
How do tulips grow in water?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tulips are also suitable for hydroponic culture, especially for low-temperature treated bulbs, which take a short time from planting to flowering. Hydroponic tulips are well decorated and easy to operate. (1) the diameter of the tulip bulb in the hydroponic container is about 3 to 5 centimeters, and it is best to have a container with a thin middle and two ends wide.

Tulips are also suitable for hydroponic culture, especially for low-temperature treated bulbs, which take a short time from planting to flowering. Hydroponic tulips are well decorated and easy to operate.

(1) hydroponic container

The diameter of the tulip bulb is about 3 to 5 centimeters, and it is best to have a container with a thin middle and two ends wide, just enough to make the bulb stuck in the center. You can buy a Cato from a florist, or you can make a Cato yourself. For example, using the details at the top of a mineral water bottle, cut off the bottleneck of mineral water according to the diameter of the seed ball, buckle it upside down in a wide-mouth bottle, and make a tulip hydroponic container.

(2) seed ball disinfection

Peel off the outer skin of the bulb root and soak it in a germicidal solution, such as soaking in 600 times chlorothalonil for 20 seconds for 30 seconds, or with topiramate or potassium permanganate solution.

(3) Aquaculture

Stick the sterilized tulip bulb on the bottleneck of the mineral water and fill it with fresh water so that the water surface just touches the bulb plate of the tulip. The water surface is low, the bulb disk can not touch the water; the water surface is higher than the bulb disk, and the bulb is easy to rot.

(4) temperature and light

That is, the regulation of temperature and light. First, put the seed ball in the environment between 5: 10 ℃, or wrap the seed ball with wet skimmed cotton, and then put it in the freezer to root, control the temperature at about 5 ℃. After 7-10 days, confirm that the root system of the plant is well developed, and then put it in the room with a temperature of 15-18 ℃. There should be enough light in the room, otherwise it is easy to grow in vain.

(5) change water

It was found that the water level was adjusted after the white root system grew, so that the root system of 2max 3 was immersed in water or in a nutrient solution rich in scale and potassium fertilizer. According to the temperature, change the water every 3 to 5 days, change the light nutrient solution every two weeks, and the bud will be exposed slowly.

When tulips are hydroponically cultivated, some dwarf varieties should be selected so that the plant type produced by hydroponic culture is more beautiful.

How to cultivate tulips in water? the method of cultivating tulips in water.

How do tulips grow in water? Friends who know about tulips should know that the earliest hydroponics of tulips were some growers in Denmark and southern Sweden in the 1970s. So, do you know the cultivation method of hydroponic tulips?

1. Bulb selection: hydroponic tulips need to cool the bulbs by controlling the temperature 9 ℃ before the end of October and decreasing gradually, keeping the temperature at about 2 ℃ from December to January and the humidity at 85-95%. The bulbs of tulips need to be wrapped in scales, undamaged, and harvested later. Otherwise, it will result in shorter beads, lighter weight, yellowing roots, no flowering, seed ball cracking and so on.

two。 Planting method: when planting, press the tulips under the bulb and stick them to the needle of the hydroponic planting plate. In order to protect the central flower bud from damage, the needle should be inserted into the surrounding part of the bulb. The seed balls with symptoms of infection should be removed and water should be added to the planting plate immediately after planting.

3. Nutrient liquid: the planting plate is placed in a rooting chamber with a small amount of air flow at a temperature of 5 ℃, which requires timely replenishment of water. Tap water with conductivity value of 1.5ms/cm or Rain Water can be used. For varieties prone to leaf cracking, water with conductivity value of 2ms/cm should be used in rooting stage.

4. Maintenance: when the tulip root grows to 4cm, place the planting plate on the flat ground in the greenhouse to remove the susceptible or ungerminated bulbs. At this stage, make sure that the water level reaches the overflow outlet, the temperature is maintained at 16-18 ℃, and the humidity is maintained at 60-80%. The frequency of watering at the end of planting can be reduced to half of that before harvest, and enough water should be provided to the plant before harvest to prolong the flowering period of tulips.

The market prospect of hydroponic tulips is very broad, and the price is naturally not cheap, so I have learned superb hydroponic tulip gardening skills, so I can be self-sufficient in tulip materials at home. So, through the introduction of the above editor, do you know how to cultivate tulips in water? If you know, hurry up and start hydroponic tulip farming.

Hydroponic tulip tulip: the cultivation method of hydroponic tulip

There is a historical event in the emergence of hydroponic tulips in the Netherlands. Because of the growing demand for hydroponic tulips, in 1988, the Dutch government promulgated a bill on plant protection, and hydroponic tulips have been on the official road since then. By the beginning of 2002, the Dutch hydroponic tulips had reached 40% of the total production, which shows the market value and profit space of hydroponic tulips. How to do hydroponic tulips? let's learn how to cultivate hydroponic tulips.

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Tulip: the cultivation method of hydroponic tulip

[plant archives]-

English name: Tulip

Scientific name: Tulipa gesneriana

Alias: foreign lotus, dry lotus, grass musk, tulip, red and blue flower, purple incense

Family: Liliaceae of Liliaceae

Genus: Tulipa of Tulip

Distribution of origin: Origin from southern Europe and West Asia to Northeast China in East Asia

Morphological characteristics: perennial herbs. Leaves long elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Flower stem 6-10cm high, flowers solitary stem apex, large erect, forest-like, base often black-purple. Perianth Obovate, bright yellow or purplish red, with yellow stripes and spots. There are white, pink, magenta, purple, brown, yellow, orange and so on, different shades, monochrome or complex color. Flowers are cup-shaped, egg-shaped, bell-shaped, bowl-shaped, ball-shaped, funnel-shaped, lily-shaped, single and double. The florescence is generally from March to May, with the difference of early, middle and late.

The culture method of hydroponic tulips-

▲ bulb selection: hydroponic tulips need to cool the bulbs by controlling the temperature 9 ℃ before the end of October and decreasing gradually, keeping the temperature at about 2 ℃ from December to January and the humidity at 85-95%. The bulbs of tulips need to be wrapped in scales, undamaged, and harvested later. Otherwise, it will result in shorter beads, lighter weight, yellowing roots, no flowering, seed ball cracking and so on.

▲ planting method: when planting, press the tulips under the bulb and stick them to the needle of the hydroponic planting plate. In order to protect the central flower bud from damage, the needle should be inserted into the surrounding part of the bulb. The seed balls with symptoms of infection should be removed and water should be added to the planting plate immediately after planting.

▲ nutrient liquid: the planting plate is placed in a rooting chamber with a small amount of air flow at a temperature of 5 ℃. Timely replenishment of water is needed. Tap water with electrical conductivity of 1.5ms/cm or Rain Water can be used. For varieties prone to leaf cracking, water with electrical conductivity of 2ms/cm should be used during rooting.

▲ maintenance: when the tulip root grows to 4cm, place the planting plate on the flat ground in the greenhouse to remove the susceptible or ungerminated bulbs. At this stage, make sure that the water level reaches the overflow outlet, the temperature is maintained at 16-18 ℃, and the humidity is maintained at 60-80%. The frequency of watering at the end of planting can be reduced to half of that before harvest, and enough water should be provided to the plant before harvest to prolong the flowering period of tulips.

Conclusion: the market prospect of hydroponic tulips is very broad, and the price is naturally not cheap, so I have learned the superb horticultural skills of hydroponic tulips, so I can be self-sufficient in tulip materials at home.

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