
What is the fancy language of dandelion?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the fancy language of dandelion?

Dandelions grow in the roadside pool, we often see flowers, autumn to the time, dandelions scattered with the wind, especially beautiful. What is the flower language of dandelion? What is the beautiful story of dandelions? Today, Tuba Rabbit Xiaobian will share with you the legend of dandelion flower language and dandelion.

Dandelions flower language

Dandelion flower language represents full of vitality, dandelion English has yellow flowers, dandelion flower language is "cheerful" attribute is wind. Dandelion flower language is also a kind of: stop not love, can not stay love.

There is such a legend, it is said that whoever can find purple dandelion flowers, then find dandelion that person can get perfect love. Purple dandelion petals are lavender, purple dandelion words are: legendary purple, there is also a flying arrow dandelion, it was named flying arrow, flying arrow dandelion English flower language is "aim marbles." Dandelion in people's eyes it is a small white wings, waste in the wind, you can not grasp it, even if you get it, in the hands of tightly hold, but it will wither quickly wither, as long as the wind blows, dandelion will drift with the wind, free to drift away.

A touch of light color, can not hide the strong persistent feelings; slowly flying feathers, can not stop the sincere love conveyed. Dandelions are not solitary wanderings, but the continuation of life, blending nature. Occasionally think of memory roadside cluster dandelion, often take off a few inserted in the straw hat, and then happily cluster home; occasionally remember the summer growth of dandelion in the countryside, often fold a few on the high wind, let the hair fly. Simple place in childhood simple joy; unadorned bring people fly to the sky reverie.

Dandelion flower language is unable to stay love. Life is short, always ready to meet new life with flying...

Dandelions always dance in the air, occasionally stop but can start, always feel that this place is not their favorite until one day tired stop, want to stay in a relatively comfortable place. But just when he wanted to stay, the wind carried it away and eventually blew it into the earth. Therefore, the flower language of dandelion is love that cannot stay.

Purple Dandelion: A lavender dandelion, the flower is legendary purple 'attribute dark.

Legend, dandelion love is the wind, so as long as the wind a call, it will be willing to fly away with the wind, even if left beloved earth. But it can not always accompany the wind, once the wind stopped, it will fall from the sky, perhaps it is very painful, but still deeply in love with the wind, so deep so deep ~~ never regret.

Of course, the legend is just a legend. Xiao Bian believes that everyone will definitely love dandelion more after reading this article. In fact, Xiao Bian also hopes that one day Xiao Bian can fly freely like dandelion, or come to a love that cannot stay like dandelion's flower language.

Information on Dandelions

Dandelion, also known as yellow violet, mother-in-law Ding, Hua Hua Lang, etc., is a perennial herb of dandelion Compositae. Dandelion root is conical, brown surface, shrinkage, dandelion leaf edge sometimes with undulate teeth or pinnate deep crack, the base gradually narrowed into petiole, petiole and main vein often reddish purple.

Dandelion flower scape upper purple-red, densely spider-like white villous, capitate, involucre bell-shaped, achene dark brown, long white hair, flower and fruit period 4-10 months Dandelion seeds have white hair formed on the ball, after flowering with the wind to a new place to breed new life.

Dandelion also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and dispersing masses. Dandelion can treat acute mastitis, lymphadenitis, scrofula, furuncle, acute conjunctivitis, cold fever, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, urinary tract infection diseases. Dandelions have high medicinal value, but also can become delicious dishes.

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