
A study on the Propagation methods of Rhizoma Polygoni

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A study on the Propagation methods of Rhizoma Polygoni

Money tree in the wider living room, study, living room display, elegant style, simple, is a beautiful, regular indoor foliage plant. And rotten roots will appear when breeding, what should we do at this time? Today, let's take a look at the breeding methods and precautions of the money tree.

First, the propagation method of money tree.

1. Stem cuttings

After a period of drought treatment, the female parent reproductive material of the tree was first removed from the base of the stem with a sharp knife, then the leaf axis with 4 leaves was cut with scissors as cuttings, and the cut stem was treated with NAA powder: 25% carbendazim powder (or: 50% methyl thiophanate powder). The proportion of plant ash was 1: 1, 2, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1, 000, 1 After insertion, the sand bed should be kept in a semi-dry and wet state, which will cause cuttings to rot and lead to failure. After 25 days (long winter time), a certain root system began to form, and gradually expanded in the middle of the root to form a globular tuber; the other kind formed a tuber at the cut of the cuttings. The tuber gradually enlarges and several stems are produced, so that the stem has been successfully inserted.

2. Ye Kui insert

Cut the sturdy leaves with stalks (thick leaves, free of diseases and insect pests, bright green leaves) as cuttings, cut the leaves with NAA powder: 25% carbendazim powder (or 50% methyl thiophanate powder) plant ash ratio of 1 to 21, 000, and then inserted into the semi-dry and wet sand bed, the depth of the leaf length accounted for 1 step 3. After insertion, the sand bed should be kept in a semi-dry and wet state. 20 days after insertion, calli were produced at the end and bottom of the petiole to form a tuber. After the tuber grew up, a number of adventitious buds grew on the tuber and several stems were produced, so that the leaf cuttings were successfully inserted.

3. the method of dividing the ball

The method of dividing balls of the money tree is an easy way to operate. the specific method is to remove all the stems of the money tree, use the stem with leaves for stem insertion or leaf insertion, open all the connected tubers into a single petal, and apply it to the wound with 25% carbendazim powder mixed with plant ash at a ratio of 1RV 500 (or 50% methyl thiophanate powder to 11000 plant ash), and then bury a single tuber in the depth of the semi-dry and wet sand bed 3cm. After 15 days, several buds can grow around the tuber to form independent plants.

II. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of money trees

1. Selection elements of basin soil.

The basic requirement of planting soil is good permeability, and peat, coarse sand or washed cinder mixed with a small amount of garden soil are often used as cultivation medium. Artemisia mandshurica has large tubers, developed roots and long pinnately compound leaves, so we should observe more in the growing season and change the pot and change the soil in time according to its growth. In addition, if the phenomenon of stagnant water in the basin occurs, turn the basin and change the soil in time.

2. Temperature control of culture

The normal growth temperature is 2532 ℃, too high or too low is not conducive to the growth of the tree. If the tree is over 35 ℃, it will stop growing, and if it is less than 5 ℃, it will suffer frost damage. It is better to keep it between 8 ℃ and 10 ℃ in winter, which is more safe and reliable.

3. Light utilization

Artemisia mandshurica is a kind of culture which is light-loving and shade-tolerant. A sunny and shady environment should be created for it in the process of culture. Like all indoor flower farming, the cultivation of money trees also avoid strong sun exposure and direct exposure, especially after rain and sunshine in early summer and around noon in summer, otherwise they will be burned.

III. The role of the money tree in the center of the home

1. The tree can absorb the poison gas and release oxygen through photosynthesis, bringing you fresh air. Plant a money tree. During the day, it can absorb carbon dioxide from the room and release oxygen, increasing the concentration of negative ions in the indoor air. It can even absorb dust that is difficult to absorb by vacuum cleaners. More importantly, it can also absorb formaldehyde, benzene series and other harmful gases, killing bacteria in the air. In this process, it can effectively purify the air and increase the green atmosphere in the space, which makes people relaxed and exhilarating. It is really the natural oxygen bar at home. In addition, the money tree can adjust the surrounding moisture, especially suitable for air-conditioned rooms. Turning on the air conditioner is easy to dry, and a pot of money tree can balance the environment and protect your skin.

2. The money tree is clean and beautiful in appearance, easy to take care of, and is not prone to insect pests. It can withstand drought, so it won't be a problem even if you go out for a week or two. At home, it looks beautiful and generous, especially its color and shape is very lovable, there is no sturdy stem, there is no oblique branches and leaves, there is no airtight leaves, it is just a kind of ornamental flower, although it has never bloomed, just show you the green. Green leaves make people feel exuberant vitality and attract people to approach. Look at its name, money, gold coins, with magnificent and rich flowers, to make you lucky again and again.

If we want to raise the money tree at home well, then we should start from the above aspects. In addition, the most important thing to raise flowers and plants is to have a dexterous heart. When we find that there is something wrong with our flowers and plants, we should take corresponding measures in time, which is also the breeding methods and matters needing attention of money trees.

Tempting to approach. Look at its name, money, gold coins, with magnificent and rich flowers, to make you lucky again and again.

If we want to raise the money tree at home well, then we should start from the above aspects. In addition, the most important thing to raise flowers and plants is to have a dexterous heart. When we find that there is something wrong with our flowers and plants, we should take corresponding measures in time, which is also the breeding methods and matters needing attention of money trees.