
What are the diseases and insect pests in the face of good luck? How to prevent and cure?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The most common diseases in Hong Yun are heart rot and root rot. The basal tissue of the leaf tube of the plant suffering from heart rot becomes soft and rotten and has a bad smell. The root tip of the root rot plant turns black, brown or rotten. Poor drainage of substrate or excessive watering, high pH of water, poor ventilation during seedling packaging, and long accumulation of seedlings before planting.

The most common diseases in Hong Yun are heart rot and root rot. The basal tissue of the leaf tube of the plant suffering from heart rot becomes soft and rotten and has a bad smell. The root tip of the root rot plant turns black, brown or rotten.

To prevent and cure heart rot or root rot, in addition to paying attention to substrate watering and water quality, 75% evil frost manganese zinc, 40% ethyl phosphorus aluminum and Haoshengling (Zinc Naipu) can be used to irrigate leaves. The drug concentration must first be tested in a small area, and then applied in a large area. Drug damage is easy to occur due to high concentration.

The more common pest of wind pear is the wind pear mite, which can be found at the junction of the water tank and the air at the head of Hong Yun. It specially damages the cells and causes the center of the plant to rot. 15% pyridaben EC or nisolone EC can be used for prevention and control.

What if there are insects in the flowers? pest control / drug spraying at the head of good luck

But its effect is amazing, not only can eat whitening, medicine can also cure all kinds of diseases, so many flower friends choose to raise it. However, in the process of breeding, because of improper maintenance, good luck will be plagued by insect pests, so what should we do when good luck grows bugs? The following is the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in potted plants. There are 3 major insect pests and 3 major diseases. Let's go and have a look.

First, good luck when the head flowers grow bugs how to do, medicine spray

In the breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of Hongyun, we introduced the aspects that need to be paid attention to in the process of its growth. once it is not up to the standard, the bugs will come to you. As for what to do when good luck grows bugs, find out which kind of worm it is, and then solve the problem. It is understood that there are three common insect pests at the head of good luck, as follows:

1. Crustaceans

This kind of insect is not only a pest of all flowers, but also one of the most common pests of good luck. It is very small, and it mainly harms the leaves of Hong Yun. In serious cases, the leaves will yellowing, withering and falling. This symptom generally occurs in cultivation sites with high humidity, poor ventilation and lack of sunlight.

Solution: a small amount of shell worms can be scraped off directly. When there are a large number of scale insects, insecticides can be used for spray control, such as 50% 1605 EC or 50% parathion.

2. Red spider

Red spider, one of the most common pests in Hong Yun, usually occurs in summer and mainly lives on the back of leaves or the base of leaf axils, and propagates very fast. Red spiders will prick and suck leaves, buds and flower and leaf juice, affecting the normal growth and development, not only affect the beauty, but also lead to the death of the whole plant.

Solution: when the red spider is small, it is difficult to find when there are few pests, once it is found that it can be washed with clean water; in severe cases, spray 1000 times dimethoate solution, once every 4 days, 2-3 times in a row.

3. Pocket moth

Plutella xylostella, one of the most common pests, mainly harms leaves and usually eats the mesophyll, leaving only a layer of transparent lower epidermis, which dries and falls into holes or gaps or breaks.

Solution: when this insect is found, many pesticides are used, such as trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, dimethoate, malathion, fenitrothion and so on.

Second, the diseases at the head of good luck and their solutions

Lucky luck when the head flowers grow bugs how to do, read the above content we should know it! However, in addition to being attacked by insects, the disease is always harmful to good luck, and there are three main diseases, namely, heart rot, root rot and leaf tip yellowing. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Heart rot

Heart rot is caused by fungi, which is one of the common diseases at the head of good luck. After changing the disease, the tissue at the base of the head tube becomes soft and rotten, with a bad smell, and the tube will fall down on its own after a long time.

2. Root rot

This is also one of the common diseases at the head of good luck. After this disease, the root tip of Hongyun became black and brown or rotted, and the lateral root did not grow, which affected the absorption of water and fertilizer, and the plant growth was slow and weak.

Prevention and control methods of heart rot and root rot: before the occurrence of the above diseases, you can spray 400 times of oxidizing frost manganese zinc or 400 times of ethyl phosphine aluminum to irrigate the leaf tube, once a month, three times in a row, can effectively prevent the occurrence of diseases. Once the emergence of heart rot and root rot, it is basically irreparable.

3. Yellowing and withering of leaf tip

Leaf tip yellowing is one of the common diseases in Hongyun. it is mainly due to improper watering, low air humidity and excessive fertilization, resulting in salt damage caused by too high salt in the plant soil. This is what we call physiological diseases, which we think are caused. In light cases, the leaves turn yellow, and in severe cases, the plants die directly.

Prevention and treatment: the disease is related to water, so our watering is very important, choosing the right water quality is more important. Try to choose water with less salt, water at home, and use it after exposure to the sun. Control the temperature and avoid the temperature angle to avoid frost damage.

What are the precautions and methods for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at the head of good luck? At the moment of good luck, how to carry out pest control?

Good luck is a common grass plant that symbolizes all the best. It not only implies beauty, but also has high ornamental value. Many flower lovers have also had the experience of great luck in breeding. So, do you know what methods are available for the prevention and control of diseases and pests at the head of good luck? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction.

The insect body of shellfish insects is very small, mostly brown and yellow, but also white, with a length of 1 mm to 3 mm, oval or oval. Shellfish pests cause green spots on the leaves by piercing and sucking the sap of the leaves, and the wound will cause black mildew due to the mucus secreted by the pests. When the eggs of shellfish pests hatch and the nymphs can move, they look for places to eat leaves, and then secrete a protective layer of wax that no longer moves. At the beginning of hatching, the shell has not yet thickened, and the control effect of spraying is good, which can be controlled by general organophosphorus pesticides such as dichlorvos, malathion, fenitrothion and so on. When the shellfish pests are fixed, because they are protected by a layer of wax cover, they can only be controlled by internal absorption pesticides, such as dimethoate, omethoate and so on. A small number of scale insects can be artificially scraped off with their fingernails.

Red spider: extremely small, with a body length of less than 0.5 mm, tiny red spots can be seen with the naked eye, it mainly lives on the back of leaves or the base of leaf axils, the reproduction speed is very fast, seedlings are more vulnerable to its harm, especially in the dry season. Red spiders make a living by piercing the leaf epidermis and sucking juice, which is harmful to the growth of the plant. Yellowish chlorosis spots appeared in the damaged site and turned into brown patches in the later stage. In addition to common organophosphorus pesticides such as imidophos, dimethoate, omethoate and dichlorvos, there are acaricides specially used to kill red spiders, such as triclofenac, propargite, acarate, bromoacarate and so on.

Pocket moth: a characteristic of the pocket moth is that after the larvae hatch, they spin silk on the leaves and glue the crushed leaves together to form a protective capsule, and the worm body is hidden in the protective capsule. When endangering the leaves of Hong Yun, the mesophyll is usually eaten, leaving only a layer of transparent lower epidermis, which dries up and falls off into holes or gaps or broken. The agents to control pocket moth are trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, omethoate, malathion, fenitrothion and so on.

Caterpillars: the larvae of poisonous moths are often called caterpillars. They can harm leaves and flowers and eat them short or cut off. General organophosphorus or pyrethroid insecticides can be used to kill caterpillars.

Snail: the snail has a layer of spiral shell outside the body, one kind of larger snail shell is flat spherical, and the other kind of smaller snail shell is flat and round. It is the latter that often harms the good fortune, which mainly scrapes the florets with the tongue. Snails like to be overcast and wet. If they encounter rainy days, they will do harm to their activities day and night. When it is drier, it lurks during the day and does harm at night. Snails move slowly and leave mucus where they crawl. Snail control can be spread on the ground with raw lime powder, or with leaves, weeds, vegetable leaves and other first trap heap, snails lurking under the trap heap before dawn, and then concentrated capture.

Spodoptera litura: Spodoptera litura larvae mainly harm the lucky flowers, feeding on petals, stamens and pistils. The insect generally hides in the dark places such as the basin soil and the bottom of the basin during the day, and comes out to feed in the evening, but it can also be eaten outside during the day when it is cloudy and rainy. Insecticides against caterpillars can be used to control Spodoptera litura larvae.

The most common diseases in Hong Yun are heart rot and root rot. The basal tissue of the leaf tube of the plant suffering from heart rot becomes soft and rotten and has a bad smell. The root tip of the root rot plant turns black, brown or rotten.

To prevent and cure heart rot or root rot, in addition to paying attention to substrate watering and water quality, 75% evil frost manganese zinc, 40% ethyl phosphorus aluminum and Haoshengling (Zinc Naipu) can be used to irrigate leaves. The drug concentration must first be tested in a small area, and then applied in a large area. Drug damage is easy to occur due to high concentration.

15% pyridaben EC or nisolone EC can be used for prevention and control.

That's all I know about good luck today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about good luck, please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed. We will provide you with more related knowledge!