
The role and effectiveness of Jingtiao Jingtiao economic value embodiment

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The role and effectiveness of Jingtiao Jingtiao economic value embodiment

Bauhinia is a kind of plant with many functions, so now there are many farmers who produce it, and it is also a very good source of honey, so it is also good for beekeeping. However, what is most closely related to our home life is that it can be used to make bonsai and improve the quality of the room.

I. the economic value of Jingtiao

1. Bauhinia has high economic value and has many uses. The traditional use is mainly for weaving, which can be used to weave strong and exquisite back baskets, pack baskets, baskets, baskets and other objects for daily life. Jingba is often used in beach reconstruction, construction site, mine transformation, highway construction and so on. It can also be used to weave wine storage containers-wine sea. Making use of its strange form, we can also cultivate high-quality bonsai.

two。 The whole plant of Jingtiao can be used as medicine and can be used to treat colds, burning sores, fever, wind and toothache and other diseases. Jingtiao is also an excellent nectar plant (Jing Hua nectar is one of the four famous nectar). It has a long flowering period, high honey content and long nectar flow period in summer. During the blooming season, each group of bees can produce 15kg to 20kg of nectar. Bauhinia leaves can be used to make Jingtiao tea, which has good anti-fatigue, refreshing and refreshing effects and softening blood vessels. The content of crude protein in the tender branches and leaves of Bauhinia is medium, and the content of crude fat is high, so it can be used as feed for goats, sheep and cattle every spring.

3. The whole plant of Vitex negundo has the function of controlling insect pests. Spraying the root, stem, leaf and seed of Bauhinia tenuifolia can control agricultural pests such as aphids, red spiders, ground tigers and rice borer, and can also be used to develop pesticides with high efficiency and low toxicity.

Second, several problems that should be paid attention to in picking bauhinia strips.

Jingtiao is the main honey source in summer, and it has a large amount of honey, so it is very important for beekeeping throughout the year. The scientific organization of Jingtiao honey gathering group is the prerequisite for the high yield of honey and royal jelly.

1. After the reform and opening up, the living standards of farmers have improved. Farmers all cook with coal or gas, so they do not have to go up the mountain to cut firewood. The thorns on the mountain have not been cut and have grown into old trees. The flowering period has been shortened to the end of May to the end of July, and the flow of honey is in June. The flowering period is coming to an end at the beginning of July, and most of the bauhinia are seeded. Therefore, in order to have a good harvest in the flowering period of Bauhinia, we must focus on June to ensure that a large number of age-appropriate collection bees will be put into production in June.

2. The Bauhinia bar is almost over at the end of July, and the biggest threat to the colony is wasps. A few wasps can destroy a colony in a few hours. In fact, wasp activities are regular, usually at dawn and dusk, cloudy and rainy days or sunny days after rain, wasp activities are the most rampant, so we must make sure that people do not leave the field and fight when they see wasps. The effect of electric mosquito patting on wasps is good, and the wasps should be trampled to death immediately after being electrocuted. Another way is to move the colony to a place where there are no wasps.

3. Bonsai production and maintenance of Bauhinia strips

1. Production: Bauhinia strips can make various forms of tree stump bonsai, especially direct dry type, oblique dry type, curved dry type, horizontal dry type and elephant form. Styling should be tailored to their aptitude and be guided according to the circumstances. In the initial stage of cultivation, it is mainly with flat tie and pull, supplemented by pruning; in the later stage, it is mainly pruned and supplemented by flat tie and pull.

two。 Maintenance: Jingtiao likes light, resistant to drought and barren soil, strong adaptability, resistant to pruning and easy to manage. During the growing season, the bauhinia bonsai should be placed in the sunny ventilation place, and the direction of the pot should be turned once in a while. Do not fertilize and water too much to avoid the steep growth of branches. Excessive branches should be cut off in time to keep the crown in good shape. Always pay attention to picking the heart, and the extra buds should be broken in time. You can apply organic thin fertilizer and water once in spring, summer and autumn. In the north, in winter, it is placed in an empty house in the sun, or buried in a basin, and the soil layer is at least 20 meters above the edge of the basin. The time for soil change, basin replacement and shaping and pruning usually begins after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and before sprouting. Jingtiao is not strict with the soil, and a small amount of organic manure is added when changing the soil. In autumn, the leaves of potted bauhinia are earlier than those of other tree species, which is a normal phenomenon.

Generally speaking, bauhinia is easier to breed, and it is easier to maintain bonsai than other bonsai, and its ornamental effect is different from that of ordinary wooden pile bonsai, which can add some different fresh colors to indoor life.