
How to maintain the rubber tree?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rubber tree is native to India and Malaysia, and now it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Sex likes a warm, humid, sunny environment, but also slightly shade-resistant, not cold-resistant. It is required to have fertile and loose soil and grow well in neutral or acidic soil. When potted

Rubber tree is native to India and Malaysia, and now it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Sex likes a warm, humid, sunny environment, but also slightly shade-resistant, not cold-resistant. It is required to have fertile and loose soil and grow well in neutral or acidic soil. When potted, it is appropriate to use rotten leaf soil, grass ash soil plus about 1 to 4 river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer to form culture soil. Usually keep the soil moist and apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 15 to 20 days. High temperature in summer, rubber trees grow faster, should be fat and water, but to avoid stagnant water in the basin. After entering autumn, fertilization and watering are gradually reduced to promote plant growth and enrichment, which is conducive to overwintering. Rubber trees like the sun and should be kept outside in the sun from spring to autumn. If placed in a shaded place for a long time, it is easy to cause leaves to yellowing and falling off.

Because the rubber tree is not resistant to cold, it must be preserved indoors in the sunny place in winter, keep the room temperature above 10 ℃, and the minimum temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃; if the temperature is too low and the basin soil is wet, it will cause the leaves to blacken and fall off, the root to rot, and even the whole plant to die. Move to the courtyard or balcony for maintenance from the end of April to the beginning of May next year.

After potted rubber trees become seedlings, it is generally appropriate to turn the pot and change the soil once before the new buds grow in spring every year. When turning the basin, cut off the curled root system properly and add new culture soil and base fertilizer. For overgrown plants, you can also change to a larger flowerpot in September. In order to make the plant shape of potted rubber trees plump, coring should be carried out when the seedlings grow to 60-80 cm high, in order to promote lateral bud germination. After the lateral branches grow, choose 3 to 5, and then cut the opposite branches once a year, and the round and plump trees with a height of 1.5 meters and 2 meters high can be obtained in 3 years.

How to raise rubber trees and the methods of cultivation and maintenance of rubber trees

A netizen asked how to raise a rubber tree. The following methods of cultivation and conservation of rubber trees are summarized as follows: rubber trees named Indian yong, Indian rubber trees, evergreen trees of Moraceae. The leaves are beautiful and glossy, and they are famous potted foliage plants.

Rubber tree is native to India and Malaysia, and now it is cultivated in many parts of our country. Sex likes a warm, humid, sunny environment, but also slightly shade-resistant, not cold-resistant. It is required to have fertile and loose soil and grow well in neutral or acidic soil. When potted, it is advisable to use rotten leaf soil, grass ash soil plus river sand of about lamp 4 and a small amount of base fertilizer to form culture soil. Usually keep the soil moist and apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 15-20 days. High temperature in summer, rubber trees grow faster, should be fat and water, but to avoid stagnant water in the basin. After entering autumn, fertilization and watering are gradually reduced to promote plant growth and enrichment, which is conducive to overwintering. Because rubber trees like the sun, they should be kept outside in the sun from spring to autumn; if placed in a shaded place for a long time, it is easy to cause leaves to yellowing and falling off.

Because the rubber tree is not cold-resistant, it must be moved to the sunny place indoors in winter to maintain the room temperature above lO degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature should not be lower than 5 degrees Celsius; if the temperature is too low and the basin soil is moist, it will cause the leaves to blacken and fall off and the roots to rot, or even the whole plant to die. Move to the courtyard or balcony for maintenance from the end of April to the beginning of May next year.

After potted rubber trees become seedlings, it is generally appropriate to turn the pot and change the soil once before the new buds grow in spring every year. When turning the basin, cut off the curled root system properly and add new culture soil and base fertilizer. For overgrown plants, you can change to a large-size flowerpot in September. In order to make the plant shape of potted rubber trees plump, coring should be carried out when the seedlings grow to 60-80 cm high to promote the germination of lateral buds. After the lateral branches grow, choose 3-5, and then cut the opposite lateral branches once a year, and the round and plump trees with a height of 1.5-2 meters can be obtained in 3 years.

-the room temperature is too high or too low after winter, and the water is watered and fertilized. Growth temperature 20-25 degrees, like light, like moisture, water thoroughly, hypertrophy and drought will lose leaves.

Rubber tree maintenance methods in winter, four ways to keep the rubber tree safe through the winter

Because the rubber tree is relatively weak in cold tolerance, how to maintain it in winter has become a worry for many flower friends. If it is not properly maintained, it is likely to make the leaves of the rubber tree fall off crazily, and it may also make it difficult to restore growth in the following spring. So how should it be maintained after winter? Let's take a look at the maintenance methods of rubber trees in winter.

Maintenance methods of rubber trees in winter

1. Temperature

There is no doubt that the most important thing in managing rubber trees in winter is the temperature. how many degrees should the temperature be above in order to make the rubber trees survive the winter smoothly? The answer is above 8 degrees. If the temperature in the area where florists live is often below 0 degrees in winter, you should pay attention to heat preservation by moving back indoors or covered with plastic film.

2. Light intensity

Many flower friends will move the rubber tree indoors in winter, which can control the temperature very well, but because the light intensity is different from that outside, we need to pay attention to increase the light reasonably at this time. In winter, it should be ensured that it can be exposed to direct or scattered light.

3. Watering strategy

Generally speaking, it is necessary to reduce the watering of rubber trees in winter, and it is more appropriate to make the soil drier. If the indoor air is relatively dry, you can spray some water around the plant. On the one hand, it can ensure that the soil is moist and the humidity is moderate.

4. Stop fertilization

Many animals go into dormancy in winter, and so will rubber trees, and their growth stagnates when the temperature is low, so the demand for fertilizer is not as high as in the growing season, so there is generally no need to apply fertilizer in winter. this point has been emphasized in rubber tree farming methods.

Matters needing attention in rubber tree culture in winter

1. Although the rubber tree can survive the winter smoothly when the temperature is above 8 degrees, for the sake of safety, the temperature had better be controlled above 10 degrees to avoid frostbite caused by the lower temperature at night.

2, when moving the rubber tree to indoor insulation, do not put it in a dark corner, do not think that it does not need sufficient light when it is dormant, otherwise it will make its green leaves turn yellow.

3. Although the rubber tree should be watered less in winter, it does not mean that it will not be watered once throughout the winter. When the temperature is relatively high, it can be watered appropriately, especially when it is about to be included in spring. Proper watering can quickly restore the growth of the rubber tree.