
Maintenance modeling of Fugui bamboo

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fugui bamboo Chinese scientific name green leaf dragon blood tree, alias green leaf bamboo banana, belongs to the tequila family dragon blood tree belongs to evergreen erect shrub. About 1 meter high, the leaves are whorled, shaped like willow leaves. The main cultivated varieties are Phnom Penh (yellow broad stripe on the edge of the leaf) and silver rich bamboo (with white wide stripe on both sides of the leaf).

Fugui bamboo Chinese scientific name green leaf dragon blood tree, alias green leaf bamboo banana, belongs to the tequila family dragon blood tree belongs to evergreen erect shrub. About 1 meter high, the leaves are whorled, shaped like willow leaves. The main cultivated varieties are Phnom Penh (yellow wide stripe on the edge of the leaf) and silver (white wide stripe on both sides of the leaf).

Originally from northern Myanmar, it was introduced into Zhanjiang by the South Asian Tropical crop Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences in the 1980s. Fugui bamboo prefers loose, well-drained soil rich in humus and a warm and humid environment.

The common cutting method is to cut the current and perennial stems into 5-10 cm cuttings, stand upright or lie flat in a wet sand bed, keep the bed temperature at 25-30 ℃, and generally take 1-2 months to grow new roots and buds. If the stem tip cuttage with leaves is selected, it will take root in 3-4 weeks. In order to promote rooting, cuttings can be treated with low concentration of indoleacetic acid (IAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) or rooting powder. In addition, water insertion can also be used. The lower part of the cuttings can also take root when soaked in water.

Fugui bamboo can not only be potted by a single plant, but also can be combined by multiple plants in different levels. With the development of flower culture and the elegance of people's aesthetic taste, in recent years, the combined potted art with different length, different number of plants and different levels is becoming more and more popular. For example, the "rich bamboo pagoda" in the best-selling market is made up of three or more groups of rich bamboo stems of different heights. The method is to cut the tip of the rich bamboo into cuttings of a certain length, and then pot the cuttings after rooting. As the rich bamboo is easy to take root and survive, water cultivation is popular in the market. The key point of its water cultivation technology is to keep the flowerpot or vase with the right amount of water all the time, and to often add water so as not to make it dry. Place the windowsill every month to bask in the sun for 1 or 2 days. Apply a small amount of flower fertilizer to the water every 2 months, to the north of the Yellow River, add 10 drops of edible vinegar to the basin every month. The suitable growth temperature of Phyllostachys pubescens is above 5 ℃.

The rich bamboo pagoda made of rich bamboo has different levels, noble and elegant shapes, rising one after another, implying that it is full of vitality and striving for progress. Put it on the desk and coffee table, add a touch of spring, give people fresh and natural, urge people to be honest and self-disciplined, and continue to make progress.

The modeling methods and matters needing attention of Fugui bamboo what are the rich bamboo bonsai shapes and how to make them

Rich bamboo is a common flower used for bonsai production, it has a good meaning of auspiciousness and wealth. Many flower lovers have also had the experience of raising rich bamboos. How much do you know about the bonsai production of rich bamboo? Today, the editor will give you a detailed introduction to the matters needing attention in controlling the top and lateral buds of Fugui bamboo and the matters needing attention in the shape of Fugui bamboo.

1. Precautions for controlling apical and lateral buds of Phyllostachys pubescens

The branches and leaves of rich bamboo are easy to grow endlessly, if not treated, it will affect the ornamental effect; the ways to restrain the growth of branches and leaves are as follows:

Control watering.

To keep it at a low temperature and keep it below 18 ℃, you need to change water frequently to prevent the roots from rotting.

Pick the heart.

When the top bud of each stem segment grows to 1 cm, remove the tip, that is, fix the bamboo tower with the left hand, carefully squeeze the tip two leaflets of the right thumb and index finger, pull out the heart leaves, and be careful not to hurt other lobules.

2. Matters needing attention in the styling of Fugui bamboo

Rich bamboo has an auspicious meaning, whether you give it to others or watch it yourself, it is the enjoyment of beauty, and you can also shape it according to your preferences.


Fugui bamboo has strong growth, strong vitality, strong fecundity and easy management. according to these characteristics, a large number of new bamboos are used to intercept many stems of different lengths to form a pagoda, and the upper end of each stem must carry bamboo shoots. it is necessary to retain the bud eye so that the top of each pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda.

Bottle bonsai.

Intercept the stem and tail of Fugui bamboo about 20 cm long, cut it in a vase or hanging vase, then put water 5 cm deep, change the water every few days, and usually put it on several cases of cool and ventilated indoors, which can keep the leaf color green for a long time, and don't have some fun.

Green pillars.

Put two pots of rich bamboo on both sides of the hall screen, if it is not moved or trimmed for a long time, let it grow freely and make it grow straight up, it can grow more than 1 meter high and form a green column. no, no, no.

Jungle bonsai.

When Hsinchu grows up, the old, weak and dense bamboo can be cut off and properly trimmed to make a jungle style. after shaping, the withered stems and old leaves in the lower layer of the bamboo stem can be peeled off, and the green, bright and glossy bamboo knots can be seen, which set off each other with rocks and rocks, which can improve the ornamental effect.

The above is all I know about rich bamboo today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about rich bamboo, please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed, we will provide you with more related knowledge!

The styling maintenance of Fugui bamboo is very important.

Nowadays, rich bamboo has become a hot ornamental plant, and some people give it as a gift, because it represents the meaning of auspiciousness and wealth. Then the modeling and maintenance of Fugui bamboo become extremely important, and its modeling design, apical bud control and scientific maintenance technology are briefly described as follows.

First, styling.

(1) pagoda type. Fugui bamboo has strong growth, strong vitality, strong fecundity and easy management. according to these characteristics, a large number of new bamboos are used to intercept many stems of different lengths to form a pagoda, and the upper end of each stem must carry bamboo shoots. retain the bud eye so that the top of each pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda. The first layer of the four-story pagoda intercepts 36 stems, each with 3 stem nodes, 7 cm in length; 23 in the second layer, each with 4 stem nodes, 10 cm in length; 18 in the third layer, 5 stem nodes in each branch, 13 cm long; 11 in the fourth layer, each with 6 stem nodes, 16 cm in length; the stem nodes used in the pagoda should be combined immediately to avoid losing too much water. In combination, we first take a 16 cm long stem and a 2.5 cm diameter plastic cylinder as the center of the pagoda, then 11 16 cm long stems are arranged in a circle along the periphery of the plastic cylinder on the same plane, and the lower ends are fastened with plastic thread to form the fourth layer of the pagoda; another 18 stems are each 13 cm long, and the lower ends are arranged along the periphery of the fourth pagoda on the same plane to form the third layer of the pagoda. 23 stems 10 cm long are arranged on the periphery of the third layer to form the second layer of the pagoda. The bottom layer uses 36 7 cm long stems to circle around the periphery of the second layer to become the first layer of the pagoda. After the pagoda is made, in order to improve the ornamental effect, gold paper is used to paste the iron wire on the outside of the binding line, or the iron wire is wound into gold bars with gold paper, and tightened three times around 2mi on the original binding line to make the pagoda more spectacular; then another stone-carved multi-storey pagoda can be decorated at the top of the pagoda to form a pagoda on top, making it strange and spectacular Flowerpot with pink semi-shallow pot, about 6 cm high, 2 cm larger than tower base, the bottom of the tower will be immersed in water, about 3 weeks later, each section can take root and long leaves, green leaf red pot, pleasing to the eye.

(2) Green columns. Put two pots of rich bamboo on both sides of the hall screen, do not move for a long time, do not prune, let it grow freely, so that it can grow more than 1 meter high, forming a green column.

(3) bottle bonsai. Cut off the stem and tail of Fugui bamboo about 20 cm long, cut it in a vase or hanging vase, put water 5 cm deep, change water once a few days, and usually put it on several cases of cool and ventilated indoor, which can keep the leaf color green and interesting for a long time.

(4) jungle bonsai. After growing up, Hsinchu cut off the old, weak and dense bamboo, trimmed properly and made it into a jungle style; after shaping, peeling off the dry and withered lower layer of the bamboo stem and the old leaves, you can see the green, bright and glossy bamboo knots, embellishing mountains and rocks and improving the ornamental effect.

Second, control the apical lateral buds. After the rich bamboo is made into a pagoda, the branches and leaves often grow endlessly, which is very nerve-racking. If it is not handled, the pagoda will be destroyed and the ornamental effect will be affected. In order to maintain the chic and unrestrained green leaves, the ways to restrain the growth are as follows:

(1) Control watering. Maintain at low temperature (below 18 ℃) and change water frequently to prevent root rot

(2) pick the heart. When the top bud of each stem segment grows to 1 cm, remove the tip, that is, fix the bamboo tower with the left hand, carefully squeeze the tip two leaflets of the right thumb and index finger, and pull out the heart leaves with great effort, so as not to hurt other lobules.

(3) chemical control. Irrigate with 1200 mg / L paclobutrazol once a month, or spray with 95% paclobutrazol 3000 mg / L, once a month, or spray with 500 Mel 1000 mg / L, once a month, or spray 60 mg / L with 50% paclobutrazol once a month, or directly prick the apical bud with a growth inhibitor dipped in a syringe needle.

Third, scientific maintenance.

(1) fertilization. The pot cultivation of rich and precious bamboo can be planted with the same amount of rotten leaf soil, vegetable garden soil and river sand, or coconut bran or rice bran and rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of dried chicken manure and pig manure as culture soil. 6 plants per pot are appropriate, and the pot is changed every 2-3 years. Change the soil and apply rotten peanut bran fertilizer, chicken manure, pig manure or compound fertilizer to make it grow strong, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer every 20 minutes.

(2) transfer water. Spray water once a day in summer, wash the foliar dust, improve humidity; usually like to be moist, the growing season should keep the soil moist, and often spray water to the leaves, but the water will grow, affect beauty, generally keep the soil moist.

(3) controlling light. Fugui bamboo likes semi-shade, suitable for growth under bright scattered light, leaf tip yellowing under strong light, leaves will be burned, especially in April-September to avoid strong light direct light, exposure or too dry, otherwise leaves scorched, no light, usually like the appropriate sunshine, generally put back to the north sun balcony is better, light 3 times a day for 4 hours, in order to keep the leaves bright.

(4) heat preservation. Fugui bamboo is fond of high temperature and strong cold resistance, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-30 ℃. The summer high temperature and humid season is very beneficial to its growth, and the overwintering temperature is above 8 ℃.

After reading, do you feel that modeling design, apical bud control and scientific conservation technology are very important for raising rich bamboo, so there are people who raise rich bamboo or sell rich bamboo? you can refer to the above knowledge for modeling and maintenance of rich bamboo. More agricultural technology knowledge is available in Huinong School. You are welcome to pay attention to it every day and learn more about agricultural technology.