
The medicinal value of milk root how to eat milk root

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The medicinal value of milk root how to eat milk root

Milk tree root, it is easy to understand, is the root of the tree milk tree, milk tree is also known as milk numbness, milk, pig mother tea, pig milk tree and so on. Eating milk roots can help digest symptoms such as accumulated food and phlegm in the throat. At the same time, eating milk roots can also help treat rheumatoid arthritis, help postpartum mothers promote milk, for symptoms such as falling, swelling and pain, mash and external application with milk roots can also help reduce swelling and pain. Next, let's get to know this kind of small tree root with many functions.

1. The medicinal value of milk root

[provenance] from Lingnan Herbal Medicine Collection

[pinyin name] Ni ú Naturi Sh

[alias] Milk numbness, Milk Mini, Pig Mother Tea, Pig Milk Tree, Milk Medicine, Big Milk, polyglutinous Tree, Nim Water Wax Gourd, Iron Niu into Stone, Milk male Tree

[source] the source of medicinal materials is the root, bark, stem and leaf of Ficus tomentosa.

Latin plant animal mineral name: Ficus hisPida L f

[harvest and storage] can be mined all the year round. Wash and dry the root, remove the skin and take two layers of skin; use the leaf brush to remove hair.

Sweet; slightly bitter; cool

[functional indications] soothing wind and relieving heat; eliminating accumulation and resolving phlegm; invigorating spleen and removing dampness; promoting qi and dispersing blood stasis. Main cold and fever; conjunctivitis; bronchitis; dyspepsia; dysentery; spleen deficiency zone; milk retention; fall swelling pain; rheumatism arthralgia

Internal administration: fried soup, 15-30g. External use: proper amount, mashed or fried and washed.

Lingnan Herbal Medicine Collection: treating axillary sore, pounding its son and applying it with leaves.

Guidance on the eating methods of Milk Tree Root

Milk root

Ingredient: milk root 200g big bone 600g excipients: salt appropriate amount of peanut kernel 100g


1. A root, chopped into small pieces.

two。 Wash the roots of the big bone tree, peel the peanut kernels and wash them.

3. Put all the ingredients into the pot and add the right amount of water.

4. Turn on the electricity and choose the soup stall for 20 minutes.

5. Time to put pressure, add some salt.

6. Put the pot out of the pot and fill the kitchen with aroma.

Milk root and bone soup

Ingredient: pig bone right amount of milk tree root appropriate amount of excipients: salt, chicken essence, etc.


1. Wash the root of the milk tree and soak it in the water first.

two。 Put the pig bones and milk tree roots in the pot together, boil and remove the floating bone impurities. Add the right amount of salt and chicken essence, the fire turned to medium heat after an hour to drink, milk tree root taste super fragrant.

3. Many people say that the milk root is very similar to the five-finger peach, but it is not the same. It is a good Hakka flavor soup, with the functions of clearing heat, nourishing yin and reducing fire, dispelling dampness and resolving stagnation, clearing the liver and moistening the lungs, and so on. If you want to taste better, you can change the chicken and taste better.

The taste of milk root is slightly bitter, but if the ingredients are properly matched and eaten properly, this slightly bitter taste can enhance the taste. Milk tree root belongs to cool medicine and food, if the stomach is not good, people who like to have trouble with stomach should pay attention to appropriate consumption, while people with cold physique should pay attention to careful consumption, so as to avoid unnecessary danger and endanger their own health.