
What is the flower language of tulips?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the flower language of tulips?

What is the language of tulips? What is the language of red tulips? Tulips are called the national flower by the Dutch. The varieties of tulips are very rare and rare. This is why people sell them at high prices and compete with people to buy flowers. Let's explain what tulips are.

What is the flower language of tulips

The flower language of tulips

Love, charity, fame, beauty, blessing, eternity, confession of love, eternal blessing [6]

Yellow tulips: elegance, treasure, wealth, love, friendship

Pink tulips: beauty, love, love, friendship, happiness

Red tulips: confession of love, declaration of love, joy, love

Purple tulips: noble love, endless love

Black tulips: mysterious and noble

Plateau tulips: pride, upright, creative beauty, beautiful creation

Two-color tulips: beautiful you, happy to meet

Feather tulips: affectionate

Wild tulips: virginity

The Flower language of Tulip (2)

Symbolize holiness, happiness and victory

Red tulips-- show that I love you

Purple tulips-faithful love

Yellow tulips-indicating hopeless love, hopeless love

White tulips-- expressing lovelorn and lost love

Black tulips-represent chivalry (or melancholy love)

In European and American novels and poems, tulips are also regarded as a symbol of victory and beauty, as well as beauty and elegance.

Second, the culture mode of tulips

Sunshine: tulips are light-loving plants, which need plenty of sunlight from new buds to flowering. If there are supplementary light facilities in winter, the flowering rate of Titian tulips is bright.

Watering: sufficient water is needed in the growth period of tulip stems and leaves in spring. Due to the loose substrate, good drainage and rapid evaporation of water in pot soil, it is necessary to replenish water in time. Tulips are mainly long balls after fade, so water should be properly controlled and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in case of heavy rain. Winter tulips are mainly long roots, slow growth, little water demand, but no watering or less watering. Tulips should be watered in the morning.

Fertilization: due to the limitation of the volume of flowerpots, potted tulips contain limited nutrients, so timely fertilization is very necessary. Liquid fertilizer can be applied 3 times in the growing period of tulips. Phosphorus and potash fertilizer were applied twice before flower bud blooming.

Diseases and insect pests: the main diseases of tulips are stem rot, soft rot, broken color disease, quenching disease, blind bud and so on. Soil disinfection should be carried out before planting tulips, virus-free bulbs should be selected as far as possible, and diseased plants should be dug up and destroyed in time. Usually, tulips should be kept in a well-ventilated environment to prevent high temperature and humidity. When aphids occur, they can be sprayed 800 times with 3% natural pyrethrum.

Third, the function of tulips

1. Purify the air. Environmentalists call the earth greening the "lung of the city", while indoor tulips are praised as the guardians of the family environment. There is a scientific basis for this. A leaf has thousands of cilia that can trap dust particles in the air.

2. Reduce dust. According to statistics, families with better indoor greening can reduce indoor dust by 20% and 60%, making the interior fresh and pleasant. Tulips are worthy of the screening procedure for harmful gases in the air.

3. Sound absorption and heat absorption. If you put a large tulip in the window, it can block the noise and absorb the solar radiation.

4. Eliminate bacteria. The fragrance of tulips has antibacterial ingredients and can remove bacteria and viruses from the air. According to statistics, families with better room greening can reduce the number of bacteria in the air by about 40%.

5. Regulate nerves. The fragrance of tulips can also regulate the nervous system.

6. Prevent pollution. In recent years, due to the use of chemical materials in indoor decoration, the rapid increase and installation of gas stoves, air conditioners and other reasons.

The language of tulips in each color is different, of which red is the most popular, because red tulips represent love, so if you meet someone who gives you tulips in life, then this person must love you. Therefore, I think that the wonderful moment of our life should start with red tulips.