
Can pregnant women eat tomatoes?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Can pregnant women eat tomatoes?

Tomato is a single-minded delicacy on the dinner table, many people like to eat tomatoes, and now it is very refreshing to make a plate of cold tomatoes in summer, so is it good for pregnant women to eat tomatoes? Many of us may not know this, because pregnant women themselves are a special group, and they have too many taboos, especially in food. So I'm going to answer this question today.

Can pregnant women eat tomatoes?

As for the benefits of tomatoes for pregnant women, experts say tomatoes are rich in natural antioxidants, including lycopene in addition to vitamin C, compared with ordinary vegetables.

Vitamin C is very familiar to everyone. It can prevent colds and treat scurvy. Lycopene is a natural pigment that turns tomatoes red. It acts like carotene in the human body and is a strong antioxidant. The experimental results show that lycopene has good effects on anti-atherosclerosis, antioxidant injury and protecting vascular endothelial function. the higher the content of lycopene in human plasma, the lower the incidence of coronary heart disease.

Lycopene also has good anticancer and anticancer effects. Its strong antioxidant activity can eliminate the free radicals that promote the growth of cancer cells and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. The study found that the content of lycopene in serum of women with uterine leiomyoma and cervical cancer was lower than that of normal women. When the content of lycopene in serum is high, the risk of gastric cancer and digestive tract cancer is lower.

In addition, experts remind pregnant women that tomatoes are not suitable for frozen food in the refrigerator. After the tomatoes in the refrigerator are frozen at low temperature, the meat is blister-like, soft or damaged, with black spots, not fresh taste, and serious ones will be rancid and rotten, so even if it is intact, the mother-to-be should not eat it.

Mother-to-be in the purchase of tomatoes, must choose a large, round, plump, beautiful appearance, do not eat tomatoes with bumps, because bumps are abnormal growth. Mothers-to-be should not eat tomatoes on an empty stomach. Tomatoes are rich in pectin, persimmon acid and a variety of soluble convergent ingredients. If they are fasting, these ingredients are easy to react with stomach acid and produce hard lumps that are insoluble. Cause gastrointestinal distension, pain and other symptoms. So the mother-to-be must pay attention.

How about tomatoes for pregnant women? Tomato is a kind of pure natural food, without any side effects, but also has a very good food value, nutrition is very good. This obviously gives us a hint that pregnant women can eat tomatoes, but we need to pay attention to the following points:

First, eat tomatoes should pay attention to: to choose a large, round, plump, appearance of the most floating food. Don't eat tomatoes with vegetations, because this vegetation is a tumor.

Second, do not eat immature tomatoes: because cyan tomatoes contain a large number of poisonous tomatoes, pregnant women will have toxic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and systemic fatigue, which is harmful to the development of the fetus.

Third, do not eat on an empty stomach: tomatoes contain a lot of gum, fruit quality, persimmon powder, soluble astringents and other ingredients. These substances are easy to react with stomach acid to form insoluble lumps, blocking the gastric outlet and causing abdominal pain.

Can pregnant women eat tomatoes?

Pregnant women can eat tomatoes. Eating tomatoes brings a lot of benefits to pregnant women. Tomato is cold, sweet and sour, rich in carotene, lycopene, vitamin C, protein and other nutrients, these nutrients are very good for the human body, for pregnant women, the more the better, but also have the following effects:

1. Beauty: tomato contains carotene and lycopene, which help to smooth wrinkles, make skin tender and smooth, and effectively prevent skin problems such as pregnancy spots and stretch lines that pregnant women are worried about.

2. Cancer prevention: lycopene in tomato can effectively eliminate free radicals in the body, prevent and repair cell damage, inhibit DNA oxidation, and thus reduce the incidence of cancer.

3. Anti-aging: vitamin C in tomato has the effects of invigorating body and relieving thirst, invigorating stomach and eliminating food. The most important thing is that it has strong antioxidants, which can help the body resist various degenerative and aging diseases caused by free radicals while replenishing lycopene.

4. Lowering blood pressure: vitamin C, rutin, lycopene and fruit acid in tomatoes can reduce blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. In addition, it contains a lot of potassium and alkaline minerals, which can promote the excretion of sodium salt in blood, and has the effect of reducing blood pressure, diuresis and detumescence. Therefore, pregnant women eating tomatoes can effectively prevent pregnancy induced hypertension and relieve symptoms such as pregnancy edema.

The above are some answers for pregnant women to eat tomatoes. I just introduced the precautions for pregnant women to eat tomatoes, so there is absolutely no problem with eating tomatoes. Please rest assured to eat them. The nutritional value of tomatoes is also beneficial to the healthy growth of babies, so let's enjoy the delicacy and health brought to us by tomatoes.

4. Lowering blood pressure: vitamin C, rutin, lycopene and fruit acid in tomatoes can reduce blood cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. In addition, it contains a lot of potassium and alkaline minerals, which can promote the excretion of sodium salt in blood, and has the effect of reducing blood pressure, diuresis and detumescence. Therefore, pregnant women eating tomatoes can effectively prevent pregnancy induced hypertension and relieve symptoms such as pregnancy edema.

The above are some answers for pregnant women to eat tomatoes. I just introduced the precautions for pregnant women to eat tomatoes, so there is absolutely no problem with eating tomatoes. Please rest assured to eat them. The nutritional value of tomatoes is also beneficial to the healthy growth of babies, so let's enjoy the delicacy and health brought to us by tomatoes.