
How to preserve asparagus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens and mountain grass, is a perennial vine evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Stems slender and articulate, tufted. The leafy branches are slender, bright green and dense like a feather. Flowers small, bisexual, white, more than blooming in spring and summer. The berries are globose, green at first and purplish black when ripe. There are many varieties of horticulture, among which dwarf asparagus

Asparagus, also known as Phyllostachys pubescens and mountain grass, is a perennial vine evergreen herb of Liliaceae. Stems slender and articulate, tufted. The leafy branches are slender, bright green and dense like a feather. Flowers small, bisexual, white, more than blooming in spring and summer. The berries are globose, green at first and purplish black when ripe. There are many horticultural varieties, including short asparagus with clumpy stems, dense and short leafy branches, dense leaves, shorter plants and more durable growth. Asparagus branches and leaves are slender, shaped like clouds, green and light, quiet and beautiful, giving people a sense of vitality, softness and comfort. Usually dwarf potted plants, placed on the desk, desk, shelf, beautify the living room, study, is a popular indoor foliage flowers, but also fresh cut flowers vase, tie bouquets, baskets and other important matching materials.

Asparagus is native to South Africa. Like warm, humid climate and semi-shady environment, afraid of drought, avoid dry wind, not cold-resistant, like loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam. In order to make asparagus beautiful in shape and beautiful in branches and leaves, the following work needs to be done in maintenance and management:

(1) Water.

Asparagus is neither drought-tolerant nor waterlogged. The watering times and amount of water during the growth period should be determined according to the season, growth and dry and wet conditions of the basin soil. Usually watering in order to irrigate the water in the basin quickly seeps into the soil, but the basin soil does not accumulate water. If it is not dry or watered, it will be poured thoroughly, not "cut off water at the waist". Asparagus likes the air to be moist, so in dry or hot weather, in addition to keeping the basin soil moist, water should often be sprayed on the ground around branches, leaves and flowerpots to increase air humidity. Watering should be controlled when the ambient temperature is low in winter.

(2) fertilization.

Asparagus likes fertilizer, generally spring and autumn season can be every half a month or so to apply dilute liquid fertilizer, after the plant is set to control fertilization, so as not to grow or draw growth vines. Fertilization is generally stopped when the temperature is high in summer or low in winter. If the soil is not fertilized for a long time and the basin soil is not changed, the nutrient supply will be insufficient, which will lead to plant weakness and yellowing of branches and leaves, so the basin soil should be turned over and changed every 1-2 years before germination in early spring. 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of river sand can be used in the basin soil. in addition, add a small amount of fully mature cake fertilizer mixed culture soil.

(3) light.

Asparagus likes a semi-overcast environment and must not be exposed to strong light. Family maintenance can be placed in front of the window or balcony with bright scattered light all the year round. If you can move it to the half-light in spring and autumn when the sun is not very strong, it will be more beneficial to its fertility.

(4) shaping and pruning.

In order to make asparagus beautiful in shape and beautiful in branches and leaves, it is necessary to carry out shaping and pruning in time. The one-year-old seedlings do not need to be pruned, and the two-year-old asparagus can grow climbing new stems, which can be pruned at different heights to make them send out new branches and leaves from the upper leaf base, resulting in different levels of shaping effect. At the same time, cut off the dense branches, dead branches and weak branches to facilitate ventilation.

(5) Winter management.

Asparagus likes to be warm, it should be placed on the south-facing windowsill in winter, and it is better to keep it above 10 ℃ at room temperature. If placed in a place where no light can be seen for a long time in winter, poor ventilation or too low room temperature can easily cause branches and leaves to wither and yellow, or even fall off and die. In the room heated by heating or stove in winter, the branches and leaves should be sprayed with water close to room temperature once or twice a week, which not only improves the air humidity around potted flowers, but also makes the branches and leaves green and fresh. In addition, if the harm of shell insects is found, it should be treated in time.

Culture skills of asparagus asparagus

Asparagus originates in South Africa and is distributed in central China, northwest China, the Yangtze River Basin and the south. Its nature likes the warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment, it is not resistant to cold and drought in winter, and avoid direct sunlight in summer; it has extremely high ornamental plants, which can be placed in the living room and study to purify the air and add bookish flavor at the same time. Root medicine can treat acute tracheitis and has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough. Now let's get up and take a look at the breeding skills of asparagus.

How to raise asparagus

Asparagus, an evergreen ornamental plant, belongs to the genus Ophiopogon of Liliaceae from Africa. It is a common potted landscape in the home. Asparagus is a green vine, the roots and stems are fleshy stems from the stem, relatively soft, and straight upward. It is as jointed as bamboo, implying rising. Because it is like dwarf bamboo, but it has more elegance and literary flavor than bamboo, it is called asparagus by ancient literati. Asparagus to show that the green is not actually leaves, but its leaf-like branches, leaf-like branches are more dense, together like feathers, very elegant. Seen from afar, asparagus is superimposed layer by layer, like green clouds, so it is also called Yunpian pine and Yunzhu, with luxuriant branches and leaves, so it is rated as bamboo Chinese. Generally speaking, asparagus grows better in the first three years, and needs proper pruning after growing up gradually, mainly to observe the leaves. And asparagus placed in the middle of the home, not only play a role in purifying the air, and its fragrance, this fragrance has the effect of relieving cough and moistening the lungs.

Since asparagus is so good, how can we raise it to add to the scenery? First of all, let's take a look at its habits.

Asparagus native to Africa, the climate in Africa is relatively warm, and the soil is fertile, the temperature has been above 15 degrees Celsius. However, asparagus has been growing in the shade, and the ventilation environment is relatively good, generally growing in the mountains, now many people are raised in the courtyard or home, but also with rockery as a landscape match. The requirement for moisture is relatively strict, and it is not hardy in winter and is easy to die.

Asparagus for more than 3 years can be propagated separately, but it should be carried out in spring when dividing plants, which is very important. Then the method is to use the blade to divide the stem and root of asparagus into two to three clumps, so that each clump has three to five branches. Then plant them separately in a prepared new basin. Remember to moisturize and shade after dividing the plant. Otherwise it will cause yellow leaves!

As a family farming, planting asparagus soil is very important, to choose a fertile sandy loam, its soil to ensure moisture. Friends should pay attention! Generally speaking, the adobe can be reconciled with the proportion of four parts of sand stuffed soil, two parts of rotten leaf soil and one part of sand. But friends should pay attention to changing soil and adding fertilizer regularly, so as to ensure the healthy growth of asparagus.

Asparagus is a very "hypocritical" plant, if you water more, then the root of asparagus will rot; if there is less water, then the leaf tip of asparagus will turn yellow and become withered.

So the main points that friends should remember are: pay attention to the weather when watering, the condition of the soil, dry watering, spray watering can be used to humidify and cool asparagus in hot summer.

Here the editor would also like to talk about the daily pruning methods of asparagus for all of you. If the branches and leaves of asparagus cause growth problems due to sun burns or dry soil or lack of fertilizer, all the leafy branches can be cut off. If the growth of a branch is slow, then in order to make the shape of asparagus look good, it can be cut off from the roots at once.

Maintenance methods of asparagus

1. Adequate nutrients to avoid nutrient loss. Some are due to the hardening of basin soil and the decrease of root activity due to poor ventilation, which affects the normal growth of plants. In addition to changing the basin with soil rich in organic matter in spring, we should often loosen the surface of the basin soil and pay attention to strengthening fertilization.

2. Water more and keep moist. Should always keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the plant, the water temperature had better be the same as room temperature, and put asparagus in a place with high air humidity. Mixed fertilizers should be properly applied in the growing season to make the plants healthy and strong and enhance their resistance.

3. The amount of water should be appropriate, and too much is not good. It should be moved to the shade or the edge of the curtain window to avoid direct exposure to strong light, and pay attention to not watering too much.

4. Pay attention to the weather changes. When a typhoon comes, asparagus should be moved indoors. Its decay is mainly caused by strong winds in the hot summer season, or long-term stagnant water in flowerpots. So in summer, we should pay special attention to guard against thundershowers or typhoons.

Asparagus is a shade-loving plant, likes a warm and humid climate, can not bear cold, but also afraid of summer heat. The requirements of light conditions are relatively strict, neither year-round shade, but also can not withstand the sun exposure, exposure in the hot sun for half a day will be withered and yellow. Therefore, it is appropriate to migrate asparagus to indoor culture and grow under scattered light to avoid direct sunlight. Keep the soil fertile, draining and breathable, and keep the indoor temperature above 5 ℃ in winter in order to make it safe through the winter.

Methods of cultivating asparagus in family culture points for attention in asparagus culture

In fact, asparagus is also called Yunpiansong, Yunzhu, it can grow up to a few meters high, and then let's take a look at how asparagus is raised.

Asparagus, an evergreen ornamental plant, belongs to the genus Ophiopogon of Liliaceae from Africa. It is a common potted landscape in the home. Asparagus is a green vine, the roots and stems are fleshy stems from the stem, relatively soft, and straight upward. It is as jointed as bamboo, implying rising.

Because it is like dwarf bamboo, but it has more elegance and literary flavor than bamboo, it is called asparagus by ancient literati. Asparagus to show that the green is not actually leaves, but its leaf-like branches, leaf-like branches are more dense, together like feathers, very elegant.

Seen from afar, asparagus is superimposed layer by layer, like green clouds, so it is also called Yunpian pine and Yunzhu, with luxuriant branches and leaves, so it is rated as bamboo Chinese. Generally speaking, asparagus grows better in the first three years, and needs proper pruning after growing up gradually, mainly to observe the leaves. And asparagus placed in the middle of the home, not only play a role in purifying the air, and its fragrance, this fragrance has the effect of relieving cough and moistening the lungs.

Family farming

1. Potted soil: fertile sandy loam should be used to cultivate asparagus, which should be warm and humid, rich in rotten branches and good drainage. Generally, it can be prepared in the proportion of 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of sand. And to change the soil regularly to add fertilizer.

2. Watering: watering is the key point of asparagus cultivation and culture. too much watering and too wet basin soil can easily cause root rot, and too little watering will lead to scorched and yellowed leaf tips.

3. Fertilization: asparagus is not good at fertilizer, but it can not be short of fertilizer. Limited by potted soil, asparagus culture must replenish nutrients in time to meet the growth requirements. In the process of fertilizing asparagus, it is necessary to apply more times and less amount, and do not apply thick fertilizer, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing.

4. Lighting: asparagus culture can not be exposed to the hot sun, hot season, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, asparagus flowering is not only afraid of wind, but also afraid of rain, should pay attention to good ventilation, good weather can be properly placed outside to receive sunlight. The temperature of potted asparagus in winter should be kept above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing.

5. Display: asparagus loves a clean and well-ventilated environment. If stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, the leaves will turn yellow, curl and even die. Asparagus should be placed in a clean, well-ventilated environment, away from marble decorative materials that release mercury gas.

Matters needing attention in asparagus culture

The importance of asparagus soil:

As a family farming, planting asparagus soil is very important, to choose a fertile sandy loam, its soil to ensure moisture. Friends should pay attention! Generally speaking, the adobe can be reconciled with the proportion of four parts of sand stuffed soil, two parts of rotten leaf soil and one part of sand. But friends should pay attention to changing soil and adding fertilizer regularly, so as to ensure the healthy growth of asparagus.

Watering asparagus:

Asparagus is a very "hypocritical" plant, if you water more, then the root of asparagus will rot; if there is less water, then the leaf tip of asparagus will turn yellow and become withered. So the main points that friends should remember are: pay attention to the weather when watering, the condition of the soil, dry watering, spray watering can be used to humidify and cool asparagus in hot summer.

Daily pruning of asparagus:

Here I would also like to talk about the daily pruning methods of asparagus for my friends. If the branches and leaves of asparagus cause growth problems due to sun burns or dry soil or lack of fertilizer, all the leafy branches can be cut off. If the growth of a branch is slow, then in order to make the shape of asparagus look good, it can be cut off from the roots at once.

The above is the relevant introduction of this article, I believe you have a simple understanding of this after reading it, if necessary, you can continue to pay attention to the No. 1 home network for more information.