
Modeling advantages and pest control methods of red fruit elm

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Modeling advantages and pest control methods of red fruit elm

Red fruit elm, like all elm trees, can not only be used in courtyard and field planting, but also a very good choice of bonsai stump, which has its own advantages.

1. Introduction of red fruit elm

Morphological features: deciduous trees, up to 28 m high, DBH 80 m; bark dark gray, grayish black or brown gray, irregularly longitudinally split, rough; current year branches light gray or gray, hairy when young, later become glabrous or sparse, lenticels yellowish; bristles of germinating branches are dense, sometimes with large and irregularly longitudinally split cork layers around them The winter buds are oval, the exposed parts of the bud scales are almost glabrous or sparsely hairy, the lower hairs are denser, and the marginal hairs of the inner bud scales are longer and obvious. Flowers are arranged in clusters of Cymes on old branches. Samara suborbicular or Obovate-rounded.

Function: the heartwood of red fruit elm is reddish brown, the sapwood is white, the material is tough, the hardness is moderate, the texture is straight and the structure is slightly thick. It can be used for making furniture, agricultural tools, utensils, etc. Bark fiber can be used to make rope and rayon. The plains and low hilly areas in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River can be selected as "four sides" afforestation tree species.

Second, the bonsai advantage of red fruit elm

The growth rate is fast (it is the top of the five famous trees). Whether it is the growth rate of embryo material and the use of truncation and branch storage, the tree has a faster speed.

The leaves are small, beautiful in shape and dark green in color, which meets the requirements of bonsai production.

The better the wound is, the better the plasticity is, and the larger wound can be healed by electric energy, which can be used to transform the pile head of tree embryo. If it needs to be shrunk, it can heal naturally after cutting off part of it. The methods of 'hitting' and 'picking skin' can be used to make use of its callus and proliferative tissue to become rugged nodules, which not only has the beauty of vigorous beauty, but also can make the broad stem part have the feeling of enlargement.

The branches are soft, not easy to break, and are conducive to shaping and binding.

The root head is developed, and it can be modified arbitrarily by using the principle of callus to meet the requirements of various tree types, and it is also ideal for shaping the stone-attached type.

The germination rate is high, and the whole body is covered with latent buds. In the germination period before the Beginning of Spring, all the tree trunks with wounds germinated. If you need to grow branches somewhere, make a hole there until you see the xylem, where there will be sprouts. After growing into a branch, the wound will heal naturally without leaving a very obvious trace.

III. Disease and insect pest control of red fruit elm

Elm moth: the body length is about 12 mm and the wingspan is about 25 mm. The body and wings are white, and the tibia and tarsus of the foot are orange.

Yufeng moth: black body wings, body length 22 mm, wingspan 55 to 91 mm, antennae pectinate, forewings brown slightly yellowish brown.

Green-tailed silkworm moth: 35 to 40 mm in length and 122 mm in wingspan. The body surface has deep white villi, the wings are pink-green, the front edge of the front wing is purple-brown through the forechest, there is an eye-shaped stripe in the middle of the wing, and the rear wing is tail-shaped, 40 mm long.

1. Light trapping: adults are trapped and killed by black light during Eclosion.

two。 Manual control: combined with maintenance and management to remove egg blocks and newly hatched cluster larvae to eliminate overwintering larvae and overwintering cocoons.

3. Biological control: protection and utilization of native bees, wasps, sparrows and other natural enemies. Trichogramma was released from the egg stage of the green-tailed silkworm moth, and the parasitism rate was up to 60% to 70%. Spraying 1500 to 2000 times of suspension of 25% diflubenzuron 3 in young larvae and 10 billion to 2000 times of emulsion of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) containing more than 10 billion spores per milliliter in the stage of advanced larvae.

4. Chemical control: spray 20% methamphetamine EC 2500 to 3000 times or 20% fenvalerate EC 2000 times during the peak period of larvae.

Fourth, the price reference of red fruit elm

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 16cm, price 4000 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 15cm, price 3300 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 14cm, price 2500 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 13cm, price 1700 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 12cm, price 1500 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 11cm, price 1200 yuan

Price of red fruit elm: Rice diameter 10cm, price 800yuan.

All right, the above is the introduction of red fruit elm. After reading these introductions, do you also have an interest in planting and breeding red fruit elm? If you are moved, don't hesitate and act quickly to plant a beautiful red fruit elm.