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC or 90% trichlorfon, once a week for 3 times in a row.

The common harm of leaf spot and anthrax can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder. Insect pests are harmful to shell insects and aphids and can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

Knowledge of hydroponic Flowers | knowledge of hydroponic Flowers

Knowledge of hydroponic Flower | Ten questions on hydroponic Flower Technology

1. What kind of flowers are suitable for hydroponic culture? What are its advantages?

Answer: theoretically, any flower can be hydroponically cultured, but different kinds of flowers have different requirements for the environment. For example, some varieties that need to control water to promote flowers may have an impact on flowering under hydroponic conditions, and some plant lines are sensitive to hypoxia. It is necessary to pump air into the nutrient solution regularly to replenish oxygen. At the same time, different kinds of flowers have different nutritional requirements, so it is necessary to adopt the appropriate formula of nutrient solution. Therefore, flowers and plants can not be hydroponically cultured until they are properly domesticated and adapted. There are many plants suitable for hydroponic culture, including money tree, rich tree, bean green, sun god, bamboo taro, cherub, Marianne, mountain and kelp, golden cactus, golden orchid, tiger tail orchid and so on. Hydroponic flowers can be a long bath without watering and fertilization, the same leaves, clean and hygienic, beautiful and elegant, is the first choice for home beautification and greening.

2. What substances are contained in the nutrient solution of hydroponic flowers?

A: hydroponic nutrient solution contains all the essential nutrients needed for flower growth, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, atmosphere and so on. It is a colorless, tasteless, non-toxic product, please rest assured to use.

3. Why do hydroponic flowers use two concentrates?

Answer: the reason why the concentrated nutrient solution of hydroponic flowers is divided into two parts is mainly because it is considered that when the concentration of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and other metal nutrient elements in the nutrient solution is too high, it will precipitate each other and make the nutrition invalid. therefore, in order to ensure adequate and balanced nutrient supply, these non-toxic compounds cannot be mixed together in the concentrated nutrient solution. Therefore, at present, the hydroponic nutrient solution sold on the market is only one kind, and the nutrients are often unbalanced.

4. Is the nutrient solution in the hydroponic flower container as much as possible?

A: no. The depth of nutrient solution in the container should be determined according to the growth of flower roots, not too much. In general, when the root system is relatively developed, part of the root system should be exposed in the air above the liquid surface so that the root system can absorb part of the oxygen from the air, which is very good for the healthy growth of the root system. Do not add too much nutrient solution to the container, but not too little, if it is too little, you need to replenish the nutrient solution frequently, resulting in inconvenient management. It is usually enough to maintain a nutrient layer about 5-10 cm deep.

5. Should hydroponic flowers bask in the sun?

A: it depends on the light demand characteristics of the flowers you grow. If it is a shady type, it is not suitable to let the sun shine directly, but because the hydroponic flowers decorated in the home are usually in a poor light environment, even shady flowers need to be placed regularly on the balcony with slightly stronger light. In general, one day a week when the delivery on the balcony on it.

6. Do hydroponic flowers need a nutrient solution for each kind of flower?

A: no. There are many varieties of hydroponic flowers, but not every kind of flower needs a corresponding nutrient solution, as long as according to different categories to choose different nutrient solution, of course, you can also use a general-purpose nutrient solution. At present, the soilless cultivation Technology Laboratory of South China Agricultural University has developed five types of nutrient solutions: general type, foliage type, inner plant type, orchid type and flower type.

7. Can't flowers cultivated in soil be directly converted to hydroponic culture?

A: the transition from soil cultivation to hydroponic culture must go through a series of treatments. First of all, the soil-cultured flowers are taken out to wash the roots, and then soaked in the hydroponic root treatment solution for about 20 minutes before they can be put into hydroponic containers for hydroponic culture.

8. Does co-culture of flower fish need to be fed?

A: there is no need for feeding. Because most of the fish tails raised by flower fish are small, these fish only need to absorb plankton and root exudates from the nutrient solution to meet their needs. if fed, it is easy to cause the fish to be overfed and died. at the same time, the addition of feed is also easy to cause turbidity of the nutrient solution, and the content of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution decreases, affecting the growth of flowers and fish.

9. Replenish or replace nutrient solution when hydroponic flowers are cultivated?

Answer: this depends on the rate of water consumption of plants. If the weather is dry and the plants are larger, it is generally necessary to replenish the nutrient solution after 15-20 days, and the right amount of nutrient solution can be added. Do not replenish the nutrient solution too much, you only need to add about the depth of the container 1 to 3-1 to 2.

10. How long is the period of validity of concentrated nutrient solution for hydroponic flowers? What should you pay attention to when storing?

Answer: the period of validity of hydroponic flower concentrate is almost unlimited, but generally do not use more than 5 years of storage, concentrated nutrient solution storage is to avoid light as far as possible, do not put it in a place accessible to children. Discussion on the experience of hydroponic Flower Culture in Family

As an environment-friendly way of growing flowers, compared with traditional soil-cultured flowers, hydroponic flowers have the following characteristics: ① uses water instead of soil, odorless and tasteless, clean and hygienic. ② does not need to change the pot and loosen the soil, so it can reduce the labor of growing flowers. ③ is light in weight and can be moved anytime and anywhere. The material selection of ④ is flexible and can be matched reasonably according to indoor furnishings. There are few harmful microorganisms in ⑤ water and the seedling rate is high. The seedling rate can be stable at more than 80%.

1. Flower varieties suitable for hydroponic culture have been proved by many years' practice that foliage plants are the first choice for family hydroponic flowers, such as Guangdong evergreen, evergreen, tortoise back bamboo, sea taro, green apple, rich bamboo, asparagus, aloe, duck toe grass, hanging bamboo plum, colored leaf grass, Brazilian wood, pocket coconut, mulberry, hanging golden bell and so on. In addition, a string of red, rhododendron, camellia, cyclamen, Zhu Dinghong, calla, tiger prickly plum, longevity flowers, hyacinth, and so on, this kind of flowering plants have a good effect of hydroponic culture. Kidney fern, marigold, petunia, red back cinnamon and other hydroponic flowers have a low survival rate.

2. Selection of hydroponic containers and mattress substrates ① containers. Any beautiful container that can hold water is fine. It is best to use transparent containers, such as beverage bottles, wine cups, teacups, vases, fish tanks, etc., with a larger mouth to facilitate gas exchange. The size, height, shape, color and texture of the container should be in harmony with the hydroponic flowers. It is best to clean and disinfect before use. ② pad substrate. The cushion substrate is often placed at the bottom of the hydroponic container, which mainly plays the role of stabilizing the plant, such as pebbles, yellow sand, perlite and so on. Small pebbles with elegant appearance and different shapes are the best. It should also be cleaned and sterilized before use.

3. The time of hydroponic culture is the most suitable for hydroponic culture in spring and autumn, but it also varies with flower species. If the indoor temperature is 15 ℃ ~ 28 ℃, foliage plants can be carried out all the year round. Flowering plants should be carried out when the first flower is budding, such as cyclamen, hyacinth, rhododendron, camellia, etc. are often hydroponically cultured in early January, so that the blooming season coincides with the Spring Festival, giving people the joy of spring flowers.

4. Acquisition and treatment of hydroponic materials ① root washing method. Select potted plants with full shape, exuberant growth and free of diseases and insect pests, remove the soil from the pot, wash the soil of the roots with water close to room temperature, and cut off the decayed and aged roots. The dense fibrous roots can be cut off about 1pm 3, but new roots should be avoided, and then soak the roots in 50% potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes. It can not only sterilize and disinfect, but also promote the hair of new roots, and then carry out hydroponics. This method is mostly used for larger plants and flowers that are difficult to root. ② water insertion method. The sturdy and pest-free semi-lignified branches were cut and inserted in water for hydroponic culture. The cutting part is often two or three millimeters below the stem node, and the cut should be cut with a sharp knife. Scrub, disinfect and smooth with liquor in advance, and remove the lower leaves of the branches. Before rooting, it is best to choose opaque containers or wrap black plastic bags on transparent containers to facilitate cuttings to take root. This method is mostly used for flower varieties with easy rooting and fast growth.

5. ① water for hydroponic culture and exchange water. Mountain spring water is the best, its water quality is clean, no pollution, no precipitation, and contains a variety of trace elements necessary for plant growth. Cold boiled water takes second place. It is best not to use tap water, because it contains many impurities, easy to precipitate, and the chlorine in it is harmful to plant growth. If Rain Water or snow water culture can be used, it is more beneficial to the growth of flowers. ②, change the water. Due to the normal growth and metabolism of plants, after hydroponic culture for a period of time, the oxygen in the water is continuously consumed, at the same time, the root system produces mucus, the water quality is not as fresh as at the beginning, and the nutrient solution added to the water is also absorbed by the plant. too many unabsorbed elements will also do harm to flowers. Therefore, the water must be changed regularly. The change of water quality is directly related to the temperature. Spring and autumn is the flourishing period of flowers, changing water every 7 ~ 10 days, every 4 ~ 6 days in summer, and about 15 ~ 20 days in winter. Every time you change water, you should wash away the mucus from the roots and cut off the aged roots and rotten roots. The height of adding water is equal to that of the rhizosphere, too deep is easy to rot roots due to hypoxia, and too shallow is easy to affect the growth of roots due to lack of water.

6. The addition of hydroponic nutrient solution is the fertilizer of hydroponic flowers. In general, new roots can be produced after hydroponic culture for half a month. With the growth of flowers and plants, we must constantly change water and add nutrient solution. According to the need to buy different types of flower nutrition solution on the market. It must be noted that all kinds of nutrient solutions purchased by ① are raw solutions and must be diluted. The dilution ratio varies with different kinds of flowers, so you should read the instructions carefully. All kinds of special nutrient solution for ② must be special to avoid getting the wrong object. If the orchid nutrient solution is applied to the orchid flowers, the orchid will not blossom or blossom very little. Some flowers do not need nutrient solution, especially in the dormant period, directly regularly change water or add a small amount of sugar water, salt water, the effect is also good, such as green pineapple, evergreen and so on.

Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in hydroponic Flowers

Hydroponic culture can get rid of the infection of soil diseases and insect pests, but it does not grow in the vacuum environment after strict disinfection, and it will still be damaged by environmental diseases and insect pests. Fungi, bacteria and viruses in the air can still infect the stems and leaves of hydroponic flowers, making them suffer different degrees of pathological changes. Aphids and shell insects can float indoors with the wind and fall on hydroponic flowers to suck juice. Moths lay eggs on flowers, hatch into larvae, and eat the tender leaves and stem tips of flowers. Take off the basin to wash the roots to static hydroponic flowers, will also carry fungi, bacteria, viruses, eggs, larvae, etc., if not carefully checked and cleared, it will leave hidden dangers.

Static hydroponic flowers because of the particularity of their display environment, once the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, it is not suitable to use chemical pesticides to kill insects, nor can they be sterilized with large doses of fungicides. Although these drugs can play the role of insecticidal and sterilization, they can also cause pollution to the environment.

Prevention should be given priority to the diseases and insect pests that may occur in hydroponic flowers. When choosing flowers for hydroponic culture, we should try our best to select flowers with strong plants, luxuriant growth and no diseases and insect pests. If insect pests are found in the process of cultivation, they can be caught manually or washed away with tap water. There are not many infectious diseases in hydroponic flowers, only a few leaves have brown lesions, dry necrosis, or irregular round wet lesions, which are formed by fungal or bacterial infection. After discovery, the whole diseased leaves should be removed and burned, so as not to spread. Prevention of non-infectious diseases. Non-infectious disease is not caused by pathogen infection, it is caused by unsuitable environment. Muggy high-temperature weather in summer, cold winter, dry climate, scorching sun, obstructed air environment, excessive shade, excessive concentration of nutrient solution, or can not be evenly absorbed may cause static hydroponic flower leaf tip scorch and scorch, lower leaves yellowing and falling off. Hot summer temperature is too high, due to a sharp decline in dissolved oxygen in the liquid, and prone to root rot, which is a common symptom of static hydroponics. According to the above different symptoms, find out the corresponding causes, correct them, improve the cultivation environment, and avoid the occurrence of non-infectious diseases.

How to maintain the still hydroponic flowers with disjointed and rotten roots? Due to improper management, or rotting roots due to hypoxia, or infected by fungi, bacteria and viruses, hydroponic flowers have leaf spot disease, leaves yellowing and falling off, resulting in disconnection of the lower end and loss of ornamental value. The hydroponic flowers with disjointed and rotten roots can be treated by the method of plant renewal. The branches that are still intact at the upper end of the stem node are cut off and inserted in clean water. After a period of maintenance and management, new roots can grow and become independent plants. The disjointed branches at the lower end can sprout new buds in the stem nodes as long as they do not rot, and they can be cultivated in nutrient solution at this time. Fugui bamboo, green pineapple, colorful plantain, taro, and so on, can all use this method.

Complete Handbook of Family hydroponic Flowers

There are four methods to obtain hydroponic plants: first, the flowers cultivated in organic media such as soil or inorganic substrates are removed from the pot, and the soil or inorganic matrix on the roots is removed and changed to static hydroponic culture in nutrient solution. Second, use the branches of flowers as cuttings, insert them directly into still water, and cultivate them with nutrient solution after rooting. Third, when some flowers grow, there will be walking stems (stolons), and there are small plants growing on the stems, such as orchids and pineapples, which can be removed for direct hydroponic culture. Fourth, flowers with more tiller buds, such as orchids and pineapples, can be hydroponically cultured by peeling tiller buds with roots. How to prepare hydroponic nutrient solution family hydroponic flowers (or hydroponic flowers for short) must have three basic conditions: first, select plants that are closely related to aquatic plants, that is, plants that retain aquatic genetic genes, which can be used as static hydroponic flowers. Second, select the cultivation container with no leakage and no bottom hole that matches the size and style of hydroponic flowers. Third, the use of ion balance absorption (appropriate ratio), low conductivity nutrient solution with all-element mineral nutrition necessary for the growth of flowers and plants. The recommended formula is as follows: (1) A large number of elements: 0.27 grams of calcium nitrate, 0.13 grams of potassium nitrate, 0.08 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.13 grams of magnesium sulfate. (2) Trace elements: disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate 8.0 mg, ferrous sulfate 5.0 mg, manganese sulfate 1.4 mg, boric acid 2.0 mg, zinc sulfate 0.07 mg, copper sulfate 0.04 mg, sodium molybdate 0.09 mg. (3) purified water: 1 liter (1000 ml). The pH value is from 5.5 to 6.5, and the electrical conductivity EC is less than 0.5mm / cm. The selected flowers will be cultivated in utensils and injected with hydroponic nutrient solution to become a static hydroponic flower with unique charm. In the preparation of nutrient solution, it is best to use pure water, of course, drinking tap water can also be used to prepare nutrient solution. They are strictly treated, clean and hygienic, and meet the requirements of aseptic (few bacteria) cultivation. However, it must be fully noticed that there are fewer impurities and bacteria in the purified water, and there are basically no essential nutrient elements for plants, while tap water contains unstable nutrients with the change of the composition of the water source. Therefore, the composition of the nutrient solution prepared with pure water is stable and consistent, and the composition of the nutrient solution prepared with tap water is unstable. Liquid chlorine is used when disinfecting tap water. If there is too much chlorine in tap water, it is harmful to flowers and plants. A water purifier can be installed on the faucet. Release the tap water, store it in a large-caliber bucket and put it aside for a few days, stir it with a stick several times to remove chlorine. If you are in urgent need of changing water, you can add 3 to 5 grains of sodium thiosulfate (commonly known as baking soda) in 10 kg of tap water and stir evenly to achieve the effect of removing chlorine. Most foliage flowers like the slightly acidic soil environment, and their alkali tolerance can not be changed in hydroponics. The pH of the solution must be adjusted to 5.5 to 6.5 in static nutrient solution cultivation, which is beneficial to the absorption of trace elements by flowers, the physiological metabolism is not disturbed, the growth is normal and the leaves are green.

How to apply fertilizer outside the root

Static hydroponic cultivation of flowers is a cultivation method under the condition of anoxic root system, which will cause some defects to the normal development of flowers. In order to improve the quality of flowers, foliar fertilization can be used to supplement nutrient elements. During the vegetative growth period of flowers, 0.2% potassium nitrate dilution can be used to spray foliar. Should use fine hole spray pot, try not to make fertilizer liquid loss, the back of the leaf should also be sprayed, spray once a week, spray twice during the growing period, can make hydroponic flowers flourish. Flowers suitable for leaf viewing and flower appreciation at the same time, such as taro, begonia, bamboo begonia, calla, etc., can be sprayed on the leaves once a week with 0.15% potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluent during the budding period until the flowers bloom. The temperature requirement of hydroponic flowers hydroponic cultivation of flowers only changes the way of flower cultivation, does not change the growth habits of flowers, and it is impossible to change their habits. The foliage flowers and plants used in static hydroponics are mostly originated in Latin American rain forests or tropical high temperature, high humidity and shady valleys, which are cold-resistant flowers and plants. In general, when the temperature drops below 10 ℃, some varieties will suffer frost injury, scorched leaves, yellowing old leaves, drooping and falling off. Under the condition of static hydroponics, this phenomenon will also occur. Some flowers have strong cold resistance, such as ivy, vinca, fairy pen, etc., and grow normally under the temperature of 5 ℃ to 7 ℃. When the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the leaves of some flowers lose their luster, grow sluggishly, and have scorched brown spots on the leaf edge, showing a dormant state that can not bear high temperature, such as bamboo begonia, four seasons begonia, colored leaf grass and so on. Rotten roots are common in static water culture at high temperature above 30 ℃, which is also related to the decrease of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution with the increase of temperature. The temperature is controlled between 15 ℃ and 28 ℃, which is suitable for all kinds of flowers cultivated in static water. In addition, it is also very important to understand the temperature needed for the growth of each kind of flower and to create a suitable temperature condition for it to grow in static hydroponics. Hydroponic flowers need light static hydroponics to choose more shade-resistant, shade-loving foliage flowers and a small number of flowering flowers. The characteristic of this kind of flower is that it does not need strong direct light during the growing period, and some flower varieties grow well in a more shady environment. Generally placed in the indoor, living room, office, as long as there are doors and windows through the scattered light and indoor lighting, can fully meet its needs for lighting. If the light is too weak, the leaves of flowers can not carry out normal photosynthesis, can not accumulate enough nutrition, poor growth. Some colored leaf flowers, such as colored leaf grass, variable leaf wood, etc. in a weak light environment, will lose the color of the leaves and become dull, this kind of flowers can maintain the luster of leaf color only in the environment where the light is more sufficient and is not directed by strong light.

Plant growth has phototaxis, the orientation of flowers should be rotated regularly, this work can be combined with cleaning utensils and changing nutrient solution, and the flowers after root cleaning can be rotated 180 degrees relative to the original orientation, so that the flowers will not grow on one side, and the top tip will always be straight and straight upward. Moist environment and good ventilation the origin of foliage flowers is mostly warm and humid environment. Static hydroponics also need to create a relatively humid environment in order to make it grow well. The simple method is to spray on the leaves of flowers (in order to prevent the spray from soaking the furniture, you can move to the balcony or outdoor operation, and then move the flowers to the indoor display after spraying). It is best to use a fine hole sprinkler when spraying, so that the spray beads stick to the leaves and do not flow down. Stronger flower leaves with wax film, such as tortoise back bamboo, gentleman orchid, can be wiped with wet towels, which can not only increase the humidity of the leaves, but also remove dust from the leaves. For those larger, difficult to move flowers, you can use a shallow dish or basin to hold water next to the flowers, evaporation of water can also increase the humidity of the environment. There should be a good ventilation environment. This is an important condition for the normal growth of flowers, static hydroponic flowers are installed in the room, if the doors and windows are closed, the air is turbid, it is disadvantageous to its growth. In particular, people go to work and leave home during the day, do not open doors and windows, and some even close curtains. In such a harsh environment, hydroponic flowers can not get the necessary light, even lack of fresh air, dissolved oxygen continues to decrease, and their growth will get worse and worse. The phenomenon of leaves yellowing and shedding, and thin and shrunken shoots. Where hydroponic flowers are placed, doors and windows should be opened regularly to form air convection, allowing fresh air from the outside to enter the room, which can increase the content of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution. An air-conditioned room can of course reach the temperature needed for hydroponic flowers, but the dry air in the room will cause thin flower leaves with scorched edges and withered tips. Air-conditioned rooms are also short of fresh air, which reduces the content of dissolved oxygen. It should be ventilated timely, which is beneficial to the growth of hydroponic flowers and human health. There are places with large-scale hydroponic flower furnishings, it is more necessary to do this work well.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of hydroponic flowers

Hydroponic culture can get rid of the infection of soil diseases and insect pests, but it does not grow in the vacuum environment after strict disinfection, and it will still be damaged by environmental diseases and insect pests. Fungi, bacteria and viruses in the air can still infect the stems and leaves of hydroponic flowers, making them suffer different degrees of pathological changes. Aphids and shell insects can float indoors with the wind and fall on hydroponic flowers to suck juice. Moths lay eggs on flowers, hatch into larvae, and eat the tender leaves and stem tips of flowers. Take off the basin to wash the roots to static hydroponic flowers, will also carry fungi, bacteria, viruses, eggs, larvae, etc., if not carefully checked and cleared, it will leave hidden dangers. Static hydroponic flowers because of the particularity of their display environment, once the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, it is not suitable to use chemical pesticides to kill insects, nor can they be sterilized with large doses of fungicides. Although these drugs can play the role of insecticidal and sterilization, they can also cause pollution to the environment. Prevention should be given priority to the diseases and insect pests that may occur in hydroponic flowers. When choosing flowers for hydroponic culture, we should try our best to select flowers with strong plants, luxuriant growth and no diseases and insect pests. If insect pests are found in the process of cultivation, they can be caught manually or washed away with tap water. There are not many infectious diseases in hydroponic flowers, only a few leaves have brown lesions, dry necrosis, or irregular round wet lesions, which are formed by fungal or bacterial infection. After discovery, the whole diseased leaves should be removed and burned, so as not to spread. Prevention of non-infectious diseases. Non-infectious disease is not caused by pathogen infection, it is caused by unsuitable environment. Muggy high-temperature weather in summer, cold winter, dry climate, scorching sun, obstructed air environment, excessive shade, excessive concentration of nutrient solution, or can not be evenly absorbed may cause static hydroponic flower leaf tip scorch and scorch, lower leaves yellowing and falling off. Hot summer temperature is too high, due to a sharp decline in dissolved oxygen in the liquid, and prone to root rot, which is a common symptom of static hydroponics. According to the above different symptoms, find out the corresponding causes, correct them, improve the cultivation environment, and avoid the occurrence of non-infectious diseases. How to maintain the still hydroponic flowers with disjointed and rotten roots? Due to improper management, or rotting roots due to hypoxia, or infected by fungi, bacteria and viruses, hydroponic flowers have leaf spot disease, leaves yellowing and falling off, resulting in disconnection of the lower end and loss of ornamental value. The hydroponic flowers with disjointed and rotten roots can be treated by the method of plant renewal. The branches that are still intact at the upper end of the stem node are cut off and inserted in clean water. After a period of maintenance and management, new roots can grow and become independent plants. The disjointed branches at the lower end can sprout new buds in the stem nodes as long as they do not rot, and they can be cultivated in nutrient solution at this time. Fugui bamboo, green pineapple, colorful plantain, taro, and so on, can all use this method. How many hydroponic flowers are arranged for the cultivation of hydroponic flowers in the livable room, which can not only regulate the mood, beautify the environment, but also purify the air, it is beneficial to install a few plants properly. The living room area is not large, and there are too many flowers, causing flowers to compete with people for oxygen at night. So how many flowers should be put in the room? According to the scientists' experiments, it is considered that it is more appropriate to plant one or two kinds of flowers for every 10 square meters according to the area of the room. According to this standard, it is estimated that the rooms with an area of 50 square meters to 60 square meters are equipped with more than 10 hydroponic flowers of different sizes, which can not only satisfy the viewing, but also will not cause the flowers to compete with people for oxygen at night.

How to choose hydroponic flowers in winter

Hydroponic flowers are very popular because they are clean, beautiful and easy to take care of. When choosing hydroponic flowers in winter, we must pay attention to the following four "points":

First, it is necessary to choose flowers that are suitable for hydroponic culture. If you buy back a species that is not suitable for hydroponic culture, it will not take long for the root to rot and gradually die. Aquatic plants, wet plants and a number of less drought-tolerant terrestrial plants are more suitable for hydroponics, such as Upland grass, taro, green apple, taro, Phyllostachys pubescens and so on.

Second, we should choose the flower species with strong cold resistance. Although some flowers are very suitable for hydroponic culture, they need a higher temperature to survive the winter, so it is difficult to survive the winter safely in ordinary families and is vulnerable to frost damage. The flowers with strong cold resistance and a little cold protection can survive the winter, such as tortoise back bamboo, purple leaf duck rubbing grass, aloe, hanging orchid, parasol grass, pocket coconut, brown bamboo and so on.

Third, flowers that have adapted to hydroponic conditions should be selected. After some florists get the soil out of the soil, they wash the soil from their roots and supply the flower market immediately. Although such flowers seem to grow normally, they have to go through a process of adaptation before they can grow normally in a hydroponic environment, so they must be carefully identified when they are purchased. Some white aquatic roots grow at the root or stem base of flowers that have adapted to hydroponic conditions.

Fourth, choose plants that are robust and free from diseases and insect pests. The plants with tall and straight branches and leaves and full and glossy leaves are helpful to reflect the appreciation effect of flowers.

The advantages of hydroponics

1. Daily management is simple.

The daily management of hydroponic flowers is very simple, except for changing the nutrient solution every 10 days during the peak period of plant growth in spring and summer, and every 15-20 days in autumn and winter, it does not need extra care. You only need to spray water on the leaf surface in the dry season or in the air-conditioned environment; wipe it with a clean cloth or paper towel when there is dust on the leaf surface. It saves the trouble of fertilizing, changing soil and watering water every day, and is very suitable for the fast-paced life style of people in modern society.

2. Clean and fashionable

As hydroponic flowers are completely separated from the soil cultivation environment and grow directly in a relatively aseptic or bacteria-free nutrient solution environment, they will not pollute our living environment like soil-grown flowers because of parasitic pests and germs in the soil. make our homes safer, cleaner and more at ease. And because we are separated from the soil, we can use more and more beautiful vases, utensils, and materials to grow. We can appreciate not only flowers and leaves, but also the process of root growth and their beauty, which we do not often see. Very neat and fashionable.

3. There are many kinds of application, and the technology is easy to master and operate.

As a result of conquering the adaptation technology of plant roots from native environment to aquatic environment, "Water Flower King" does not need to grow aquatic roots through planting baskets, nor does it need early computer and electric field mutagenesis, but only needs to do very simple technical treatment. Soil roots can be quickly transformed into aquatic roots, and anyone can grow exuberant and luxuriant hydroponic flowers, which greatly shortens the production cycle. It saves the production cost, makes the product have more profit space, and increases the competitiveness of the product in the market. At the same time, because of the low production cost, more and more people can enjoy the lifestyle brought by new technology and rapidly expand their market share. Because the planting basket is not used, hydroponic flowers become more beautiful and refined. Because Rain Water will change the concentration and PH value of the nutrient solution, hydroponic flowers are not suitable for planting in the open air, so some light-loving plants are more difficult to carry out indoor hydroponic culture at home, but the common shade / semi-shade flowers are basically able to carry out successful hydroponic cultivation, and there are nearly 400 experimental varieties at present. If you have a sunlight or artificial greenhouse, then in theory, any plant can be hydroponically cultured, but with different degrees of difficulty.

4. green and environmentally friendly, flower fish can be raised together.

The "Water Flower King" nutrient solution does not contain toxic ingredients, so it can be raised together for a long time without any side effects that are not conducive to flowers or fish. the fish in our store still grow well after long-term rearing. And some guests add nutrient solution to the aquarium to fertilize the aquatic plants, the effect is also very good, practice has proved that it is safe and reliable. At the same time, because of the special ingredients, it is not easy to breed mosquitoes in the nutrient solution, and if you pour the discarded nutrient solution into your soil to plant potted flowers when you change water, there will be a more unexpected surprise. Facts have proved that "Water Flower King" nutrient solution is a real green and environmentally friendly nutrient solution, and the effect is very obvious.

Selection of hydroponic Flower species

The growth and development of flowers need appropriate conditions such as water, oxygen, nutrients, light, temperature and so on. Water as a hydroponic medium contains a certain amount of oxygen. As long as the light and temperature are appropriate, timely supply of nutrients needed for plant growth, flowers can grow normally in water.

Due to the relationship between ecological habits and organizational structure of flowers, different flowers have different requirements for oxygen content in water. Some flowers have aerated tissue in the body, and the oxygen produced by these plants during photosynthesis can be sent to the root part of the plant through the aerated tissue for breathing; some flowers have aerial roots in the stem nodes, which means that aerial roots can absorb the oxygen plants need from the air; although some flowers do not have simultaneous tissue and aerial roots that absorb oxygen, they are well adapted to hydroponic conditions. However, the oxygen content in the water of some flowers can not meet the needs of their normal growth and development, so this kind of flowers is not suitable for hydroponics. Therefore, in order to make hydroponics successful, we must choose flower species that can adapt to hydroponics conditions, and do not plant them blindly, so as not to lead to the failure of hydroponics.

Flower species adapted to hydroponic culture


Araceae flowers have great adaptability to horizontal conditions, when cultured with water, most of them can take root and grow rapidly in a short time, and quickly form a certain ornamental plant shape; after washing with soil, most of the roots can adapt to the hydroponic environment. Araceae flowers adapted to hydroponic culture are green pineapple, Guangdong evergreen, Daifen evergreen, silver emperor, golden queen, tufted spring feather, mini tortoise back bamboo, tortoise back bamboo, silver bract taro, emerald, Xi Lin taro, Qin leaf Xi Lin taro, green emperor Xi Lin taro, synthetic fruit taro, sea taro, crane flower, jadeite and so on.


Almost all the flowers of the family Commelina can adapt to hydroponic culture, such as purple leaf, purple back evergreen, light bamboo leaf, hanging bamboo plum and so on, which can take root and grow quickly when they are planted in water.


The vast majority of lily flowers can adapt to hydroponic culture, such as aloe. Triangular aloe, dot pattern 12 volumes, hanging orchid, Zhu banana, dragon blood tree, horsetail iron, tiger skin orchid, tequila, Phnom Penh rich bamboo, sea onion, silver edge evergreen, silver edge step grass and so on.

Sedum family

Crassulaceae flowers are also more suitable for hydroponic conditions, such as: Lotus palm, hibiscus palm, silver wave brocade, gemstone flower, rooting and so on.

In addition, flowers that can adapt to hydroponics include peach leaf coral, parasol grass, colored leaf grass, purple goose velvet, blue pine, bamboo begonia, Begonia, emerald, gentleman orchid, aristolochia, variegated wood, silver chrysanthemum, fairy pen, leaf cactus, triangular bamboo, pineapple, Ji pineapple, golden millet orchid, rock vine, keel, color cloud pavilion, flower vine periwinkle, red back cinnamon, Sihai wave, ivy, ivy, palm bamboo Pocket coconuts, etc.

When selecting hydroponic flower species, in addition to considering the conditions of hydroponic culture, we should also pay attention to the following factors:

Although some flowers are well adapted to the conditions of hydroponic culture, the overwintering temperature is relatively high, for example, the overwintering temperature of some species of evergreen and variegated trees is more than 15c, and the overwintering temperature of green pineapple, taro, Phnom Penh rich bamboo and dragon blood trees is also above 10c. This is certainly not a problem for rooms that are heated in winter, but it is very difficult for most families to get these flowers safely through the cold winter. Although some flowers will not lead to the death of the whole plant after overwintering, due to the influence of low temperature and freezing injury, the leaves of the plants will become wilted, lose their due luster, the leaves turn yellow, the leaf tips or leaf edges become scorched, or new scorch spots appear on the leaves, and even cause a large number of defoliation or some branches and leaves to die, thus losing the value of appreciation. Therefore, when there are no more stable conditions for domestic mosquitoes, we must pay attention to the selection of flower species with strong cold resistance. The flowers suitable for hydroponic culture in ordinary families are:

Flowers with strong cold resistance

Such as evergreen, rattan, brown bamboo, tequila, peach leaf coral, gemstone flowers, sea onions, flowers and leaves along the steps, etc. can withstand the low temperature of about 0c.

Flowers with a certain degree of cold resistance

Such as tortoise back bamboo, purple leaf duckweed, light leaf bamboo, aloe, hanging orchid, silver wave brocade, parasol grass, purple velvet, silver chrysanthemum, golden millet orchid, Caiyun Pavilion, flowers and leaves vine periwinkle, ivy, pocket coconut and so on, you can survive the winter safely with a little protection when overwintering.

Of course, although some flowers, such as ruby taro, emerald taro, fruit taro, green apple, tiger tail orchid, and variable leaf wood, are safe and difficult to survive the winter, they are convenient to obtain materials, grow rapidly, and have high ornamental value, and can also be purchased and cultivated in the warm spring.

Yin tolerance problem

Due to the poor indoor lighting conditions, it is appropriate to choose flowers that prefer half-shade or tolerate half-shade. At the same time, even foliage plants that like half-shade or tolerate half-shade have different requirements for light intensity, such as variable-leaf wood, purple-leaf duckweed, hanging bamboo plum, etc., but white crane taro, hulk, Guangdong evergreen, silver emperor and so on all have a strong ability to tolerate shade. Due to the different lighting conditions of different rooms and rooms, the appropriate types of flowers should be selected according to the lighting conditions of the placement location, so as to ensure the normal growth of flowers and maintain good ornamental. When the light is insufficient, the branches and leaves of the plant are too long, the stem is thin, the internodes are longer, the leaves become smaller, abnormally small, lose green and lose their due luster, the leaves fade with colored spots, and even produce a large number of fallen leaves, thus seriously affecting the ornamental of flowers.

Water-raised orchid technology

Hanging orchid, the leaf color is fresh and green, the leaf shape is like orchid, fresh and elegant, it is a common family foliage flower that people like. In addition, it has the unique effect of purifying indoor air, which is one of the important reasons why people like to plant it indoors.

1. Container: container bottle can be single-layer or double-layer. Single-layer bottles are made of plastic bottles without bottom holes or ceramic bottles without bottom holes. In the double-layer bottle, the plastic screen is taken as the upper layer, and the lower bottle is a bottomless bottle. The hanging orchid is planted in the upper plastic screen to let the root of the hanging orchid droop in the bottle.

2. Take seedlings: remove the potted or ground-planted orchids from the pot or dig up from the ground, remove the soil from the roots, wash the roots with clean water, cut off the old and rotten roots, leave the fibrous roots, cut off some leaves (old leaves, leaves of diseases and insect pests), and leave strong leaves, generally leaving 6 to 10 leaves.

3. Pot up: the pot method of a single-layer bottle is to insert the treated hanging orchid into the bottle, fasten the bottle mouth with a sponge and insert a plastic straw for water transport. Let the orchid plant stand upright, fill the bottle with water and flower nutrient solution, and let the root of the orchid grow in water. In the double-layer bottle cultivation method, the plant of the orchid is planted on a plastic sieve, and the root passes through the small hole of the plastic sieve into the lower bottle, which is filled with pottery or stone rice (large grains) to make the orchid stand upright, and the lower bottle is filled with clear water and flower nutrition solution. After potting, put the orchid indoors or in a cool place for management.

4. Management:

① water: water and flower nutrient solution are added every 4 days for single-layer container cultivation, and the water is input from the straw until the water is full. Change the water of the double-layer bottle once a week, pour out the water when changing the water, wash the bottle clean, fill it with water and flower nutrient solution, and then put the plastic sieve on the bottle.

② fertilizer: adding water and changing water in the root and adding flower nutrient solution at the same time, topdressing outside the root is spraying branches and leaves with diluted flower nutrient solution every 3 days.

③ control of diseases and insect pests: if you find any diseases and insect pests, you can use universal powder and water to spray leaves.

④ to promote flowers: half a year after the flowering, do not spray water on the flowers, to prevent early falling flowers, flowers withered should be cut off from the branches to promote re-flowering.

The outstanding one in static hydroponics

There are more than 2500 species of Araceae belonging to 105 genera, which originated in tropical Asia and are produced in the waters or swamps of forest areas. after a long historical evolution, most of them have developed into terrestrial plants and few aquatic species. The common excellent ornamental plants (genera) in Araceae are: Candle, Dendrocalamus, Taro, unicorn, calla, evergreen, colorful taro, green velvet, bract taro, and so on. Although the above genera are terrestrial, they are closely related to aquatic vascular plants: some are wet species, some have aerial roots, some are prone to adventitious roots, and some are easy to develop ventilatory tissues under stress. Terrestrial plants are cultured in static water, and the root respiration is in a serious state of hypoxia. The prerequisite for its success is the correct selection of plant species, that is, it is closely related to aquatic plants. Araceae plants are closely related to aquatic plants, which are shown as follows: first, Araceae plants evolve and develop with aquatic genes as the center. According to the new Engler system, the most primitive genus in the Araceae is the genus Gladiolus, and the most evolved genus Gladiolus, both of which are aquatic plants. Acorus calamus is an aquatic or wet evergreen herb. it is the most primitive genus in the Araceae. It originated in the old tropics of the late Cretaceous (about 100 million years ago) and first appeared in the water environment. The genus Artemisia, which is the most evolved single genus in Araceae, is almost all over the freshwater waters of the old and new continents. It is a floating plant cultivated by nutrition, which is easy to migrate and spread and has a strong ability of proliferation. In addition, there are famous aquatic species such as Acorus calamus, taro and taro in Araceae. As an aquatic plant, the evolved genus Gladiolus is not a simple repetition of the original Gladiolus, but a dialectical "negative negation", a repetition on a higher basis. Although most species of Araceae grow on land, they all come from aquatic ancestors, which forms the "negation" of aquatic ancestors. In the end, it is transformed into a more advanced aquatic plant of the genus Magnolia, and this reply is once again "negative", that is, the dialectical law of "negative negation". It shows that the opposite poles of aquatic and terrestrial life have been unified in the dialectical development. This is the unique philosophical reason why Araceae plants are outstanding in static hydroponics. 2. Araceae belongs to the order Araceae, which has only two families, and the other family for the same purpose is Aquatic Pleuroidae, which is a floating or submerged herb. It is proved that Araceae and Pteropodidae share the same aquatic ancestors and have a very close relationship with each other. It can be seen that the plants of Araceae take aquatic genes as the center and evolve forward according to the approximate spiral curve. Third, the relationship of the order Araceae in the plant taxonomic system: the Hutchinson system believes that the order Liliformes evolved from the order Liliformes, while a few aquatic types of the order Liliformes have a parallel relationship with the marshes. The Tahta system believes that the order Araceae has a common ancestor with Palm order and Bana order (primitive lily), which can be traced back to Magnolia. Cronquist system believes that the order Araceae is closely related to the order Coleoptera and Palm, and has a common ancestor with the order Liliacea. From the above classification system, it can be inferred that the order Araceae is related to Liliformes and palms containing aquatic plants. To sum up, Araceae plants evolve forward with aquatic genetic genes as the center, have a common ancestor with aquatic planktonic families, and are related to lilies and palms containing aquatic species. Therefore, they contain aquatic genetic genes, which is the direct reason for making Araceae plants outstanding in static hydroponics.

Judgement and treatment of hydroponic rotten root

In the process of hydroponic culture, rotting roots are often caused by management and other reasons, such as too low temperature, excessive fertilization, diseases and so on. Rotting roots will make the water quality worse and affect the growth of plants. To judge whether the root is rotten, one is to smell the root with the nose, and if there is a bad smell, it proves that the root has rotted; the second is to smell the water, which means that the root system may also rot and deteriorate; and the third is to observe the appearance of the root system. If the root turns yellow and changes color, it means that the root system has been damaged. After the root system is rotten, gently pull the rhizosphere with your hand, and its epidermis is very easy to tear off, leaving only the lignified part.

After the emergence of rotten roots, to be cut off in time, generally rotten roots are gradually rotting upward from the tip, after pruning, until cut to the normal root system. After changing water, pay attention to observe that if rotten roots continue to appear, they should be dealt with in a timely manner.

Simple hydroponic facilities-- bottles and cans and cultivation management

The use of waste containers, such as beverage cans, jars, white polystyrene hard foam boxes (boxes), etc., with a little finishing, can become hydroponic carriers of different sizes and shapes, which can not only adjust measures to local conditions and make the best use of things, but also green the surrounding environment. It has the interest of returning to nature.

I. bottles and cans

1. Such as metal beverage cans, glass or plastic bottles, paper foil square beverage boxes, etc., are originally filled with liquid, as long as the original contents are washed and refreshed, they can be used as hydroponic carriers.

two。 Planting cup: according to the size of the mouth of the selected container, choose the plastic cold drink cup, which is exactly the size of the mouth 1 to 3, as the carrier of anchoring plants. As shown in figure 1, dig out the "well" hole at the bottom of the cup so that the root system can reach into the nutrient solution through the bottom of the cup, and the anchors of the plant will not leak out. The opening also has the function of breathability.

3. Plant anchoring: prepare a piece of non-woven cloth (non-woven cloth) for clothing padding about 8 × 12 cm, rinse off the soil gently and do not damage the root system. Wrap the root system with non-woven cloth, and then use porous plastic sponge (debris cut off from coat pads, sofas, seat cushions, etc.), or a small amount of rock wool and glass wool (used as thermal insulation materials, there are yellow, there are also yellow with white) and other coarsening, so that it can be stuffed into the plastic planting cup to anchor the plant. In fact, do not have the above-mentioned things on hand, the use of flower paste, after proper cutting can also be used as anchoring material. The non-woven rolls enclosing the roots, together with the exposed roots, are immersed in bottles and jars containing nutrient solution. It must be noted that the surface of the nutrient solution should have a space distance of not less than 1 cm from the bottom of the planting cup. This is the key to the success or failure of hydroponics. With the help of the osmosis of non-woven fabric, the nutrient solution continues to supply the root system with nutrition for about half a month, and the nutrient solution decreases gradually with the growth and transpiration of crops. When the liquid level drops to 1 top 4 of the container height, a new nutrient solution can be added. At this time, the distance between the liquid level and the bottom of the planting cup can be larger, about 3 centimeters.

4. Cultivation management: if you use a transparent glass container, you must cover the bottle with a shade to avoid direct sunlight to breed algae and compete with the culture for nutrition. In summer, in order to prevent a substantial rise in liquid temperature caused by sunlight exposure, it is best to have shading measures, or put in a place where the sun cannot be exposed directly.

2. Box class

1. Box: usually used as a shock-proof polystyrene white rigid foam box, or corrugated cartons, wooden cases with a certain strength can be used. It is generally about 35 × 25 × 15 cm and 60 × 40 × 16 cm. If there is a hole in the bottom of the box, it can be paved with wood or foam board. The box is lined with black agricultural film to prevent nutrient solution leakage. If it is confirmed that the box does not leak and does not penetrate light, the film can be avoided. If there is no black film, other films can also be used.

two。 Upper cover: the function of upper cover and fixing plate. Find a polystyrene foam board with the same area as the box and about 2.5 cm thick as the upper cover and fixed planting board. A certain number of planting holes with a diameter of about 6 cm are opened on the board. Like bottles and cans, as long as the selected plastic cold drink cup can be placed in it, it will reveal about 1 inch and 2 cups high. The number of planting holes depends on the size of the box. It is generally 6 to 16 acupoints. In addition, a small hole with a diameter of 2 cm is opened near the inside of the box near the side of the upper cover, which is used to peep the liquid level of the nutrient solution and to add the nutrient solution.

3. Planting cup: select materials and prepare the same bottles and cans.

4. Floating board: take a polystyrene foam board which is 2.5cm less than the net area of the box and 2.5cm thick as a floating board. There are regular holes with a diameter of 1cm to 2cm to increase the air content of the floating board and facilitate the root system to extend into the nutrient solution. The floating board is covered with a thin layer of rock wool (about 1 cm dry thickness), or glass wool of the same thickness, or 250g / m2 of non-woven cloth, which is used to absorb nutrient solution. When it is really impossible to get these things, medical sterilized skim gauze can also be used instead. The area of the cotton infiltration layer is about 6 cm more than that around the floating board, so that the excess part laid on the floating board can freely droop from around the floating board (like an apron) and soak into the nutrient solution to absorb the nutrient solution, so as to ensure that a wet layer with nutrient solution is formed on the floating board. The roots of plants can stretch freely on the floating board and have more direct contact with the air. Another part of the root system can still absorb nutrients through the four sides of the floating board or through the holes in the floating board into the nutrient solution. This method can make up for the unfavorable environment that the general hydrostatic culture can not circulate nutrient solution and oxygenation.

5. Cultivation management:

The main results are as follows: (1) pour the prepared nutrient solution into the cultivation box. At the beginning of planting, the liquid level should be slightly higher, and the floating board should touch the non-woven root roll protruding from the planting cup, so that the nutrient solution can be absorbed. The highest liquid level must have some space in the cultivation box. When the nutrient solution is reduced to 3-5 cm with the absorption and transpiration of the plant, the nutrient solution should be added until the liquid depth is about 10 cm.

(2) when the nutrients of the nutrient solution change greatly, or when there is precipitation, turbidity, stench and pathogen infection, the nutrient solution should be updated as appropriate until it is completely updated.

Requirements of hydroponic flowers for moist environment and good ventilation environment

The origin of foliage flowers is mostly in a warm and humid environment. Static hydroponics also need to create a relatively humid environment in order to make it grow well. The simple method is to spray on the leaves of flowers (in order to prevent the spray from soaking the furniture, you can move to the balcony or outdoor operation, and then move the flowers to the indoor display after spraying). It is best to use a fine hole sprinkler when spraying, so that the spray beads stick to the leaves and do not flow down. Stronger flower leaves with wax film, such as tortoise back bamboo, gentleman orchid, can be wiped with wet towels, which can not only increase the humidity of the leaves, but also remove dust from the leaves. For those larger, difficult to move flowers, you can use a shallow dish or basin to hold water next to the flowers, evaporation of water can also increase the humidity of the environment.

There should be a good ventilation environment. This is an important condition for the normal growth of flowers, static hydroponic flowers are installed in the room, if the doors and windows are closed, the air is turbid, it is disadvantageous to its growth. In particular, people go to work and leave home during the day, do not open doors and windows, and some even close curtains. In such a harsh environment, hydroponic flowers can not get the necessary light, even lack of fresh air, dissolved oxygen continues to decrease, and their growth will get worse and worse. The phenomenon of leaves yellowing and shedding, and thin and shrunken shoots. Where hydroponic flowers are placed, doors and windows should be opened regularly to form air convection, allowing fresh air from the outside to enter the room, which can increase the content of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution.

An air-conditioned room can of course reach the temperature needed for hydroponic flowers, but the dry air in the room will cause thin flower leaves with scorched edges and withered tips. Air-conditioned rooms are also short of fresh air, which reduces the content of dissolved oxygen. It should be ventilated timely, which is beneficial to the growth of hydroponic flowers and human health. There are places with large-scale hydroponic flower furnishings, it is more necessary to do this work well.

The light needed by hydroponic flowers

Static hydroponics choose more shade-resistant and shade-loving foliage flowers and a small number of flowers. The characteristic of this kind of flower is that it does not need strong direct light during the growing period, and some flower varieties grow well in a more shady environment. Generally placed in the indoor, living room, office, as long as there are doors and windows through the scattered light and indoor lighting, can fully meet its needs for lighting. If the light is too weak, the leaves of flowers can not carry out normal photosynthesis, can not accumulate enough nutrition, poor growth. Some colored leaf flowers, such as colored leaf grass, variable leaf wood, etc. in a weak light environment, will lose the color of the leaves and become dull, this kind of flowers can maintain the luster of leaf color only in the environment where the light is more sufficient and is not directed by strong light.

Plant growth has phototaxis, the orientation of flowers should be rotated regularly, this work can be combined with cleaning utensils and changing nutrient solution, and the flowers after root cleaning can be rotated 180 degrees relative to the original orientation, so that the flowers will not grow on one side, and the top tip will always be straight and straight upward.

How hydroponic Flowers survive the Winter safely

How to survive the winter of hydroponic flowers

In general, flowers dormant when they are below 5-8 degrees Celsius, and tissue necrosis occurs when they are below 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, if the indoor temperature is above 5 degrees Celsius, hydroponic flowers can generally survive the winter safely; in winter in the south, the indoor temperature is generally not lower than 5 degrees Celsius, if the extremely low temperature weather occurs for a few days, it can be solved by lighting a 60-watt incandescent lamp above the flowers to solve the problem; while in the north, because there is mostly indoor heating, it can also meet the safety of hydroponic flowers to survive the winter.

Why do hydroponic flowers change water?

Because plants absorb water and inorganic salts from the nutrient solution, the nutrients in the nutrient solution will become less and less, and because of the respiration and metabolism of roots, there will be more and more harmful substances in the water. So hydroponic flowers should be replaced with a new nutrient solution after a period of growth. In fact, this and soil cultivation of flowers is the same reason, soil cultivation of flowers to fertilize and change the soil once a year is also the reason. Hydroponic flowers in the vigorous growth of spring and summer water change time interval is shorter, slow growth in autumn and winter can be longer.

Cyclamen hydroponics

Planting cyclamen in water has only begun to appear in Europe in the last year or two. Because this cultivation method makes cyclamen break away from the traditional flowerpot and matrix, it is clean and beautiful, and it can endow the blooming cyclamen plant with a variety of cultivation and application forms. As soon as it appears in the market, it has won the warm welcome of consumers. In fact, cyclamen is not difficult to grow in water. First of all, we should choose satisfactory cyclamen potted flowers and prepare containers for hydroponic cyclamen, so that when the preparation work is completed, we can begin to make hydroponic cyclamen. Hydroponic cyclamen should deduct the bought cyclamen potted flowers together with the substrate (flower soil) from the basin, put them under the faucet and wash the matrix clean with a gentle flow of water, or you can put the plant together with the matrix in a water basin filled with water. rinse the matrix in water, and then rinse it with tap water. Note that the action must be gentle in the whole process of removing the matrix to avoid damage to the roots of cyclamen. Washed cyclamen plants can be placed in a pre-prepared hydroponic container, plus water, beautiful hydroponic cyclamen is made.

It should be pointed out that there is no need to add any fertilizer to the water to cultivate cyclamen. The nutrients in the bulb roots of cyclamen can maintain the normal growth and flowering of cyclamen plants for 6 weeks. At the same time, the height of the water surface should be kept below the bulb. In general, according to the evaporation of water, water can be added to the container twice a week to maintain the height of the water surface.

In fact, in cyclamen hydroponics, cyclamen plant is only one of the factors. In order to make hydroponic cyclamen with distinctive characteristics and outstanding personality, it also depends on the selection of hydroponic utensils and the combination of cyclamen plants. It all depends on the producer's unique perspective and flexible creativity.

Water culture method of keeping ball orchid and root in water

The orchid has always been cultivated with soil. Through the experiment of exposed root hydroponics, it has the following characteristics: ① saving labor, ② sanitation, less ③ diseases and insect pests, simple ④ management, long flowering period of ⑤, and ⑥ appreciating leaves and flowers with considerable roots.

The method of water culture of dew root is:

(-) Seedling treatment: dig up the soil-grown orchids, wash them with clean water, cut off withered leaves and leaves of diseases and insect pests, and soak them in diluted flower nutrient solution for half a day.

(2) on the basin: take a glass bottle or vase (without bottom hole), put several beautiful river stones at the bottom of the bottle, move the treated orchid seedlings onto the river stone of the vase, unfold the roots, add clear water, add flower nutrient solution, and place them indoors or in a cool place.

(3) Management: first, spray leaves with clear water once a day, spray leaves with flower nutrient solution every three to four days after one or two days: change water on one side every 15 days, and add nutrient solution after changing water; third, one month after the pot, the head of orchid is injected with flower nutrient solution, half a milliliter at a time, and then once a month to promote growth, flowering and prolong flowering.

(4) it can blossom in about two to three months after potting. Flowers withered after pruning, change water, add nutrient injection, can blossom again.

There is a difference between hydroponic culture and hydroponic cultivation of flowers.

In recent years, some hydroponic and hydroponic flowers are favored by people because of their freshness and environmental protection, elegant style, easy maintenance and easy combination. On the face of it, hydroponic and hydroponic flowers are cultivated in the same form, that is, liquid conservation, so many people confuse the two. In fact, they are obviously different.

Flowers used for water culture generally have inflated bulbs, which are rich in nutrients, and their growth and flowering mainly rely on their own stored nutrients. During cultivation, it is only necessary to soak the roots in clean water and fix them without supplying nutrients. The main flowers suitable for water cultivation are daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, rich bamboo and so on. In order to make hydroponic flowers grow luxuriantly and blossom brightly, the key is to select fully developed bulbs to provide nutrients for their growth process; the second is to change water frequently and change water every 2-3 days (rich bamboo every 7-10 days) to maintain sufficient oxygen content in water and improve root activity; third, to maintain sufficient sunshine to make it grow healthily.

Hydroponic flower culture is to fix the plant root on the cover or floating board of the flowerpot and soak the root system in water, which must be equipped with reasonable inorganic nutrition, so flower hydroponics is also called nutrient solution culture. The habits and internal structure of flowers suitable for hydroponic culture are suitable for normal growth in water. At present, the main varieties cultivated are orchid, orchid, crab claw orchid, Brazilian wood, evergreen, clump taro, tortoise back bamboo, gemstone flower, hanging bamboo plum, rooting and other plants.

Northeast University of China has adopted bioengineering mutagenesis technology and has developed nine series of more than 500 species of hydroponic flowers after 8 years of efforts, including both herbaceous flowers and woody flowers, cacti and succulent plants. It also includes flowering flowers such as orchid and Phalaenopsis. With the progress of technology, some high-grade flowers introduced from abroad in recent years, such as pineapple, Anthurium andraeanum, Zhu Dinghong, etc., have also successfully realized hydroponic culture. There are also some flowers with Chinese characteristics, such as tiger tongue orchid, etc., have also been domesticated by hydroponics.

The root characteristics of hydroponic flower plants have changed, root hairs have degenerated, and most of them are vertical straight roots, unlike hydroponic plants whose roots and root hairs are reticulated. After aquatic mutagenesis, the aquatic root gene of plants has been expressed, so the leaves of real aquatic flowers will increase and thicken, and the leaves and branches will be more fresh and tender than those growing in the soil.

The key to hydroponic flower culture is to prepare a good nutrient solution. Do not use metal containers or containers containing grease, acid and alkali in the preparation of nutrient solution. When using tap water to prepare nutrient solution, a small amount of humic acid compounds should be added to treat chlorides and sulfides in the water. Hydroponic flowers are added or changed once a week, and the pH value should be controlled between 5.5 and 6.5. The nutrient solution can be used as fertilizer for other crops.

Brief introduction of Flower hydroponic Culture Technology

Hydroponic culture of flowers is a common kind of soilless cultivation, there are many methods, several commonly used are briefly described as follows.

The deep liquid flow technique is characterized by the fact that the root system of the plant is wholly or partially immersed in the nutrient solution; the nutrient solution is mobile; the nutrient solution is mixed with air to dissolve oxygen.

Nutrient film (NFT) technology is developed on the basis of plastic bag technology. The plant can be cultivated by putting an appropriate amount of nutrient solution into the plastic bag, and on this basis, the plant can be further improved: the plastic bag is changed into a plastic film and laid on a grid of a certain shape; the nutrient solution is a thin layer 0.3 to 1.0 cm thick; part of the root system of the plant is immersed in the nutrient solution and part of it is exposed to moisture; the nutrient solution flows; the plastic film wraps the plant in white and black, forming a dark space inside.

The advantages are as follows: the oxygen demand of root respiration is well solved; the structure is simple and portable, the cost is low; the plant grows fast, is easy to manage, and is suitable for large-scale production.

In the technology of aerosol culture, the nutrient solution is sprayed around the plant roots after atomization, the fog condenses on the surface of the roots, and water is absorbed by the roots. The root is continuous or discontinuous in the environment of nutrient droplet saturation, which well solves the problem of water, nutrient and oxygen supply, and the plant production is fast. Fog culture can also be used in cutting seedlings.

The water solution of glass bottle can be coated with black plastic film around the bottle, or covered with black paint, or pasted with a layer of black paper, so that the bottle is opaque. Shading is beneficial to root growth and avoid algae growth. In summer, a layer of white paper should be placed on the outside of the black bottle to cool down. Tear off the white paper in winter, use foam board to do bottle cap, open a hole in the middle, clip the plant, cover the bottle cap, the top of the cap should also be black. Fill the bottle with nutrient solution, not too full, and leave pores for plants to breathe oxygen. If the water is inserted to promote the root, it is not necessary to use the nutrient solution, as long as the water can be injected, and then change the nutrient solution after the root grows. Specific operation process:

The seedlings can change the nutrient solution once a week according to the situation. Adult flowers are changed once a week in the summer peak growing season and once in 1 to 2 weeks in the non-growing season.

Take a breath and open the bottle cap for a while every morning and evening, leaving the roots completely exposed to the air. After a period of adaptation, there can be no ventilation for more than one month.

Rehydration flowers grow vigorously in summer and consume a lot of water, so you should always replenish water in the bottle to prevent the nutrient solution from drying up.

The preparation of hydroponic nutrient solution can be made with fertilizer tablets sold on the market or chemical fertilizers. If there are conditions, you can prepare it by yourself, and the formula is as follows:

Formula 1: (PH value 6mur6.5)

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.44g / L; potassium sulfate 0.14g / L; calcium nitrate 0.59g / L; ammonium nitrate 0.19g / L; magnesium sulfate 0.53g / L; trace elements 2ml; Fe-EDTA2 ml.

Formula 2: (PH value 6Mui 65)

Calcium nitrate 1.64g / L; magnesium sulfate 0.98g / L; potassium nitrate 1.01g / L; trace elements 2ml; potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.27g / L; Fe-EDTA2 ml.

Preparation method of trace element solution:

Boric acid 2.86g, zinc oxide 0.11g, manganese chloride 181g, copper dichloride 0.05g, sodium molybdate 0.025 g. The above drugs are dissolved in 800ml of water and then dissolved to 1000 ml.

Multi-method hydroponic culture of flowers

① water interpolation is the simplest and most successful method. Cut off a part of the stem and branch from the selected flower mother plant, insert it into the water, take root and sprout in a suitable environment and grow into a new plant. When cutting branches, they should be cut at 3-5 mm below the node, and the cross section should be flat and there should be no longitudinal cracks. When cutting branches with aerial roots, the aerial roots should be protected and inserted into the water. Green pineapple, rich bamboo and so on are suitable for hydroponic culture.

② root washing method: select flowers with ornamental value, strong growth, soil cultivation (or other media) formed flowers, remove soil, wash roots and change to hydroponic culture, it is best to use flowing water when washing roots. The washed flowers are planted in prepared utensils and injected with tap water that does not pass through the root system. Initially change the water once a day, wash the roots and utensils at the same time, and reduce the number of water changes after a week. Waiting for the cultivated flowers to grow new roots in the water shows that they have adapted to the hydroponic environment and can change the water every 7-10 days or even longer.

③ stripping method of tillering buds: suitable for flowers with strong tillering ability, such as orchid, pineapple and so on. The method is simple and the survival rate is high. Select the larger tiller bud, remove the connection between the upper soil and the mother plant, peel the tiller bud off the mother plant (protect the root of the tiller bud) with hand or sharp blade, wash the soil attached to the root, and cultivate it by hydroponic culture.

④ picking stem small plant method: some flowers grow in the growth process, there are one or more small plants on the walking stem, most of them have a small number of fully developed roots, such as Cymbidium and pineapple have this characteristic, take advantage of this characteristic of flowers, pick the shaped plantlets hydroponic culture, very simple.

Hydroponic flowers should choose tortoise back bamboo, gentleman orchid, green apple, iron orchid, Guangdong evergreen, purple back evergreen, rich bamboo, hanging orchid and bulb flower tulips, lilies, hyacinth, Zhu Dinghong, calamus orchid and so on.

Strategies for the difficulties of hydroponic Flower cultivation in Summer

First, where are the difficulties of hydroponic flowers in summer?

Answer: hydroponic flowers are used to cultivate ornamental plants in a non-solid medium (water or adding an appropriate amount of plant nutrient solution to water). At present, most of the hydroponic flowers in the family are cultivated in still water, and the dissolved oxygen is lower than 1mg/l, and the flowers barely maintain life in anoxic utensils. With the increase of temperature in summer, the vigorous physiological metabolism of plants, the multiplication of microorganisms, the sharp increase of oxygen consumption, the continuous decrease of dissolved oxygen and the deterioration of water quality, many unfavorable factors are formed for the growth of hydroponic flowers, which may cause root rot and wilting of branches and leaves. even kill the whole flower. Therefore, in summer, in addition to preventing heat and high temperature, increasing the oxygen content of nutrient solution is the key to ensure the safety of hydroponic flowers in summer.

Water with silver grass

Second, how to improve the content of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution?

Answer: there are many ways to increase dissolved oxygen, which can be summarized as chemical method and physical method. The following are several methods that are easy to operate and effective.

1. Increase the number of times to change nutrient solution

Changing the nutrient solution is the easiest way to increase dissolved oxygen. According to the measurement, the dissolved oxygen content of the fresh nutrient solution is 70%-90% higher than that of the original solution, which can improve the physiological hypoxia of flowers in time.

Flowers that have taken root in water are suitable to change the nutrient solution no more than 7 days in 3-5 days. When changing the nutrient solution, pay attention to the temperature difference between the new solution and the original solution should not be too large, too large temperature difference may cause flower root physiological disorder.

When changing the liquid, we should patiently rinse the roots with clean water, remove withered and rotten roots, and truncate the aged roots to promote the growth of new roots.

If the nutrient solution suddenly becomes turbid, or there are mosquito eggs or mosquito breeding, you should immediately replace the new nutrient solution.

two。 Vibrating oxygenation

For hydroponic flowers with smaller utensils, as long as the root system is clear and the nutrient solution is clear, the vibration method can be used to increase oxygen by fixing the flowers with one hand and gently shaking the utensils with the other hand. After shaking, the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution can be increased by more than 30%.

Hydroponic flowers with turbid nutrient solution and stunted root system should not adopt the method of vibrating oxygen enrichment, and the nutrient solution must be changed thoroughly.

3. Using automatic water exchanger for hydroponic flower culture

The content of dissolved oxygen in flowing water can reach 8~12mg/l, but only 1mg/l in still water. The automatic water changer for hydroponic flowers is designed and made according to this principle. The whole frame is a flower cultivation vessel, which is equipped with a miniature circulating pump. The outlet end of the pump is connected to the set pipe, and the nutrient solution circulates in the pipe when working, increasing the dissolved oxygen for the absorption of flowers. After the pump stops working, the root system maintains a certain liquid level. There is no doubt that the cultivation with automatic water changer is to soak hydroponic flowers in the "oxygen bar", and its growth is obviously better than that of static hydroponics.

The cleaning and changing liquid of hydroponic flower automatic water changer is generally once every 30 to 35 days.

4. Inflate a vessel

If there is a tank of ornamental fish next to the aquarium while cultivating flowers, you can use the spare outlet pipe of the fish tank air supply pump to connect the rubber pipe and put the sand head into the static hydroponic flower utensils to inflate (the airflow is not too large, so as not to splash the nutrient solution), and the effect is also good with the flow of air to increase oxygen.

Third, where should hydroponic flowers be placed in summer?

Answer: most of the flowers selected in hydroponic culture are shade-resistant foliage flowers and flowers and leaves and ornamental flowers. Such as taro, white jade evergreen, silver taro, candle, pineapple and so on. These flowers like to be warm and humid, slightly resistant to shade, and avoid high temperature and dry heat. "hydroponic culture" only changes the cultivation form, but it is impossible to change its growth habits and the required environmental factors. It is best to put hydroponic flowers in bright light, slightly higher humidity, cooler and well-ventilated environment in summer. Avoid direct sunlight, but can not be too shaded, so as not to hinder the photosynthesis of flowers, weaken growth, elongate stem nodes and thin leaves. Resulting in colored blocks, colored flower leaves lose their luster.

Can hydroponic flowers be placed in an air-conditioned room?

A: yes. However, hydroponic flowers should not be placed in the air outlet of the air conditioner, the wind speed is too fast will hurt the branches and leaves, light leaves curl, heavy scorched edge withered. It is also considered that the temperature requirement of flowers during the day is higher than that at night. If the air conditioner is turned off at night, the ambient temperature is higher than the daytime temperature when the air conditioner is turned on, which is disadvantageous to the growth of hydroponic flowers.

When turning on the air conditioner, put a basin of water next to the flowers or spray to the leaves to increase the environmental humidity. The flowers are placed far away from the air outlet of the air conditioner, and there is no problem that the temperature difference between day and night is small.

Fifth, what about the rotten roots of hydroponic flowers?

A: as the air temperature continues to rise, the water temperature will also rise, microbial culture will accelerate, dissolved oxygen will decrease, and the water quality will deteriorate. Improper addition of nutrient solution and too high dissolved concentration may lead to root rot of hydroponic flowers, especially Zhu banana of Liliaceae, horsetail iron (fine leaf millennium wood) and five-colored millennium wood.

Flowers with rotten roots can regain their growth by using the following methods:

① removes all the rotting roots, and the infected part of the stem should be cut off with a sharp knife.

②-trimmed flowers were immersed in 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes and 20 minutes to sterilize.

③ takes out the soaked flowers and rinses them in running water.

The flowers washed by ④ are put into the original utensils and cultivated in clean water (the utensils should be washed).

⑤ every two days to change the water, only change the water without nutrient solution. The water quality is clear, which can reduce the number of water changes. New roots can sprout after 10-15 days.

The newly sprouted roots of ⑥ were still cultivated in clear water, when the temperature was stable at 18-25 ℃, and cultivated in nutrient solution.

Sixth, how to breed algae in nutrient solution?

Answer: algae in nutrient solution is a common phenomenon in the process of hydroponic flower cultivation. Especially in summer, high temperature, good transparency of utensils, bright environment, or changing nutrient solution for too long, will lead to a large number of algae breeding. Algae and flowers take oxygen, and secretions pollute the solution, resulting in a decline in the quality of nutrient solution. The algae attached to the flower roots hinder the respiration of the roots and interfere with the normal physiological activities of the flowers.

Once the nutrient solution breeds algae, decisively pour out the contaminated solution, thoroughly wash the utensils, brush off the algae attached to the roots, and replace the new nutrient solution.

At present, Chinese scientists are studying a kind of "algae-eating insect", which can filter and feed on algae, which is called the natural "nemesis" of algae damage. Once the experiment is successful and popularized, a small amount of "algae-eating insect" can be put into the hydroponic flower nutrient solution to eliminate the breeding of algae.

The reproduction of algae depends on good light. Use baffles or old newspapers to cover hydroponic flower utensils to avoid direct light, and the chances of algae breeding will be relatively reduced.

What kind of fertilizer is used for hydroponic flowers? How to fertilize in summer?

Answer: hydroponic flower is a special cultivation form, which belongs to a cultivation method of soilless cultivation. The root system of flowers is anchored in water (or special plant nutrient solution), also known as nutrient solution cultivation.

Hydroponic flowers should be cultivated with matching plant nutrient solution. However, different flowers need different nutrient elements at different growth stages. if five, six or even more than a dozen bottles of hydroponic flowers are cultivated at the same time, and the varieties are different, it is not realistic to buy a matching bottle of plant nutrient solution for each kind of flower. For simplicity, you can choose to use a universal plant nutrient solution.

The general-purpose plant nutrient solution generally contains all the nutrient elements (including a large number of elements and trace elements) necessary for flower growth, the proportion of various elements is balanced, and the inorganic salt is in an ionic state, which has a wide range of application. it is suitable for the nutrient needs of different flower varieties in the growth stage, and the non-toxic, harmless, pH value and ion concentration are conducive to nutrition absorption.

There are many kinds of plant nutrient solution sold in the market, the good and the bad are intermingled. It is best to go to the hydroponic flower store to buy reputable products from manufacturers.

There are different opinions on whether to cultivate with nutrient solution or only with clear water in summer. according to the author's experience, the flowers with high temperature tolerance and strong growth are cultivated with nutrient solution, and the flowers with slender roots and semi-dormant or dormant temperature at about 30 ℃ are cultivated only with clear water. Such as silver taro, green pineapple, mini tortoise back bamboo, ruby, Xi Lin taro, etc., cultivated with nutrient solution is suitable to maintain the growth advantage and enhance the ornamental taste. Colorful leaf grass, bamboo crabapple, pineapple and other flowers, a bottle of water can safely spend the summer.

The allocation of nutrient solution should be in strict accordance with the proportion indicated in the instructions, and the concentration should not be increased at will. Because the root tissue structure of flowers germinated in hydroponics has changed, which is looser and larger than that of soil cultivation. The cell wall becomes thin and absorbs water, nutrients and oxygen directly from the nutrient solution. It is extremely sensitive to the concentration of the nutrient solution, and too high concentration is harmful to flowers. As long as the concentration of a large number of elements is not lower than the level of 1 liter of micro-friction, lower concentration is beneficial to the growth of flowers.

It is appropriate to change the nutrient solution every 5 days in summer.

Can you change soil-grown flowers into hydroponic flowers in summer?

Answer: soil-cultivated flowers are hydroponic flowers, which is the most suitable in spring and autumn, when the temperature is about 15-25 ℃, which is suitable for flower growth and easy to adapt to the changed cultivation environment. The following factors should be considered in order to change the cultivation form of flowers in summer: ① selects the quality that is closely related to wet flowers. The flowers with normal growth and sound development are still growing normally when the temperature of ② is about 30 ℃. The experiment shows that the survival rate of Amorphophallus, mini-tortoise-backed bamboo, ruby Amorphophallus, Hulk, green pineapple and some pineapple flowers is higher in summer from soil cultivation to hydroponic culture, they adapt to hydroponic environment quickly, and their roots rarely rot. After 15-20 days cultivation, not only the lateral roots of the old roots, but also the end of the rhizome can germinate hydroponic roots.

When changing from soil cultivation to hydroponic culture, the soil in the rhizosphere of flowers should be cleaned up. Rinse repeatedly to protect the root system from damage or damage. Take containers with large capacity for cultivation, change water once a day, five days later, change water once every 2-3 days, water roots grow to 5 cm long, and cultivated with low concentration plant nutrient solution.

Hydroponic Culture of Phyllostachys pubescens

Liliaceae, also known as longevity bamboo, is native to western Brazil and Africa.


Evergreen shrubs. Plant shape slender and erect, unbranched. Leaves long lanceolate, dark green, petiole sheathlike. Common are Phnom Penh rich bamboo, leaves with yellow vertical stripes. Silver edge rich bamboo, also known as edge bamboo banana, the plant is small, the leaf edge is inlaid with silver and white vertical stripes.


Like high temperature and humidity, the overwintering temperature should be kept above 10 degrees. Avoid direct sunlight in summer, otherwise it will burn the leaves.

Key points of water training

1: when the air is too dry, the leaves will be scorched. During the growing period, water should be often sprayed on the leaves.

2: suitable for sufficient scattered light, when the light is insufficient, the color of the striped species will become lighter.

Hydroponic culture method of Anthurium andraeanum

Candle genus of Araceae, also known as andrographis andraeanum


Perennial evergreen herbs. Internodes short, leaves protruding from plant base. Leaves round-shaped, heart-shaped or ovoid, dark green. Pedicels grow from leaf axils. The spawn is erect, waxy, glossy, orange-red or scarlet, and the inflorescence of fleshy spikes is yellow.


Like high temperature, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid direct sunlight. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees and the overwintering temperature should be above 10 degrees.


Ramet, tissue culture.

Key points of water training

1: it is not cold-resistant, it is necessary to keep warm in winter.

2: prefer high air humidity and semi-overcast environment.

Methods for obtaining hydroponic materials

Wash the roots with potted plants

Hydroponic culture of rhododendron

Soilless cultivation is characterized by replacing soil with man-made substrates. The soilless cultivation of rhododendron with solid substrate in Hunan Forestry Institute has achieved very satisfactory results. The variety is summer cuckoo, the crown structure of soilless cultivation is compact, the number of flowering is large, the flower diameter is large, and there are few diseases and insect pests. It not only improves the quality of flowers, but also greatly reduces the heavy physical work, so it is a cultivation method worth popularizing.

1. Preparation of matrix

The root system of rhododendron is very slender, which requires loose matrix to facilitate air permeability and drainage. 1 part of vermiculite, 1 part of pearl sand, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of cinder were mixed in proportion. After mixing the substrate, sterilize it with 0.1% carbendazim solution, mix it evenly into the substrate and cover the plastic film for 1 day. Then rinse with clean water for many times, dry, mix well with 0.4% agricultural compound fertilizer solution, then cover it with plastic film for a month, and then use it in the basin.

two。 Preparation of nutrient solution

Azaleas have strict requirements for fertilizers. During the growing period, thin fertilizer is applied diligently. According to the experiment, good results can be obtained by spraying low concentration foliar fertilizer with agricultural compound fertilizer as the main fertilizer, supplemented with trace elements, PH value controlled at about 5.

The preparation of a large number of elements: 1 liter of water plus 2 grams of agricultural compound fertilizer and 0.5 grams of magnesium sulfate is the standard solution.

The preparation of trace elements: 1 liter of water plus 20 grams of disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate, 15 grams of ferrous sulfate, 4 grams of manganese sulfate, 6 grams of boric acid, 0.2 grams of zinc sulfate, 0.1 grams of copper sulfate and 0.2 grams of ammonium molybdate as mother liquor. When in use, 1 liter of standard liquid and 1 ml of trace element mother liquid are all elements. The preparation of foliar fertilizer: 1g urea, 1g potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.02g boric acid and 0.1g V.B1 in 1 liter of water.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Because the substrate has good drainage and air permeability, but the water retention is poor, so the amount of water is generally more than that of soil culture, in order to keep the substrate moist; at this time, pregnant buds and leaf buds germinate, requiring a large amount of fertilizer, and the full amount of nutrient solution is poured once in about 10 days. From March until the buds burst, foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 15 days or so. After flowering, there is a large amount of water, in addition to watering every day, foliar watering should be carried out in the evening. At this time, the amount of fertilizer is also large, so it can be changed to irrigate the nutrient solution once a week and spray foliar fertilizer once a week to promote the sturdiness of new branches and facilitate flower bud differentiation. After the ambush, pay attention to keep the substrate moist, and sprinkle water to the leaf surface, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced to about 20 days to pour nutrient solution. After the autumn is cool, you can gradually increase the amount of fertilizer, apply a full amount of nutrient solution once in half a month, and spray 1 Mel foliar fertilizer twice to promote the robust growth of flower buds. After the beginning of winter, the physiological activity of rhododendron is weak, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer, but can be watered properly according to the dry and wet degree of the substrate. In the process of cultivation, there were almost no diseases and insect pests.

Hydroponic Culture method of Brown Bamboo

Palm family palm bamboo, also known as Guanyin bamboo. Originated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan and other places.


Evergreen tufted shrubs. Stem Terete, unbranched, jointed as bamboo, with brown coarse fibrous leaf sheaths, such as brown. Leaves concentrated on stem tip, leathery, dark green and glossy, palmately parted, lobes 4-10 branches. Dioecious.


Like warm, humid and well-ventilated environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, which should be kept above 4 degrees in winter and can withstand a short-term low temperature of about 0 degrees.


General ramet combined with turning the basin, select the plants with large and dense plants, first lift the plants out of the basin, then divide the plants into several clumps with a sharp knife, cut the roots as little as possible, and the separated plants maintain a certain plant shape, and then re-basin, pour water through and put it in a semi-shady and humid place, and often spray water to the leaves, which can be transferred to normal maintenance after resuming growth.

The seeds were sown in the basin with harvest after the seeds matured in autumn, moved into the greenhouse in winter, and emerged in the following spring.

Key points of water training

1: it is easy to produce yellow leaves when it is shady but the light is too weak, and parasites are breed when it is poorly ventilated.

2: always spray water on the leaf surface during the growing period.

The method of obtaining hydroponic material

It is appropriate to wash the roots in a potted plant. The root texture of brown bamboo is relatively hard, and it is not easy to rot after hydroponic culture, but it takes more than one and a half months to sprout new roots.

Hydroponic culture method of purple goose down

Originated in Indonesia, Compositae Panax notoginseng genus, also known as purple panax notoginseng and so on.


Purple velvet is a perennial herb or subshrub with stout and branched stems. Leaves opposite, long ovate. The leaf margin is thickly doubly serrated. Named for the fuchsia hairs of stems and leaves that are densely clothed like velvet. Purple velvet color is bright, beautiful and elegant, and it is an excellent flower species for indoor flower cultivation.


Purple velvet likes plenty of sunshine, but when it is hot in summer and autumn, it should be placed in a semi-overcast environment. Direct sunlight will scorch the leaves due to sunburn, but when it is overcast, the plants will fade and turn green. The overwintering temperature should be kept above 10 degrees.


Purple velvet is cultured by cutting. Choose sturdy branches when growing, cut 10 cm long branches as cuttings, and put them in a sunshade and wet place after cutting. they can take root in 2 to 3 weeks. After the cuttage seedling grows, the heart should be picked in time to promote the lateral branch germination.

Key points of water training

1: the branches can be cut and inserted into the water, and the water roots can grow in more than 10 days. But it is easy to rot when it is hot in summer.

2: purple velvet grows rapidly, when the branch grows to a proper height, it is necessary to pick the heart in time to promote the germination of new shoots.

Hydroponic Culture method of Pocket Coconut

Palm family pocket coconut, also known as dwarf coconut, etc., native to Mexico and Venezuela.


Small evergreen trees with dwarf plants. Stem slender and erect, unbranched, dark green, with irregular rings. Leaf clusters born at the top of the stem, pinnately compound leaves, 20-40 leaflets, sickle-shaped, dark green, full of luster.


Like a warm, humid and semi-overcast environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 degrees, entering the dormancy period at 13 degrees, and the lowest overwintering temperature in winter is 3 degrees.

Key points of water training

1: avoid direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will become withered and yellow, but the color of the leaves will be light when they are too overcast.

2: the plant shape of pocket coconut is the most beautiful when it is 30cm to 50cm. When the plant is too high, it will reduce the ornamental value because of the baldness in the lower part. Small plants can be cultivated below when planting.

Acquisition of hydroponic materials

The method of potted root washing was used. New roots can grow in a few days after washing.

Hydroponic culture method of cactus

We know that the cactus is favored by people because of its unique drought tolerance and beautiful appearance, but the cactus is dirty and difficult to manage because of its traditional cultivation methods. more people make beloved plants die because of poor fertilizer and water management. Now the cultivation of cactus has entered a new stage of hydroponics.

1: choose the female parent

First of all, we should choose the cactus with a strong sphere, and the key is to select the plant with the lower rhizome protruding downward. The cactus grafted with Mitsubishi sword is easier to be hydroponically cultured.

2: processin

After selecting the female parent, the original dead root under the sphere is completely cut off, and the cut mouth is required to be flat. Then rinse the soil attached to the rhizome with clean water and dry it in a dry place for 3 days to make the incision completely dry.

3: hydroponics

Prepare a glass bottle of the right size, or process it with a mineral water bottle, fix the flower mud of the cactus or foam at the mouth of the bottle, and add the nutrient solution, which is just high enough to touch the rhizome. In production, we recommend making a glass sink with a length of 60-100cm and a width of 20cm (transparent utensils can easily observe the contact surface between the liquid surface and the rhizome), prepare foam puzzles for children or foam boards for white buildings, and dig several triangular holes with sharp knives on the layout (the golden tiger can be fixed by cutting the mouth of the waste pure water bottle upside down. Note: cut off the mouth of the bottle so that the root of the golden tiger can be exposed from the cut mouth and then placed in a flat body with nutrient solution.) insert the Mitsubishi sword into the triangle hole, when the roots of all Mitsubishi swords are in contact with the liquid surface.

four. Post-treatment of hydroponics

Buy two magnets with a diameter of 6-10cm and put them into utensils in order to magnetize the nutrient solution and speed up the formation of aquatic roots. (you can also buy a small suction wall submersible pump for ecological fish tank from the market, which can be adsorbed on the inner wall of the nutrient solution and electrified to realize the flow and oxygen circulation of the nutrient solution.

5: the key points of water training.

The planted cactus is placed in an environment with strong scattered light, and the temperature is kept above 20 degrees Celsius. Change the nutrient solution immediately after the emergence of water rooting.


It is forbidden to spray water on the cactus in the process of mutagenesis, which can easily lead to the decay and necrosis of the sphere.

What should the family hydroponic magnolia pay attention to?

Hydroponic cultivation of Junzi orchid is a hygienic and simple cultivation method, which should be paid attention to in family cultivation.

① container selection. There should be no holes in the bottom of the cultivation container, and it is better to choose a transparent one, so that you can see not only the leaves and flowers, but also the roots. Glass bottles can be used; non-toxic plastic bottles or ceramic containers can also be used. The size of the container depends on the plant size, and the caliber should not be too large.

The solution cultivated by ②. It can be nutrient solution or clear water, but foliar fertilization should be paid attention to when cultured in clear water to supply the nutrients needed for the growth of Cymbidium.

③ change the liquid. Hydroponic Magnolia needs to change liquid regularly, the number of liquid change depends on the weather conditions, when the temperature is low, it can be changed about once a month; when the temperature is high, it can be changed once every 10 days, pay attention to wash the cultivation container when changing liquid.

How to scientifically cultivate Zhu Dinghong in water

In early winter, choose one or more red balls that have flowered or not flowered, cut off all the roots and leaves, peel off the dark brown skin, reveal white and green, and soak in clean water. After about 48 hours, take out the ball, wash off the paste of the incision with clean water, dry and put it into the flower organ. Flower utensils can be bowls, pots or daffodils, etc., put into washed pebbles, perlite, absorbent rocks, etc., and then put on the treated Zhu Dinghong bulb. Then pour in clear water, preferably clear spring water (if tap water is used, it must be placed for a few days). The depth of the water should be about 1 cm lower than that of cushions such as pebbles or flower utensils. The leaves and roots began to grow after about 10 ℃ at room temperature. The water in the basin should always be kept at the original water level. When the leaf grows to 2-3 cm, it is necessary to replenish fertilizer in time, and add 1% urea solution or 0.03% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or other compound fertilizer solution containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium every 10-20 days. At the end of the next spring, the bulbs with roots were planted in flowerpots for routine maintenance. In this way, the hydroponic bulbs bloom a little later than other conventional potted plants, just in time for the summer blooming period.

Technical management of hydroponics

1. What is hydroponics? Answer: hydroponic culture, also known as soilless cultivation or nutrient solution cultivation, is an agricultural production technology that uses nutrient solution and its supporting facilities to cultivate crops without soil. In order to fix the plant and increase the air content, most hydroponic plants use inert sand, gravel, peat and perlite as solid matrix, so it is also called sand culture, gravel culture, peat culture and so on. Since the history of human cultivation, crops have been planted on the soil, so the word agriculture in English is an Agrculfure synthesized by Agr and Culture. In 1699, British scientist Woodward used three different kinds of water, namely, Rain Water, river and garden soil leachate, to grow peppermint. As a result, the mint planted with garden soil extract grew the fastest. Therefore, it is concluded that "the growth of plants is determined by some substances in the soil". Unfortunately, due to technical limitations at that time, Woodward did not conduct further research. Until 1859 Mel-1865, German scientists Satchis and Knopp carried out the first accurate experiment of soilless cultivation and succeeded in cultivating plants with artificial nutrient solution made of inorganic salts. They called this method hydroponic culture. Sargis and Knopp are therefore recognized as the founders of soilless cultivation technology.

◆ 2. What are hydroponic flowers? A: hydroponic flowers are flowers grown using soilless cultivation techniques. Hydroponic flowers are divided into hydroponic flowers with media and hydroponic flowers without media. Hydroponic culture with medium is the sand culture and gravel culture mentioned above; media-free hydroponic flowers are divided into direct hydroponic flowers, floating hydroponic flowers, planting basket hydroponic flowers, atomized hydroponic flowers, drip irrigation under nutrient film and other cultivation forms. Each cultivation form has its own advantages and disadvantages, but if it is only measured in terms of beauty and home cultivation applicability, direct hydroponics is the most fashionable, beautiful and simple, so the hydroponic plants sold on the market are generally direct hydroponics.

◆ 3. Why is nutrient solution the key to the success of hydroponic flower culture? Answer: we all know that soilless cultivation is a very simple and mature technology when using inert substrate as a medium in a greenhouse environment, because there are computers to timely control humidity, temperature, light intensity, nutrient injection time, and so on, as well as specialized technicians to test the PH of nutrient solution and the balance of various elements with acidity meters and conductometers, which are difficult to achieve when used in a home environment. First of all, if the hydroponic flowers placed in the home are still cultivated in the matrix, there is no difference in aesthetics with soil cultivation, so the hydroponic flowers in the home should be soilless cultivation without medium. in the case of no medium, the plant is easy to have rotten roots and stink; this requires that the nutrient solution must be able to make the plant not rotten root, smell, smell and grow normally. In addition, household hygiene needs, which requires that the nutrient solution is not easy to breed mosquitoes and is non-toxic. In addition, the light at home can not be adjusted at any time like a solar greenhouse, which requires that the nutrient solution should be able to reduce the threshold of plant photosynthesis, so that it can grow well in the office and home environment. What's more, it is impossible to require every user to have special botanical knowledge like a botanist, so the nutrient solution must be easy to use and easy to operate, and everyone will learn it. Therefore, hydroponic flowers suitable for home cultivation have higher technical requirements for nutrient solution. Since mankind mastered the technology of soilless cultivation, scientists have successfully studied no less than tens of thousands of nutrient solution formulations, but it is very rare for nutrient solution formulations to meet the above requirements at the same time. Moreover, because of commercial interests, major flower companies regard their own nutrient solution technology as the first secret technology, so the nutrient solution formula that can be obtained from public data is only a theoretical or experimental formulation. can only be used as a reference material and can not be used in production activities. As a matter of fact, whether a nutrient solution is suitable for use in a household environment, as long as you try it, you only need to see whether the plant it shows is growing vigorously and with or without water roots, because it is still the same saying: "practice is the only criterion for testing truth!"

◆ 4. How can hydroponic flowers survive the winter safely? Answer: general flowers dormant when below 5-8 degrees Celsius, and tissue necrosis occurs when below 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, if the indoor temperature is above 5 degrees Celsius, hydroponic flowers can generally survive the winter safely; in winter in the south, the indoor temperature is generally not lower than 5 degrees Celsius, if the extremely low temperature weather occurs for a few days, it can be solved by lighting a 60-watt incandescent lamp above the flowers to solve the problem; while in the north, because there is mostly indoor heating, it can also meet the safety of hydroponic flowers to survive the winter.

◆ 5. Can hydroponic flowers only cultivate some specific flowers? A: in modern greenhouses, generally speaking, our common popular flowers can be hydroponically cultivated. But in the home environment, because some specific conditions can not be met, so at present can only cultivate some semi-shady and shady flowers, in the balcony home suitable varieties are more.

◆ 6. Can ornamental fish grow normally in hydroponic flowers? How to deal with the change of water and normal feeding? A: because the "hydroponic Flower King" nutrient solution is completely non-toxic and rich in all kinds of minerals, fish can grow well in it. Each of our specialty stores has a model for raising fish in hydroponic flowers, just to tell guests this information. Generally speaking, the volume of more than one liter of hydroponic flowers is suitable for fish culture, and because the volume is limited, there should be a choice in the species of fish. Should choose some more adaptable fish species, such as goldfish, Xiao Jinli, etc., some aggressive or destructive fish should not be raised in hydroponic flowers, because it will harm plant roots; and some delicate fish are not suitable, because raising in a special aquarium is difficult to succeed, not to mention in a small vase with relatively poor conditions. The change of water can be carried out at the same time as the normal change of water for flowers, and it is the same as we usually raise fish in the fish tank, and there is no difference. As the special substances in the "hydroponic Flower King" nutrient solution can improve the oxygen solubility of water to facilitate the respiration of plant roots, fish generally do not lack oxygen in the nutrient solution, so there is no need to install oxygenation equipment on non-particularly hot days.

◆ 7. What are the water requirements for hydroponic flower dilution? Answer: the nutrient solution of Shuipaihuawang is highly concentrated and must be diluted before it can be used; when diluted, tap water can fully meet the requirements, and there is no need to use barreled water or pure water. If well water or river water is used, water quality tests should be carried out to understand the mineral content in the water. If the mineral content in the water exceeds the standard, the formula of the nutrient solution should be adjusted to facilitate the normal growth of plants. In the process of dilution, tap water can be directly used to dilute the nutrient solution without waiting for the chlorine in the water to volatilize, because the unique formula of the king of hydroponics will make the chlorine in the tap water volatilize quickly. however, if the difference between water temperature and room temperature is too big, it is necessary to let the diluted nutrient solution sit indoors for a period of time to prevent plant root hair damage caused by sudden changes in temperature, causing plant wilting.

◆ 8. What is planting basket hydroponics? Answer: planting basket hydroponic culture is a kind of hydroponic cultivation method based on the hydrotaxis principle of plant roots. The principle of hydrotaxis is that the root tip of a plant always grows in the direction of sufficient water, which is shown in that when the topsoil of a plant is short of water, in order to protect itself, its root tip will grow into a deeper soil. In order to absorb the water needed for plant growth and development and adapt to natural changes, the root growth has a very obvious direction: plants growing in swamps or water will not lack water, so the root growth is more chaotic. There is no obvious direction. So if you put a potted plant on the mouth of a wide-mouth glass bottle filled with water, the bottom does not need to be in direct contact with water, and the interval is about 1cm. The bonsai is not watered and only sprays a small amount of water. After about a week or so, the root at the bottom of the bonsai will grow into the water. At this time, you do not need to add water to make its roots grow longer and longer as the water level drops. If you use some fast-growing plants to do experiments, the effect will be more obvious. Similarly, you take off the bonsai that is already full of roots in the water and fix the plant with a planting basket, and decorate it with stones or decorations to become a pot of hydroponic flowers. The difference is that because there is no soil, you have to change the water into a nutrient solution. It's as simple as that.

◆ 9. Why do hydroponic flowers change water? Answer: because plants absorb water and inorganic salts from the nutrient solution, the nutrients in the nutrient solution will become less and less, and because of root respiration and metabolism, there will be more and more harmful substances in the water. So hydroponic flowers should be replaced with a new nutrient solution after a period of growth. In fact, this and soil cultivation of flowers is the same reason, soil cultivation of flowers to fertilize and change the soil once a year is also the reason. Hydroponic flowers in the vigorous growth of spring and summer water change time interval is shorter, slow growth in autumn and winter can be longer.

◆ 10. Why do hydroponic flowers sometimes become weaker and weaker or grow less exuberant? Answer: it is possible that the time interval of changing liquid is too long, the proportion of nutrient solution is not right (too light or too thick) or the light is too weak. If you rule out these factors, it depends on whether the high water level of nutrient solution makes the plant roots unable to breathe normally and cause hypoxia; if these are not, then we suggest that you had better consult the franchise store of Shuihua King.

The Disclosure of hydroponic Flower Market-- distinguishing true and false hydroponic flowers

At present, many companies have joined hydroponic flower shops, and there is an uproar all over the country, especially a company franchise store in Beijing will spread all over the country. As a researcher, I did not want to express my point of view. however, in order to maintain the healthy development of hydroponic flowers in our country, I have to complain about everything. Because the scam will not only damage the interests of consumers, but also cast a shadow on the hydroponic industry. at present, it is the low temperature season, and the respiration of plants is weak. After washing their roots, plants can be soaked in water for a period of time. Drowning-tolerant plants, such as Araceae, can be raised in water for 1-2 months, but as soon as the weather becomes hot and the physiological respiration of plants is strong, there will be hypoxia and rotting roots immediately. It is only one of the epiphyllum to buy dozens or hundreds of hydroponic works, which not only harms the interests of consumers, but also greatly affects the development of hydroponic industry. Now it reveals the "deception" from a scientific point of view.

1. The plants sold in the franchise store are basically Araceae plants. In winter, the growth rate of these plants slows down and their respiration becomes weaker. In addition, Araceae plants have a close relationship with aquatic plants and have strong drowning tolerance. Directly soaked in water after root washing, there is no uncomfortable reaction on the plant for a while, but it is impossible for it to thrive in water. It can only maintain the balance of water metabolism. The absorption of nutrients and respiratory function are seriously hindered, as soon as the weather becomes hot, the roots will be anoxic, stink and rot. Other terrestrial plants cannot achieve this method at all, so this is the main reason why they can only engage in Araceae plants to "deceive" at present. Their so-called mutagenic solution. I think it's better and more practical to call it "decoy". It is impossible for plants to change their tissue structure in a few minutes.

2. The high franchise fee charged by franchise sales is itself a kind of commercial hype, and if the goods are genuine, and if the technology is unique, it can also be said to be able to dominate the market truly has the significance of joining, and now this kind of joining can be said to be a fraud of money. one of its technologies has no scientific and technological content, that is, washing its roots and soaking in water, even fools can be concocted at a glance, and falsely, some training fees amount to 18800 yuan. Second, after decades of development, hydroponic technology itself is no longer a unique technology of a certain company, and it is impossible to monopolize the market by joining. Other hydroponic flower shops can also operate, and the funds are better and the technology is better than that of franchisees. Turning off the franchise fee is tantamount to being wasted. The real hydroponic flowers are not suitable for long-distance transport. in fact, what they are selling now are all the products after washing the roots of soil-grown seedlings, so it may be more accurate to say that pure-root flowers.

3. Hint: Araceae plants can be soaked in water for a period of time after root washing in late autumn, winter and early spring. We might as well give it a try. There is no need for decoy solution at all.

I have studied hydroponics for many years, and foreign countries have also investigated several countries with more developed hydroponics technology. It can be said that there are a large number of fraudsters in this kind of hydroponics market in China. But in the end, these joining scams will be cleared out by history and science. Remind everyone to polish your eyes and not to be induced by the decoy.

How to distinguish between true and false hydroponic flowers

True and false hydroponic flowers are actually the difference between induced flowers and non-induced flowers. at present, many hydroponic flower operators do not understand hydroponic flowers from a scientific point of view, but only from the perspective of commercial hype and personal profits. sell some conventional soil plants as hydroponic plants to fool consumers, resulting in a very bad social impact. After some citizens bought it at a high price, they died because of the physiological discomfort of the plants, which seriously hindered the healthy development of the hydroponic flower industry. In view of this problem, buyers can distinguish between true and false from the following aspects, in order to prevent being fooled.

A. look at the root morphology to distinguish between true and false: the induced hydroponic flowers usually exist in the form of whisker-shaped adventitious roots, unlike the roots in the soil, there are main roots, lateral roots, capillaries and root hairs, that is, they do not exist in the state of secondary roots of multi-stage branches. even if there are grades, they are based on a small number of bifurcated roots on the basis of fibrous adventitious roots. In addition, the number of primary adventitious roots of some original radicle plants increased significantly after induction, that is, the proportion of roots increased greatly, and the number of roots was large and developed, like a beard.

B, look at the color of the root system to distinguish between true and false: most of the aquatic roots of plants induced by aquatic plants have the characteristics of white, brittle and tender, even for some varieties that show natural roots, the color of aquatic roots is obviously lighter than that of terrestrial roots, such as yellowish white, light yellow, light brown and so on. This is related to the well-developed parenchyma of aquatic roots and no or less cork-like Lignification of cell wall thickening.

C, to distinguish between true and false from the integrity of roots: the aquatic-induced roots are re-grown and differentiated from the primary adventitious roots, and they are all completed in the water environment, with root integrity, while some soil-cultivated plants, although carefully washed, there are always slight damage or serious residual roots, which is difficult for soil-washed seedlings to achieve.

D, distinguish between true and false from the clarity of water: fake hydroponic works made by soil-washing seedlings, because the roots fail to form the adaptability of water, in an anaerobic environment, a large number of toxic intermediate metabolites will be discharged because of anaerobic respiration, so that the water in the container will quickly become mixed or deteriorated, and the turbid and opaque feeling shown by visual observation, that is, the water quality deteriorates or stinks, and the roots rot until the seedlings die.

E, the leaf angle is also true or false: especially for many herbaceous flowers which are very sensitive to ethylene, the leaf planting angle of many herbaceous flowers which are very sensitive to ethylene is obviously more flat than that of soil-washed seedlings, that is, the upper growth leads to the increase of the angle, even sagging.

Increase the content of dissolved oxygen in hydroponic nutrient solution

Except that the requirements of environmental factors such as light, temperature and humidity of hydroponic flowers are exactly the same as those of soil cultivation, the requirements of water, fertilizer and oxygen are very different in management-water: domestic hydroponic flowers should use soft water as water source. tap water in line with national standards can be used generally. Tap water after filtration, precipitation, sterilization treatment, clean and hygienic, pH below 7, can be safely used to cultivate hydroponic flowers. River water, lake water, pond water and well water are polluted to varying degrees, and the nutrients are serious, and all kinds of ions may vary greatly. if the content of one of these ions exceeds the standard, plants will be damaged or poisoned for a long time, so it is not suitable to be used as a water source for hydroponic flowers. Fertilizer: domestic hydroponic flowers must use low concentration special nutrient solution based on nitrate fertilizer. Hydroponic flower nutrient solution generally contains all the necessary nutrient elements for flower growth, the proportion of various elements is balanced, and the inorganic salt is in an ionic state, which is suitable for different flower varieties and their nutrient needs at different growth and development stages. And non-toxic, harmless, appropriate pH, conducive to nutrition absorption. It is not advisable to crush soil fertilizer and granular fertilizer for hydroponic flowers. Short-term use may have no obvious effect on flowers, if long-term application will inevitably hinder the normal physiological metabolism. What's more, organic fertilizer is not allowed to be used as the fertilizer source of hydroponic flowers. The diluted urine can be used for foliar spraying and should never be added to the nutrient solution. Oxygen: domestic hydroponic flowers, water (nutrient solution) is in a static state, dissolved oxygen is lower than / ppm/L, flowers barely maintain life in anoxic vessels, it is common for their roots to reverse growth and extend to the liquid surface in order to breathe more oxygen. Therefore, increasing the oxygen content of hydroponic nutrient solution is very necessary for the normal growth of flowers, especially in summer. There are several simple and easy ways to increase dissolved oxygen: 1. Increase the number of times to change the nutrient solution 2. Vibrate and increase oxygen, fix the flower plant in one hand, and gently shake the vessel in the other for more than 10 times. After shaking, the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution can be increased by about 30%. 3. Add an appropriate amount of "solid oxygen" to the nutrient solution or 1% hydrogen peroxide (3% hydrogen peroxide). 4. Using miniature submersible pump or aeration pump (all standard products of aquarium) to carry out waterfall gas to the nutrient solution, plant roots can obtain sufficient oxygen in such an environment, the respiration is very exuberant, and promote the healthy growth of flowers.

Discern the false technology of hydroponic flowers at a glance

Hydroponic flowers, the combination of dynamic and static co-culture of flower and fish is its first intuitive impression. The earlier concept in China first sprouted at the beginning of the 21st century. (although some people planted some hydroponic plants such as Araceae and rich bamboos in water at the earliest, but this concept does not belong to the popular concept of "hydroponic flowers". Rising in 2003, many enterprises with market vision devoted themselves to the preliminary research and planning work in this industry, and in the case of the broadcast of "hydroponic Flowers" on CCTV 7 and 2 programs, hydroponic flowers flourished from 2004 to 2005. Hydroponic flowers have blossomed all over the country, providing technical learning and training, base production, and joining flower shops. Many false enterprises and individuals of hydroponic flower companies put on a show in the market under the stimulation of profits. on the one hand, it has contributed to the hype of the concept of hydroponic flower market in China. let a lot of citizens understand and understand this new concept and product. On the other hand, many investors and operators have become victims of this batch of market trends. As for 2006, those who have their own technological core and production capacity, and relatively strong economic strength and management ability, can still survive in such a chaotic market trend, there are very few who can survive. However, hydroponic flowers, a fashionable flower product, represents a new trend in the development of the flower industry. Driven by the economic interests of the market economy, there are still a small number of speculators in the market!

The author has been on this trip for three or four years and is more familiar with this industry. in view of the current mixed market of hydroponic flowers and plants, this article makes a systematic analysis and summary for the broad masses of people who love hydroponic flowers. and investors who are interested in joining the hydroponic flower industry to give a preliminary and comprehensive understanding for your reference:

Second, what is the real hydroponic flowers?

From a sensory point of view, the use of different types of glass vases, above the plant flowers (at present, the scope of hydroponic technology has been extended to other woody, vines, succulent plants, etc.), below to raise a few lovely small fish, that is, hydroponic flowers (plants)! But from the technical level, the real hydroponic flowers refer to the aquatic roots that change the physiological characteristics of their roots through a variety of biological, physical, computer and other technical means, and have plant ventilated tissue structure. and can adapt to water cultivation for a long time, can become a real hydroponic flower (plant)!

Third, how to identify real hydroponic flowers?

Judging from the sense: the present situation of hydroponic flower technology report 1, introduction: for a successful hydroponic plant, the root system of a successful hydroponic plant should be white, elegant and with more whiskers, which is very different from that of soil-cultivated plants. Soil-cultivated plant roots are dark black! (except for a few plant root color has a unique color, such as safflower after wood induction, from its root to its branches, the stem segments are all crimson! There are also some plants whose roots are nearly white after they are removed from the soil.

In addition, if the growth condition of the plant is not very robust and the leaves are drooping, it means that it has just been planted on the bottle and deceived the user to put it on! Even if it is induced, it cannot be sold as a commodity!

Technically, to judge:

Technically, to judge:

1) whether there is a professional technical level

If, as some businessmen say, all you need is the so-called "induction solution", "domestication solution" and "nutrient solution" to soak plants in water for a few days or hours, or some even say that hydroponic flowers can be cultivated in only tens of minutes or a few minutes, this can only be said by those who do not understand biotechnology, and those who understand biological principles all know that if there is a serious lack of oxygen in the water in the plant roots, the roots will soon breathe without oxygen and thus ferment. Rotten roots, so there are a lot of fermentation in the bottle, long mosquitoes, insects, turbid water is not clean and so on, the plant will soon die! Hydroponic flowers can be called hydroponic flowers only when they really induce the aquatic roots of plants and form hydroponic plants with aerated tissue and can adapt to the state of hypoxia in water. And the cultivation of aquatic roots can not be completed and realized by nutrient solution, it needs to integrate biological, physical, computer and other methods, after a long time of training, completely adapt to the water environment, in order to become a professional real hydroponic flowers!

2) do you have a strong level and ability of artistic combination?

Hydroponic flowers belong to medium-and high-grade consumption, and its ornamental value lies in the combination of artistic sense, each product lies in its artistic glass bottle container, beautiful plant shape, white and elegant root system, and the perfect combination of fish and water plants and other ornaments in the bottle! Is not a professional hydroponic flower works, in addition to the natural senses, a strong artistic combination can not be formed by the general beginner! From this technical level, we can tell at a glance whether manufacturers have such an aesthetic level!

3) whether there are facilities and fixed supply channels for the production of hydroponic flowers?

Whether there are facilities for the production of hydroponic flowers can also be seen whether businesses have the ability to produce hydroponic flowers, if there are neither fixed production facilities nor manufacturers with strength and brands as sources of supply, then such hydroponic flower providers are likely to be "hydroponic flowers" made by washing the roots of soil-grown plants!

To examine in terms of variety:

The hydroponic flower varieties that real professional hydroponic flower manufacturers can produce are not only those plants such as Araceae and crassulaceae, such as dripping Guanyin, Chunyu, Fugui bamboo, tortoise back bamboo, evergreen and other plants that are easy to raise in water. These plant varieties, themselves close to water, hydrophilic, the general method can be cultivated in water, professional producers should be all kinds of woody plants, all kinds of water-resistant plants. Such as iron tree, cactus, rich tree, flutong, and even such as yew, sweet-scented osmanthus, fruit trees can achieve hydroponic culture of plants! If the business can provide a single variety of plants, it must not belong to professional hydroponic flower manufacturers!

In terms of time:

Time is the final only criterion for testing hydroponic flowers. If they cannot adapt to hydroponic cultivation for a long time, they will die within a few days if they are only a flash in the pan. Many of these are hydroponic flowers that can be produced in a few hours after those speculators wash away their soil roots. In a few days, the flowers bloom and bloom. Therefore, for now, for those owners who cannot provide the shelf life of the goods, most of them are speculators, such as those who cannot provide the shelf life of the goods, it is recommended not to buy them, so as not to be fooled! Fourth, how to identify a real professional hydroponic flower manufacturer?

Driven by interests, many market speculators, in publicity, adopt various "formal" means of information transmission to fool the majority of consumers and investors, in order to make some of the real hydroponic flower technology, no base, no scale. Some without technical personnel are in scientific research institutes in national universities (such as Wuhan University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Huazhong Agricultural University, China Agricultural University, Beijing Forestry University, etc.) (such as Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, etc.) A scientific research center, etc.) several offices are rented in the institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture (such as the veteran cadre Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, a technology center of the Ministry of Agriculture) or in the office building The so-called high-tech bag companies that began to advertise to make money and the technology transfer "guerrilla" companies with one shot to another have no foothold. It also makes it malicious to transfer some immature so-called "hydroponic flower technology" at a low price to lose the deceptive market, but also for you to learn these real technologies.

The author solemnly reminds: no matter you see similar technology or similar advertisements in any place or any media in the country, you must keep your eyes open, how open-minded you are, how many restaurants you see, and how much you compare. You must carefully compare the unit size, technical strength, personnel quality, product quality and after-sales service. {{remember: you must take a look at their florist products, and then ask them to call the franchisee, and try to go to the franchisee to have a look. To determine the authenticity of the technology, you may not provide it to you in many places, so you should think twice before you act. This is the most direct and final judgment, except of course. Those "high-level" companies will also use "medical care", "school care", "room care" and "wine care" to ignore you at the level of Zhao Benshan, which makes it impossible for you to guard against! You must carefully check the authenticity of the technology, training capabilities, and relevant documents; you must not be deceived by these so-called high-tech companies, which will bring unnecessary losses to your economy and spirit. In addition to distinguishing whether hydroponic flowers are real or not from the product approach, in fact, we can only pay more attention to see through many speculators one by one. Here are some experiences on how to fertilize hydroponic flowers outside their roots.

Static hydroponic cultivation of flowers is a cultivation method under the condition of anoxic root system, which will cause some defects to the normal development of flowers. In order to improve the quality of flowers, foliar fertilization can be used to supplement nutrient elements. During the vegetative growth period of flowers, 0.2% potassium nitrate dilution can be used to spray foliar.

Should use fine hole spray pot, try not to make fertilizer liquid loss, the back of the leaf should also be sprayed, spray once a week, spray twice during the growing period, can make hydroponic flowers flourish. Flowers suitable for leaf viewing and flower appreciation at the same time, such as taro, begonia, bamboo begonia, calla, etc., can be sprayed on the leaves once a week with 0.15% potassium dihydrogen phosphate diluent during the budding period until the flowers bloom.