
Goose palm, an ornamental foliage plant that can be cultivated in both soil and water.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Goose palm, an ornamental foliage plant that can be cultivated in both soil and water.

The cultivation of goose palm wood is relatively easy, but if you are careless and miss some necessary precautions, it may cause the leaves of goose palm wood to turn yellow or fall, so try to be as careful as possible.

Soil culture method of goose palm wood

Soil: goose palm wood can be cultivated in soil or potted, but it is important to note that potted plants can be cultivated with a mixture of rotten leaf soil and garden soil, and properly apply rotten cake fertilizer as base fertilizer when potting.

Watering: grow well in the environment of high air humidity and sufficient soil moisture, pay attention to the basin soil can not be short of water, otherwise it will cause a large number of leaves to fall off. During the growth period, it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist, and often spray water to the leaf surface to improve the air diffusivity. The water should be properly controlled under the condition of low temperature in winter. If you use plastic containers, pay attention to drainage. To keep the soil moist, water should be watered in time before it is dry. when the weather is dry, it should be sprayed and humidified to the plant; water in the basin should be prevented during the plum rain.

Fertilization: applying thin cake fertilizer and water 1-2 times a day can make its branches multiply and leaves green.

Sunshine: goose palm wood is shady, can be placed indoors or on the balcony or have bright scattered light all the year round, shade in summer, otherwise the leaves will wither and yellow.

Temperature: goose palm wood is not resistant to cold, and the room temperature should be kept above 10 ℃ in winter; if the room temperature is lower than 8 ℃ for a long time, the leaves will gradually wither and yellow; when the temperature falls below O ℃, the leaves will fall off and the stems and branches will dry up and die. Therefore, it is important to maintain a suitable temperature in winter.

Change basin: in the process of goose palm wood culture, generally change the basin every 2 years in early spring. The pot should be increased year by year and new cultivated soil should be added. Trim and reshape properly when changing the basin. Pruned branches can be used as cuttings, insulting cuttings with 2-3 nodes, inserted in the sand bed, moisturizing, about 1 month can grow.

Insect pests: there are mainly leaf spot disease and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of acetic acid solution. Insect pests are mainly caused by shell insects, which are sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC. In addition, red spiders, thrips and leaf moths harm the leaves of goose palm wood, which can be sprayed with 3000 times of permethrin EC.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of goose palm wood

1. Carefully remove the cultivated goose palm wood from the soil, wash the soil from the roots of the goose palm wood, and plant it in a transparent glass bottle containing clear water (tap water should be stored for 2-3 days). In the early stage of hydroponic culture, the water should be changed once every 2 or 3 days, and the temperature was kept above 15 ℃. Give the hydroponic goose palm wood proper light, and the goose palm wood will grow green.

two。 In the initial stage of hydroponic culture, the temperature should be kept above 15 ℃. The white callus began to form at the cut of the branches immersed in water for about 10 days, and soon differentiated into adventitious roots from these places. After about 45 days, the branches of 6cm can produce roots and white root hairs, which can be managed normally.

3. Hydroponic goose palm wood, need to change the water once a week, each time to add some hydroponic plant nutrient solution, can make hydroponic goose palm wood grow better. The hydroponic culture of goose palm wood should not be too high, and the goose palm wood should be soaked into the trunk of goose palm wood. Goose palm wood

Relatively speaking, hydroponic goose palm wood is more ornamental and cleaner, but because the environment and conditions of each person's home are slightly different, so we can choose the appropriate breeding method according to their own room style and environment.