
Planting techniques and pest control methods of Acer negundo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques and pest control methods of Acer negundo

Double-leaf Acer is a kind of tree worth breeding and planting, because it not only has ornamental function, but also can be used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of diseases. Now let's learn how to cultivate it correctly.

Planting techniques of double-leaf Acer

Seed treatment: the seeds were collected to determine their size and characters, and then the pericarp was rubbed off to determine the seed quality. The use of sand mixing treatment, stratification to promote germination, that is, according to the ratio of wet sand and seeds at 3:1, placed in an aerated, humid, low-temperature environment to overwinter.

Sowing method: strip-on-demand sowing was carried out by direct method, and the depth was controlled at 2.5~3.0cm, hole spacing 2.0~4.0cm, row spacing range 25~30cm. After sowing, the soil was covered and evenly soaked to make it in a moist state.

Character observation: seed germination was observed after sowing, and a certain area was selected from the above two seedling methods to observe and calculate the seed germination rate and germination time. After transplanting, 50 seedlings were randomly selected as objects, that is, the seedling technique was investigated every 10 days. The characters of drought resistance, phenology and discoloration of leaves were observed in autumn.

Temperature and light: it has strong adaptability. Even if cold prevention measures are not taken in the southern region, the annual seedlings of double-leaf maple in winter will not be frozen, and there are no symptoms such as high humidity and sunburn in summer.

Fertilizer and water management: double-leaf maple is afraid of waterlogging, planted in a good light environment, pay attention to waterlogging in the rainy season. Golden leaf Acer has high requirements for water and fertilizer. Fertilization is combined with watering every year after defoliation in autumn and before germination in spring. In summer, according to the amount of rainfall, dry is irrigated and waterlogged is discharged.

Shaping and pruning: the growth rate of double-leaf maple is fast, and the branches are easy to bend. Therefore, while the seedlings are planted, stick a bamboo pole close to the seedlings, and the seedlings and bamboo poles are tied together with cloth strips, which should not be too tight, lest the rapid growth of the seedlings will affect the dry shape. Compound leaf Acer has strong tillering ability, pay attention to timely sprouting, pruning, pruning should be carried out in the growing season, pruning after deciduous leaves to dormant period is easy to occur wound flow phenomenon, which will affect the growth of the following year.

Control of Diseases and insect pests of double-leaf Acer

Leaf blight: the damaged sugar maple leaves are yellow and fall a large number of leaves early. in severe cases, there are few green leaves left on the tree, showing the shape of a withered tree. Spraying 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder 1000 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder at the initial stage of the disease can get better results.

Powdery mildew: when it is found that the plant is infected, the diseased leaves should be removed first, and then the water should be diluted 1000 times with 75% chlorothalonil and 20% Chlorothalonil wettable powder, alternately or mixed spraying, for 3 or 4 times in a row, once every one week. It has a good effect on powdery mildew. Severely susceptible plants should also be sprayed on the back of their leaves. After powdery mildew has been controlled, the above drugs or 50% carbendazim 500 times solution should still be sprayed every 15 days for 2 or 3 times in a row.

Compound leaf maple scale: from April to May, the control of the scale was sprayed with a liquid spray of 1000 to 1500 times at a speed of 40%.

Diamondback moth: when newly hatched larvae are found, the leaves are removed and trampled to death. The larvae were sprayed with 50% phoxim emulsion 1000-1500 times or 50% fenitrothion emulsion 1000 times in time. In August, 40% speed was used to cull 800m 1000 times of adult worms.

Anoplophora glabripennis: for adults that have been feathered after leakage control, spray "Green Weilei" 150 times 200 times or 40% speed to kill adults 800 times 1000 times in June-July.

Finally, I would like to tell you that there are three varieties of double-leaf maple, including golden-leaf compound-leaf Acer, pink-leaf compound-leaf Acer and flower-leaf compound-leaf Acer, among which Golden-leaf compound Acer has the strongest cold resistance. Solitary plants can be planted in groups. Acer maple with golden leaf has well-developed hairy roots, easy to plant and transplant, and can be transplanted in four seasons. The survival rate is very high, so it is easy to maintain water and fertilizer management, so it is the most suitable variety for breeding double-leaf Acer.