
Efficacy and function of durian

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Efficacy and function of durian

Durian is known as the king of tropical fruits, and its unique taste is deeply loved by the public. Durian is a seasonal fruit with a short growing season. In order to supply consumers all over the world throughout the year, the manufacturer carefully selects durians of high quality and delicious meat during the durian production period in Thailand, and adopts the most advanced-45℃ rapid freezing system for instant freezing and vacuum drying. This drying technology can completely maintain the sweet taste and nutritional value of durian. Vacuum freeze-dried durian, made from 100% durian pulp, free of any additives, rich in protein, vitamins, high fiber, zero cholesterol is an ideal green food for modern urbanites. Vacuum freeze-drying durian: fresh fruit pulp is first placed in a freeze-dryer, then frozen immediately, so that the moisture in the pulp is transformed into ice particles, and then placed in a vacuum container for sublimation, that is, the ice is directly transformed into steam. In addition to removing water, the pulp can still maintain its original state, and the original nutritional value and vitamins and minerals of fresh fruit are retained.

Durian's efficacy and function

1. Nourish the body. Durian has a high nutritional value. It is high in sugar, starch 11%, sugar 13%, protein 3%, vitamins, fat, calcium, iron and phosphorus. Friends who are weak, postpartum and ill can eat durian to nourish their bodies.

2, enhance immunity, durian fruit amino acid types are complete, rich in content, in addition to tryptophan, but also contains 7 kinds of essential amino acids, among which, glutamic acid content is particularly high. Animal experiments have further proved that glutamic acid is an important precursor of nucleic acid, nucleotide, amino sugar and protein, participating in their synthesis and metabolism, improving the immune function of the body, regulating the acid-base balance in the body, and improving the adaptability of the body to stress. Durian fruit has a strong tonic effect on the human body, in addition to containing rich beneficial elements such as zinc, but also with its aroma components and other nutrients to play a synergistic role...

3, treatment of dysmenorrhea, because durian is a hot fruit, so after eating it can play a role in promoting blood circulation and dispelling cold, relieving menstrual pain, especially suitable for people who are cold and cold. Xiao Bian Tip: If you drop two drops of essential oil that can relieve menstrual pain in the room before going to bed at the same time, you can relieve pain and relieve emotions. At the same time, massage with essential oil has the effect of relaxing muscles, activating blood circulation, beautifying and slimming.

4, appetizing appetite, durian special taste controversy has been very big, but Xiaobian wants to say that the nutritional value of durian is just reflected in this special taste oh! This fragrant smell creates a major effect of durian, which is to stimulate appetite and appetite.

5, laxative treatment constipation, because durian is rich in dietary fiber, can promote intestinal motility, treatment constipation. However, we must pay attention to is, eat durian constipation can drink more boiled water oh, otherwise rich fiber no water can suck, suck intestinal moisture, want to defecate can be more difficult.

6, prevention and treatment of hypertension, durian fruit also contains essential mineral elements, of which potassium and calcium content is particularly high. Potassium is involved in the metabolism and transport of proteins, carbohydrates and energy, helping to prevent and treat hypertension.

7, anti-cancer and anti-cancer, durian fruit is rich in vitamins, and a large number of studies have proved that vitamin A is an important micronutrient essential for the human body, with the physiological functions of maintaining normal growth, reproduction, vision and anti-infection. The human body needs vitamin A to maintain the health of epithelial cells, normal vision, promote growth and development; increase resistance to infectious diseases, which is why durian has anti-cancer effects.

Taboo of durian:

1. Durian should not be eaten with alcohol: alcohol and durian are hot and dry substances. If diabetic patients eat both, they will cause blood vessel obstruction. Serious cases will have burst blood vessels and stroke. It is not suitable for consumption.

2. Heat constitution, sore throat cough, cold, yin deficiency constitution, trachea sensitive people eat durian will make the condition worse, not beneficial to the body, should not eat.

3. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that durian is warm in nature. If you eat too much, it will cause dryness to rise, and the symptoms of dampness will appear. To relieve discomfort, drink kelp mung bean soup or prunella soup.

4. Durian is high in calories and sugar, so obese people should eat less.

5. Durian contains high potassium, so kidney disease and heart disease patients, should eat less.

6. Durian tastes thick and easy to accumulate in the intestines. Drinking plenty of boiled water can help digestion.


Raw food, or used to make stuffing pastry or pancakes, but in the process of processing its nutrients will have a certain loss.


Raw food, or used to make stuffing pastry or pancakes, but in the process of processing its nutrients will have a certain loss.