
Prevention and control of smooth sailing and epidemic rot

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [symptoms] mainly damage stems and leaves. Near the ground of the first disease, there are water-immersed round spots, expanded brown, the stems and leaves above the gray-white mildew, that is, the pathogen cyst peduncles and sporangia. When the humidity is high, the diseased leaves and stems rot rapidly. The infected part of the stem showed a water stain at first, and softened and wet rot in the whole section after expansion.

[symptoms] mainly damage stems and leaves. Near the ground of the first disease, there are water-immersed round spots, expanded brown, the stems and leaves above the gray-white mildew, that is, the pathogen cyst peduncles and sporangia. When the humidity is high, the diseased leaves and stems rot rapidly. The infected part of the stem showed water stains at the beginning, and softened and wet rot in the whole section after expansion, and the stems and leaves above the diseased part wilted and died. The leaves are infected, the disease spots are yellowish brown, and the white mildew layer rot occurs when the humidity is high. The rhizome is water-immersed and wet-rot.

[incidence regularity] the pathogen overwintered in the soil towel with the disease residue in seed E or by mycelium and oospore, and spread by wind, rain and irrigation water. The pathogen infected the seedlings and caused the seedling lodging, and Rain Water was easy to fall ill with high humidity. The suitable temperature for the development of the pathogen was 270.31 ℃, the highest was 36 ℃, and the lowest was 10 ℃. The disease was serious in case of overcast, rain or high humidity, or heavy soil viscosity and low-lying terrain.

[prevention and control methods]

1. Pruning in time, removing diseased leaves, increasing the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and applying high-quality and fully mature organic fertilizer.

2. At the initial stage of the disease, spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times, or 40% aluminum triethyl phosphate (ethyl phosphorus aluminum) wettable powder 200 times, or 70% ethyl phosphorus, manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times, or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 400 times 500 times, or 72.2% pric water 700 times 800 times, or 64% alum wettable powder 500 times.

Plain sailing. What are the diseases and insect pests? How to prevent and cure?

(1) disease. The common diseases are bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and blight, as well as root rot and stem rot.

There are two ways of infection of bacterial leaf spot. The first type of infection begins on leaves, which is called leaf infection. Leaf infection usually begins at the edge of the leaf and where there are many stomata in the lower part of the leaf. In the early stage, water-immersed spots can be seen on the back of the leaf, but in the later stage, brown spots appear on the edge of the leaf, and there is a yellow halo on the edge. The second type of infection begins on the stem and spreads rapidly throughout the plant through the vascular bundle system, which is called systematic infection (or vascular bundle infection).

Systematic infection can be detected by yellowing leaves, and the color of new leaves is dim at the initial stage of bacterial infection. In a short period of time, this type of infection can cause pedicels and leaves to fall off from the plant, rapid decay of the growth point, and bacterial pus overflow. Systematic infection is irreparable.

Brown spot mainly harms the leaves of plants, the disease mostly starts from the basal leaves, produces light green water-stained small round spots at the initial stage, and then gradually turns brown or black. With the passage of time, the patches gradually expand, and the damaged leaves wither, and finally scorch and die.

The symptom of the disease is that the disease occurs first in the part near the ground, and the rhizome, stem and leaf can all be damaged. Primary water stains, brown after expansion. When the humidity is high, the disease spot expands rapidly, the disease part softens the damp rot, and produces sparse white mold layer. The root and stem is infected, causing the plant to invert.

When the stem is infected, it turns back after wet rot, and the stems and leaves above the diseased part wilt or die; the leaves often expand and show yellow-brown spots, which seriously affect the ornamental effect.

For the prevention and control of bacterial leaf spot and brown spot, 75% chlorothalonil, 50% mancozeb, 50% carbendane and other agents can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. Its concentration is generally 800 × 1000 times aqueous solution, sprayed once every 7 days, continuously 2 times 3 times, or with 50% bactericidal king 1 000 times solution, continuously sprayed 3 times 4 times every 7 times 10 days, has a very good control effect.

The epidemic disease can be taken: ① rotation or planting with disease-free soil. ② chooses places with good drainage to plant or place flowerpots. Avoid overdense plants and ensure good ventilation and light transmission. The diseased plant was removed and burned by ③ in time. Disinfect the soil before planting and irrigate 95% Luheng No. 1 boutique 3000 times. According to the weather forecast, ④ sprayed 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 600x liquid or 61% ethyl phosphorus aluminum manganese zinc wettable powder 400x 500x solution before or after heavy rain, and downy mildew bengjing wettable powder 600x liquid, once every 10 days or so, depending on the weather and the incidence of the disease.

(2) insect pests. The common insect pests are mainly shell insects and red spiders.

Scale insects are one of the most common pests in flowers, which often gather on branches, leaves and fruits. The mouthparts of adults and nymphs are inserted into the leaves and branches of flowers to absorb juice, resulting in the symptoms of branch and leaf wilting and deformity, and coal fouling disease. Scale insects have strong reproductive ability and can produce many generations in a year. After a short period of crawling, that is, the shell is formed and the life is fixed, which is one of the major characteristics of scale insects. The resistance of shell insects is strong, and it is difficult for general agents to enter, so it is difficult to control them. Therefore, the appropriate period of prevention and control should be mastered. Prevention and control methods: when shell insects are found in individual leaves or branches, they can be gently brushed with a soft brush or wiped off with cotton balls and towel gourd stems; when shell insects occur in a large area, chemical control should be used, mainly during the egg incubation period. because the shell has not yet been formed or thickened at this time, kill it with a chemical. The medicament can choose 40% omethoate, 50% malathion and 80% dichlorvos EC 800 / 1000 times, sprayed every 7 to 10 days for 2 times in a row, which can effectively prevent the damage of scale insects.

In the process of flower cultivation, red spider is a common pest. This kind of insect damage way is to pierce the mouth organ into the flower leaves to suck juice, so that the flower chlorophyll is destroyed, the leaves show gray-yellow spots or patches, and the leaves become withered and yellow, or even fall off. Prevention and control methods: to prevent the harm of red spiders, we should pay attention to observe flowers at ordinary times, and carefully check the back of leaves when we find that the color of flowers is abnormal. When individual leaves are damaged, insect leaves can be removed; when more leaves are damaged, spraying should be carried out as soon as possible. The commonly used pesticides are propargite, dicofol, dimethoate, Huachongjing, and so on. A flower sprayer can be prepared for family flower growth. drop 4 drops of Huachongjing (equivalent to 2000 times liquid) in 400ml water, or drop 8 drops of dicofol or dimethoate (equivalent to 1000 times liquid), shake well after adding medicine, then spray. Spray is required to be uniform and thoughtful, especially pay attention to spraying the back of leaves.

Plain sailing culture methods and matters needing attention White crane taro alias white palm, plain sailing bract taro, with the role of purifying the air, can filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air, especially for ozone purification rate is particularly high. Its leaves have a very high evaporation rate, which can improve the humidity of the air, so it is a very good indoor foliage and flowering plant. White crane taro is more shade-tolerant than ordinary indoor plants and can blossom in a slightly light source and warm environment, and its flowers are also excellent decorative materials for flower swallows and flower arrangement.

Plain sailing plant height 30-40cm, spring and summer flowering, flame bracts large and prominent, higher than the leaf surface, white or light green, succulent inflorescence milky yellow. Like warm and humid semi-overcast environment, avoid direct sunlight, afraid of cold. Avoid sticky soil and like sandy loam rich in humus. The suitable temperature for the growth of white crane taro is 22 ℃-28 ℃, 24 ℃-30 ℃ from March to September and 18 ℃-21 ℃ from September to March of the following year. The winter temperature should not be lower than 14 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the growth of the plant is blocked and the leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury. During the storage and transportation of potted white crane taro, the temperature should be controlled at 13 ℃-16 ℃, the relative humidity should be controlled at 80%-90%, and the ability to withstand dark environment for 30 days.

Key points of plain sailing potted plants

Light, temperature

Smooth sailing is more shady, as long as about 60% of the scattered light can meet its growth needs, so it can be cultivated in a place with bright scattered light all the year round. Summer can cover 60% to 70% of the sun, avoid strong light, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow, severe sunburn disease. However, long-term dark light will lead to plant growth is not robust, and it is not easy to blossom. 500lux is suitable for light intensity. In the process of pot cultivation, the lowest temperature in winter should be 14 ℃-16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime.

Moisture content

Plain sailing leaves are larger and more sensitive to humidity. In the process of pot cultivation, the potted soil should always be kept moist during the growth period, but too much watering should be avoided, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants to wither and yellow. In summer and dry seasons, you should often use a fine-eye sprayer to spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant to keep the air moist. When the air humidity is low, the new leaves will become small and yellow, and when they are serious, they will wither and fall off. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

Fertilizer application

Potted plants require loose soil, good drainage and ventilation. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as matrix, and a small amount of calcium superphosphate and a small amount of bone powder or cake powder can be used as base fertilizer. Thin compound fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer and water are applied every 1-2 weeks in the peak growing season, and "Huiyou" 20-20-20 general fertilizer can also be applied to ensure strong plant growth and continuous flowering. When the temperature is low in winter in the north, fertilization should be stopped.

Change the basin

Smooth sailing has a strong tillering ability, so attention should be paid to root pruning and withered leaves when changing pots every year. The over-dense plants were divided and potted. Generally speaking, before a large number of new buds germinate in early spring, the basin should be changed once every year, part of the persistent soil should be removed, the root system should be trimmed, and the new culture soil should be added and planted in the larger basin to facilitate root system development.

A smooth method of reproduction

Ramet propagation

It is best to do it from May to June. Pour the whole plant out of the pot and cut the rhizome from the base of the plant clump, with at least 3-4 leaves in each clump, and restore it in semi-shade after planting. Plants with strong growth can be divided into plants once every two years, usually in spring or after autumn. Before the emergence of new buds in early spring, the whole plant was poured out of the basin, the old soil was removed, and the rhizome was divided into several clumps at the base of the plant, each containing more than 3 stems and buds, which were replanted in the pot with newly cultured soil. It is necessary to bring as many root groups as possible so that the new plant can produce new leaves quickly and ensure that the plant shape is plump.

Sowing and reproduction

After flowering, the seeds of Taro can be obtained by artificial pollination in greenhouse. After the seeds are mature, they can be sown as they are picked. The sowing temperature should be about 25 ℃ and germinate 10-15 days after sowing. Seeds are easy to rot when the temperature is low, which affects seedling emergence.

Pest control

Common bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose damage leaves can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. When root rot and stem rot occur, in addition to paying attention to ventilation and reducing humidity, control with 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times. Shell insects and red spiders were sprayed with 1500 times of 50% marathon EC. If there is harm to mites, when the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on, special mites can be sprayed to control them, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on.

Pot culture method of ★ plain sailing

White crane taro, also known as white palm, plain sailing, bract taro, is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flower of Araceae. White crane taro has the function of purifying air, it can filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air, at the same time, it also has certain health care function, can improve air humidity, prevent nasal mucosa from drying, and reduce the probability of human disease. it is a very good indoor foliage and flowering plant. It is more shade-resistant than ordinary indoor plants and can blossom in a slightly lighted and warm environment. White crane taro emerald green leaves, white Buddha bud, very fresh and elegant. Potted plants decorate the living room and study, which are very chic, and their flowers are also excellent materials for flower basket and flower arrangement.

White crane taro plant height 30cm~40cm, no stem or short stem, leaves oblong or sublanceolate, with obvious midrib and petiole, dark green. Spring and summer flowering, Buddha flame bracts large and prominent, higher than the leaves, white or light green, fleshy inflorescences milky yellow. It is very beautiful when it blossoms, and it is also an excellent indoor potted foliage plant when it is not flowering.

White crane taro likes warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid direct sunlight and be afraid of cold. Avoid sticking heavy soil, should be rich in humus sandy loam. The suitable temperature for the growth of Taro is 22 ℃ ~ 28 ℃, the winter temperature is not lower than 14 ℃ and the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the plant growth is hindered and the leaves are vulnerable to freezing injury.

Key points of potted plant

White crane taro is more shade-resistant, as long as about 60% of the scattered light can meet its growth needs, so it can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light all the year round. In summer, you can quickly remove 60% or 70% of the sun, avoid bright light, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow and sunburn will occur in serious cases. But the long-term light is too dark, the plant growth is not strong, and it is not easy to blossom. The light intensity should be 500 lux. In the process of pot cultivation, the lowest temperature in winter should be 14 ℃ ~ 16 ℃ at night and about 25 ℃ in daytime. Long-term low temperature is easy to cause leaf shedding or scorched yellow.

The leaves of white crane taro are larger and sensitive to humidity. In the process of pot cultivation, the pot soil should be kept moist during the growth period, but to avoid excessive watering, the basin soil is moist for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow. In summer and dry season, we should often spray water on the leaf surface with a fine-eye sprayer, and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant to keep the air moist and conducive to leaf growth. If the climate is dry and the air humidity is low, the new leaves will become small and yellow, and when they are serious, they will wither and yellow and fall off. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

Potted plants require loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and can not use clayey soil. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as matrix, a small amount of calcium superphosphate should be added, and a small amount of bone powder or cake powder should be added as base fertilizer. The application of thin compound fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer or 20-20-20 general fertilizer every 1-2 weeks in the peak growing season is not only beneficial to plant growth, but also conducive to continuous flowering. The winter temperature in the north is low, so fertilization should be stopped.

White crane taro has strong tillering ability, and attention should be paid to root pruning and withered leaves when changing pots every year. The over-dense plants were divided and potted. Generally speaking, before a large number of new buds germinate in early spring, the basin should be changed once every year, part of the persistent soil should be removed, the root system should be trimmed, and the new culture soil should be added and planted in the larger basin to facilitate the root system development and plant growth.

Reproduction method

Propagate in separate plants. Plants with strong growth can be divided into plants once every 2 years, usually in spring or after autumn. Before the emergence of new buds in early spring, the whole plant was poured out of the basin, the old soil was removed, and the rhizome was divided into several clumps at the base of the plant, each containing more than 3 stems and buds, which were replanted in the pot with newly cultured soil. It is necessary to bring as many roots as possible to facilitate the new plant to produce new leaves and plump plant type quickly.

Sow and reproduce. After the seeds are mature, they can be sown with picking and sowing. The sowing temperature should be about 25-15 days, and the seeds are easy to rot at low temperature.

Plain sailing maintenance method of ★

Like sun, not cold-resistant, prefer water and fertilizer

[January] potted white taro, placed on a sunny windowsill or balcony, kept at room temperature for 15 ℃-18 ℃, can bloom as usual. The basin soil should be watered immediately, once every ten days, to keep the soil moist, and avoid high and low indoor temperature and low temperature and humidity, resulting in brown spots and mildew spots on the edge of the spawn.

[February] the plant of Amorphophallus konjac kept its position unchanged, kept 15 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ at room temperature, and continued to extract the flower stem from the leaves and blossom. If the room temperature is about 10 ℃, it can survive the winter safely, but it is difficult to draw out the flowering stem and continue to bloom. Keep the basin soil moist. If the indoor air is dry, spray water to the ground or basin surface to increase air humidity. The flower plant should stay away from the air conditioner mouth and radiator to prevent the flame bud from dying early.

[March] the daily management of white crane taro flowers is the same as that of the previous month. The flower plant should stay away from the air conditioner or radiator to avoid the flame bud wilting ahead of time. When flowering, artificial pollination is carried out with a brush to improve the seed setting rate.

[April] when the temperature rises, the white crane taro blossoms more and more, watering 2 ~ 3 times a week to keep the potted soil slightly moist. Fertilize once a month, but nitrogen fertilizer should not be excessive. Otherwise, it will affect the flowering. Prevent the harm of root rot and stem rot.

In full bloom, potted plants are still placed on sunny windowsill or balcony, kept at room temperature for 18 ℃-20 ℃, watered three times a week and fertilized once a month. Sowing and propagation, using indoor pot sowing, sowing soil with peat soil, covering shallow soil after sowing, the optimum temperature for germination was 23 ℃ ~ 27 ℃, and germinated 10 ~ 15 days after sowing. If the room temperature is too low, the seeds are vulnerable to wet rot.

[June] flowering gradually decreased, combined with ramets to change pots. Lift the whole plant out of the basin, remove the persistent soil, cut off the long fibrous root, cut the rhizome from the base of the plant, and ensure that each clump has 3 ~ 4 buds. Pot soil is a mixture of garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand, which is preserved in a semi-shady place after pot planting.

[July] continue to split and change pots, the method is the same as last month. After the ramet seedlings resumed their growth, the basin soil was kept slightly moist. When the sun shines directly, shade properly and apply thin fertilizer once a month. Prevent the harm of shell insects

[August] in the high temperature season, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, spraying more water to the leaves and maintaining high air humidity is very beneficial to the growth of leaves. Strong light shade, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to form flower buds, can not bloom.

[September] the temperature is getting cooler and the plant continues to pull out the stems from the leaves and blossom. Water 2 ~ 3 times a week to keep the basin slightly moist. Fertilize once a month. Prevent the harm of leaf spot and brown spot.

[October] the plant continued to bloom under the condition of 15 ℃-18 ℃ at room temperature. Watering 2 ~ 3 times a week, slowly control the amount of water and stop fertilization to avoid the rapid growth of plants and the weakening of cold resistance.

[November] potted plants, placed on a sunny windowsill or balcony, kept at room temperature for 15 ℃-18 ℃, watered once every ten days, and the potted soil remained slightly moist

[December] potted plants, placed in the same position, kept at room temperature for 15 ℃-18 ℃, watered once every ten days, cut off the yellow leaves and withered leaves and gently wiped off the dust on the leaves with a slightly wet soft cloth to keep the leaves clean and bright.

How to raise plain sailing in the northern family of ★

White crane taro, also known as white palm, different stalk white taro, is a foliage plant of Araceae bract taro. It is an excellent small and medium-sized indoor potted flower newly introduced into our country in recent years. It also has a very popular name-plain sailing.

White crane taro is native to tropical America, so in the process of family cultivation in the north, attention should be paid to creating a high temperature and humidity environment for it. The evaporation of white crane taro leaves is large, and it is necessary to ensure that the air humidity is above 60%. In the room, you can sit in a water basin at the bottom of the flowerpot or put it near the plant with an electric humidifier, so that the leaves are full of water vapor; you can also spray water directly around the plant and on the foliage, which is generally sprayed more than 4 times a day in hot summer. The basin soil should always be kept moist, but do not accumulate water. White crane taro is a high-temperature flower. The lowest temperature should be kept at 14-16 ℃ at night in winter and about 25 ℃ in daytime. Long-term low temperature and humidity are easy to cause root rot and aboveground withering and yellowing. (author: Miao Jinsu Sun Fengshan)

Smooth cultivation Management and Disease Control of ★

1. Ecological habits

White crane taro, alias white palm, bract taro, plain sailing, Araceae bract taro is a perennial evergreen herbaceous foliage plant. Originally from the Colombian rainforest, it is relatively adapted to the warm, humid and semi-shady environment. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-28 ℃, and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. It is a high-temperature plant with strict requirements for soil and can not use clayey soil. It generally uses loose, breathable and well-drained soil.

2. Methods of reproduction

Multiuse individual plant propagation, can also use seed propagation. The tillering rate of white crane taro plants is fast, and the plants with strong growth can be divided after two years, and pay attention to making each clump contain more than 3 buds. When sowing and reproducing, the seeds should be sown as they are picked.

3. Cultivation and management

The white crane taro plant tillers faster, so there is a great demand for fertilizer and water, so we should pay attention to timely supply and maintain the humidity of the surrounding environment. Shade should be 60% Mel 70% in the growing season, but the light should not be too dark, especially the low light for a long time will affect the plant growth, and it is not easy to blossom. At the same time, be careful not to stay in a low temperature and humid environment for a long time, so as not to cause root rot and yellow leaves. When potted, an appropriate amount of farm manure should be added as base fertilizer. When the plant growth is too dense, it can be pruned moderately.

4. Disease control

White crane taro (white palm bract taro) blight

Symptoms. The disease occurs first in the part near the ground, and the rhizome, stem and leaf can all be damaged. Primary water stains, brown after expansion. When the humidity is high, the disease spot expands rapidly, the disease part softens the damp rot, and produces sparse white mold layer. The root and stem is infected, causing the plant inverted; the stem is infected, and the wet rot is reversed, and the stem and leaves above the disease are wilted or withered; the leaves often expand and show large yellow-brown spots, which seriously affect the ornamental effect.

The route of transmission and the condition of onset. Overwintering in the soil as oospores. Under warm and high humid conditions, it was transmitted to the plant through the sputtering of Rain Water and irrigation water, which caused the disease after germination. The incidence of poor drainage in rainy, close planting and planting land is serious.

Prevention and control methods. ① rotation or planting in disease-free soil. ② chooses places with good drainage to plant or place flowerpots. Avoid overdense plants and ensure good ventilation and light transmission. The diseased plant was removed and burned by ③ in time. Disinfect the soil before planting and irrigate 95% Luheng No. 1 3000 times. According to the weather forecast, ④ sprayed 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder or 61% ethyl phosphorus aluminum manganese zinc wettable powder before or after heavy rain, and downy mildew bengjing wettable powder 600 times, once every 10 days, depending on the weather and the incidence of the disease.

Bacterial leaf rot of Colocasia esculenta

Symptoms. It is mainly harmful to leaves. The leaf margin gives birth to brown rot spots, which constantly expand the disease inward, and yellow halo spots appear between the health parts.

The route of transmission and the condition of onset. The pathogenic bacteria overwintered with the disease remains in the soil and spread through irrigation water or Rain Water spatter when the conditions were suitable the next year, and the bacteria invaded from the wound. Continuous rainy weather, moisture retention for a long time or basin soil long-term stagnant water is easy to occur.

Prevention and control methods. ① horticultural control. Choose high-dry and well-ventilated flower beds to cultivate white crane taro, drain in time after rain, and strictly prevent moisture retention. Timely and moderate ventilation and dehumidification should be carried out in the shed. ② chemical control. When entering the rainy season, 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder or 4,000 times of neophytomycin, 53.8% can kill 1000 times of 2000 dry suspension, 47% of Ruinong wettable powder, and 12% green copper EC. About once every 10 days, prevention and treatment 2-3 times. (author of Hebei Agricultural Science and Technology: Feng Li)

Smooth maintenance and Management of potted plants in ★

White palm, also known as white crane taro, silver bract taro and plain sailing, etc., English name whiteflag;peace-lily, belongs to Monocotyledon Araceae, Araceae, taro perennial evergreen herbs.

White palm, which originated from Colombia and other tropical America, was introduced to Europe in 1874. It was used for potted ornamental plants at the beginning of the 20th century, and became very popular in Europe in the 1980s. Introduction and cultivation began in China in the late 1980s, and there was small-scale production. Because white palm is a kind of flowers suitable for indoor potted plants, so far, the flower production bases of southern provinces, regions and big cities across the country have propagated a large number of seedlings through tissue culture, and the market and market have been good. The price is relatively high, therefore, it is favored by businessmen and florists, and it has gradually entered thousands of households because of the abundant supply.

China has introduced cultivated varieties: Hulk white palm, perfume white palm, magic lantern white palm and Mana Loy bract white palm and so on.

1. Botanical characteristics

White palm rhizome is short, plant height is 30-50cm, and most of them are tufted. Leaves leathery, long oval, acuminate at both ends, dark green, glossy, veins obvious, petiole long, base sheathlike; flowers erect, taller than leaves, flame bracts oblong-lanceolate, erect; ovate, persistent, white as snow lotus, like palms; flowers small and dense, white, fragrant, bisexual; berries red. The florescence is from May to August.

2. Biological characteristics.

White palm likes warm, moist semi-overcast environment, not cold-resistant; avoid direct sunlight exposure. It is suitable to be planted in sandy loam soil rich in humus, loose, breathable and well drained, and avoid heavy clay.

3. Reproduction


When the plants in the basin are too dense, the whole plant can be lifted out of the basin from April to June, the old soil and diseased and weak roots can be removed, the rhizome will be broken from the base of the clump, and 4 leaves will be left for each clump, and the plant will be replanted with newly cultivated soil, so as not to hurt the root system and restore it in the semi-shady place, so as to facilitate the emergence of new leaves and ensure the fullness of the plant type.

Artificial pollination

The white palm of indoor potted plants can bear seeds by artificial pollination after flowering. Artificial pollination is suitable at 9-10:00 and 15-16 o'clock.

It takes 10-12 months from pollination to seed maturity. In the stage of seed growth and development, pay attention to ventilation and water and fertilizer management to promote fruiting and fullness.

Sowing seeds

After the seeds are ripe, they will be sown as they are picked. Remove the peel and pulp before sowing, soak the seeds in 40 ℃ warm water for 10 hours and sow them on loose, well-drained river sand, then cover the mouth of the basin with a thin layer of soil, spray or soak the basin to keep the culture soil above 80% humidity. Put it in a room of 20-25 ℃ and sprout 15-25 days after sowing. If the room temperature is too low during this period, it will lead to seed decay or affect seedling emergence.

Tissue culture

Induce callus

Rinse the young leaves of white palm with tap water, disinfect them with 70% alcohol for 1 minute, disinfect them with 1% mercuric chloride for 10 minutes, rinse them with sterile water for 5 times, and inoculate ms+24d0.2mg/l+.

Callus could be formed when cultured in ba 1.0m/l medium for about 15 days.

Embryoid differentiation

The callus was transferred to ms+ba1.0mg/l+na a0.1~0.1mg/l medium for subculture.

Rooting culture

The rootless seedlings were transferred to 1/2ms+naa0.5mg/l medium for rooting culture.


The medium ph was 5.8,3% sucrose and 5% Agar were added; the sucrose of 1/2ms was halved, the culture temperature was 24-28 ℃, the light intensity was 1500~2000ix, and the sunshine hours were 10-12 hours.

Tissue culture proliferates rapidly and the plants are neat, which is the current method used in production. After emergence, when 1 or 2 true leaves grow, they can be divided into pots and transplants. After planting for a period of time, spray thin manure to make the seedlings grow healthily. The sowing seedlings need to be cultivated for 3-4 years before they can blossom, but after 2-3 years, they can be used for indoor pot cultivation.

4. Cultivation and management

4.1 Lighting

White palm is shade-resistant, and about 60% of the scattered light can meet its growth needs, so it can be placed indoors with bright scattered light all the year round. The illuminance is 50% in summer and 70% in winter, but strong light is not allowed to shine directly at noon. There should be more sunshine in the morning and evening.

It is appropriate to plant on the indoor south and north balcony or windowsill, otherwise, yellow leaves or scorched leaves will occur, and sunburn will occur in serious cases. If it is placed in too dark for a long time, it will lead to poor plant growth and not easy to bloom. It can grow under 200lx light intensity and blossom under 500lx light intensity. Therefore, although it is resistant to shade, 500lx is suitable.

In order to keep the plant graceful and symmetrical, turn the flowerpot every once in a while to make the daylighting uniform and prevent the plant from deviating to the light source.

4.2 temperature

The suitable temperature for the growth of white palm is 22: 28 ℃, 24: 30 ℃ from March to September, 18: 22 ℃ from September to March, above 14: 15 ℃ in winter, and below 10: 15 ℃, the leaf tip dries up and the plant growth is hindered.

4.3 moisture

White palm is more sensitive to humidity, in the process of pot cultivation, the pot soil should always be kept moist during the growth period, but avoid too much watering and stagnant water, otherwise, it is easy to cause rotten roots or plants withered and yellow. In summer and when the basin soil is dry, spray water to the leaf surface with a fine hole sprayer to make the basin soil moist; plastic flowers can be added to the bottom of the basin.

Plate water to increase air humidity; the greater the air humidity, the more vigorous the growth and flowering; the humidity can be kept above 50%; when the air humidity is low, the new leaves are small and yellow, and when they are serious, they wither and fall off. The watering should be controlled in winter and the basin soil should be moist.

4.4 fertilization

In potted plants, the culture soil with water and fertilizer conservation is the best. Rotten leaf soil, garden soil and perlite can be mixed into a matrix, adding a small amount of calcium superphosphate, bone powder, mature livestock manure as base fertilizer, and adding potassium fertilizer such as plant ash to help growth, so that the leaves stand green and will not lodge. In the peak growing season, thin compound fertilizer or rotten cake fertilizer and water are applied every 15 days to make the plant strong and the leaf color bright; Huiyou 20-20-20 general fertilizer can also be applied to ensure plant health and continuous flowering; or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed on the leaf surface to make the leaves broad and bright. But do not apply raw fertilizer or excessive fertilization, if the fertility is too large, it is easy to cause leaf yellow, rotten roots and other fertilizer damage.

4.5 change the basin

The plant has strong germination and tillering ability, so it is appropriate to change the pot before a large number of new buds germinate in early spring every year. When changing the basin, trim the root system, cut off the residual root and diseased root, cut off the leaves of wilt and disease and insect pests, and ramet to the dense plant, and then put it on the pot. Before potting, remove part of the old soil and add new soil. Because the leaves of the plant are large and the root system is developed, it is appropriate to choose a moderate deep tube basin, so that the sturdy root system can stretch and grow in the basin, which is beneficial to the root system development, the roots are deep and the leaves are luxuriant, and the flowers are full of flowers.

4.6 soilless cultivation

The culture medium is made of 1: 1 vermiculite or perlite mixed with river sand. The ph of nutrient solution is 6, and it is irrigated every 5 days.

4.7 Management of hydroponics

White palm with medium plant type and strong growth, and the planting cup is wrapped in solid matrix or sponge. The nutrient solution was selected as the formula of garden test. The ph of the nutrient solution was 4.7 and 5.8. The nutrient solution was updated every 15 days during the growth period. Summer should be maintained in a proper shade to avoid direct sunlight and it is appropriate to scatter light. But if it is shaded for a long time, it is not easy to form flower buds. In winter, the room temperature should be kept above 15 ℃, and when the temperature was less than 10 ℃, the leaves would fall off or appear scorched yellow. Often spray water to the leaves, and the air humidity is kept above 50%.

5. Pest control

5.1 Diseases

5.1.1 virus disease is caused by taro mosaic virus.

Prevention and treatment: do not introduce virus-carrying vaccines, strengthen quarantine; use tissue culture to propagate, so asexual reproduction can only be carried out when it is confirmed that the mother strain does not carry the virus; when the disease occurs, the diseased plant can be eliminated and burned in time; spray with 2% formaldehyde (formalin) and 2% sodium hydroxide aqueous solution or 164g anhydrous or 377g trisodium phosphate plus 1l water solution containing crystalline water.

5.1.2 Root rot is caused by Alternaria alternata.

Prevention and treatment: cut off the diseased leaves in time, smear the wound with Bordeaux solution to remove the diseased plants; also pull out the diseased plants, soak them in 1% potassium permanganate solution for 5 minutes, wash them, put them in the sun for 15 minutes, and plant them after drying; at the initial stage of the disease, use 30% Ludebao suspension 400 times or

Spray control of 14% ammonia copper solution 400x solution, 0.5% Bordeaux solution, 200mg/l agricultural streptomycin or methyl polysulphate, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800Mel 1000 times solution, 50% free Laide powder or methyl thiophanate 500ml 1000 times solution spray control, or 50% benzoate 800 times solution or 50% carbendan can be used to irrigate the base of the diseased plant.

5.1.3 Phytophthora is caused by parasitic Phytophthora, also known as Phytophthora.

Prevention and treatment: remove diseased leaves, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and apply enough high-quality and fully mature organic fertilizer; at the initial stage of the disease, use 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800m 1000-fold solution or 50% germicidal wettable powder 700-fold solution, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500-fold solution, 40% triethrenic acid

Aluminum (ethyl aluminum) wettable powder 200x liquid, 70% ethyl zinc manganese zinc wettable powder 500x liquid, 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc (zinc manganese methanoate) 400500x liquid, 72.2% pric water agent 700800x liquid 64% poisonous alum wettable powder 400500x liquid, 50% Ryder wettable powder 1000-1500 times, 80% zinc manganese Naipu wettable powder spray control, do not use only one agent Several drugs should be used alternately.

5.1.4 Leaf rot is caused by Erbsiella and Euclid carrots.

Prevention and treatment: cultivate strong seedlings, timely planting, reasonable close planting; watering should not be too much, timely drainage in the rainy season; before and after rain, 72% agricultural streptomycin sulfate soluble powder 4000 times liquid or neophytomycin 4000 times solution, 50% succinic copper sulfate wettable powder 4000 times solution spray control.

5.1.5 anthracnose is caused by prickles.

Prevention and treatment: spray with 800 times 50% methyl thiophanate wettable powder plus 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times, or with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times plus 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times. 80% Dasheng wettability can also be used

Powder 500 times liquid or 65% Dysen zinc 800 times solution, 60% Fangmaibao, 50% carbendazim 1000 times liquid benzoate 800 times liquid and other prevention and control, spray once every 10 days or so, two or three times.

5.1.6 the disease spot is caused by Alternaria oryzae, also known as leaf spot.

Prevention and treatment: pay attention to ventilation; remove diseased leaves first and burn them centrally to reduce the source of primary infection; use 500-600 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 40% polysulfide suspension 500-600 times, 50% mixed sulfur suspension 500-700, 65% Dysenqian wettable powder 500-700

Double liquid spraying or soaking can also be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux solution or 70% methyl topiramate 1000 times, 50% benzoate 1000-1500 times, once every 10 days or so, even 1 or 2 times.

5.1.7 Brown spot is caused by fungi.

Prevention and treatment: improve ventilation and light transmission conditions; cut off and burn diseased leaves in time to prevent infection; according to the disease, spray control with 1000 times of methyl topiramate, carbendazim or 1000-1000 times of Dysen zinc wettable powder.

5.1.8 chlorosis

Prevention and control: take corresponding measures according to the results of soil determination; when ph reaches 6.5-6.7, lime should be banned and physiological acid fertilizer should be used; if hydroponics is used, it can be added to the nutrient solution.

Add ferric citrate solution with a concentration of 3-4mg/kg, once every 7 days for 2-3 times; you can also use 50mg/kg edta-fe aqueous solution to apply to the soil with the amount of 100ml per plant; or you can spray 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution on the leaf.

Appropriate application of more organic fertilizer can dissolve insoluble iron in the soil, which is convenient for plant absorption and utilization; when the disease occurs, apply alum fertilizer water or spray 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution, spray once every 7 days, and spray 3-4 times continuously; slightly acidic loam is selected when potted.

5.2 insect pests

5.2.1 scale insects

Scale insects are easy to develop resistance to insecticides, so it is necessary to master the concentration of pesticides and use pesticides alternately.

5.2.2 Red Spider

Prevention and treatment: maintain ventilation, keep the environmental humidity above 40%, and often spray water to the leaves to control the reproduction of red spiders; when a small amount occurs, remove the seriously infected leaves and rinse the leaves with clean water Chemical control: in the adult and nymph stage, 20% trichlorofenoate EC 1000 times, 40% omethoate EC 1000 times, 20% cypermethrin EC 4000 times, spray once every 5-7 days, 2-3 times in succession, the effect of alternate use of drugs is good.

In family cultivation, it can be sprayed with 600x liquid ivy essence plus about 1% detergent solution, or 20000 times of Amelo or 10000 times of Aktai and 3000-5000 times of Wute.

5.2.3 aphids

Prevention and treatment: when a small amount occurs, the available materials are extruded, then washed with clean water, and finally smeared with 50 times liquid tobacco water and soapy water for several times; when the eggs hatch from March to April, spray control with 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC or 1000 times of 50% fenitrothion EC and 2000-3000 times of fenvalerate EC, spraying every 7-10 days for 3-4 times. (author of "Special Economic Animals and plants": Zhou Shurong, Bao Xiufang, Guo Wenchang, Niu Shiliang and Liu Jiahe)