
Kinds of vegetables that can be grown at home. How to grow vegetables in the house?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kinds of vegetables that can be grown at home. How to grow vegetables in the house?

The variety of vegetables is very rich, it can be said that as long as they can be used to cook dishes, they can be counted as vegetables. And now home farming vegetables have gradually become a popular trend, let's take a look at the methods of home farming vegetables, and which vegetables are suitable for family cultivation.

Matters needing attention in raising vegetables at home

1. Soak the seeds so that they can germinate during the season. Seeds need enough water before they germinate, which is the same as being irrigated in the spring rain. When the seed is full, the germ inside will begin to grow. The seeds of vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage and arugula can use water in the air efficiently and germinate quickly without being soaked in advance. But pre-soaking the slow-growing seeds of parsley and parsley has certain benefits. Soak the seeds in room temperature water for a few hours or all night, but don't forget to take them out so that the seeds don't soak in the water for a long time. After that, drain the water from the surface of the seed and start sowing immediately.

two。 When selecting seedlings, select seedlings that grow in large containers with healthy green leaves and strong structures (check for strong and well-developed roots), and avoid those that are neglected, slender and weak, or grow too large.

3. Vertical planting can save space. You can let the branches and vines of beans, cucumbers, watermelons and pumpkins climb up the scaffolding or rattan, rather than let them spread across the ground.

4. Utensils can be prepared with some discarded plastic cups and holes in the bottom of the cups for seedling breeding. Plastic flowerpot or styrofoam box (with hole at the bottom) with tray at the bottom. Don't use earthen pots. 0.5 kg pottery gravel and 1 Mel 2 kg perlite, vermiculite, peat and rock wool. Concentrated nutrient solution is divided into No. 1 and No. 2, which should be diluted comprehensively. Empty plastic can not bottle 2 (for diluting nutrient solution).

5. After seedling emergence, dilute the nutrient solution for 1 / 2 times a day, and the exudate from the tray is appropriate. Vegetables. When the seedlings grow out of two leaves, they begin to thinning the seedlings, leaving only one seedling in each hole, and the redundant seedlings are pulled out. Change the basin. When the young seedlings grow to the point where there are 5 true leaves of 3mi, it is necessary to change the big pot. First spread a layer of soaked gravel at the bottom of the basin to facilitate drainage, then spread perlite, transplant the seedlings into the large basin together with the matrix, and finally cover the perlite with a layer of ceramic gravel. Change the pouring liquid after the basin, pour thoroughly for the first time, and it is appropriate to exudate from the tray. Pour liquid. Leaf vegetables are watered once a day, twice a day, and fruits and vegetables are only watered twice a day.

6. Fruits and vegetables that can be soilless are tomato, cucumber, balsam pear, strawberry and cherry radish. Leafy vegetables are lettuce, celery, coriander, Chinese cabbage, small rape, hollow cabbage, Artemisia annua and so on. These dishes have different ripening periods. Fruit and vegetables are generally 3 Mel for 5 months, and leafy vegetables are generally 2 Mel for 3 months.

Types of vegetables that are good for your health

Carrots: experts have found that carrots are the most effective food for removing mercury because carrots contain a lot of pectin, which can be combined with mercury. In addition, it reduces the concentration of mercury in the blood and accelerates its excretion from the body. Eating some carrots every day can also stimulate gastrointestinal blood circulation, improve the digestive system, and resist free radicals that lead to disease and aging.

Garlic: if the lead in our bodies exceeds the standard, it will seriously harm our viscera and organs, so garlic is absolutely the first choice on the question of what to eat for liver detoxification. The study found that there are some special ingredients in garlic, which can effectively reduce the concentration of lead in the body.

Chinese yam: we should not only know what to eat for liver detoxification, but also pay attention to the maintenance of the liver. The Chinese yam can not only nourish multiple organs at the same time, but also has a good effect of tonifying the kidney and detoxification of the kidney.

Figs: figs are a good choice to protect your health. Figs contain a lot of organic acids and a variety of enzymes. Eating a moderate amount of figs can effectively protect the liver and detoxification, clear away heat and moisturize the intestines, and is also very good for digestion.

In addition to these vegetables, families can also choose lettuce, Chinese cabbage, lantern peppers, tomatoes, some fruits and so on. There are many kinds to choose from. Everyone can choose and breed according to their own hobbies.

There are many kinds to choose from, and you can choose and breed according to your own hobbies.