
[culture method of Beautiful Sakura] how to raise Sakura

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [culture method of Beautiful Sakura] how to raise Sakura

Beautiful cherry is an annual herbaceous flower, which is graceful, colorful and colorful. It is lingering like a sea of flowers when it is in full bloom. The beautiful cherry trees are short and dense, the flowers are colorful, the flowering parts are corymbose, the flowers are white, red, blue, snow blue, pink, etc., the florescence is from May to November, the sex is very strong, it can be used as flower bed, flower border material, suitable for potted ornamental or layout flower bed flower border. It can also be planted in a large area of garden gaps and tree altars as potted flowers. The common cultivated species of the same genus are Canadian beauty cherry, red leaf beauty cherry, fine leaf beauty cherry and so on. The whole herb can be used as medicine and has the effect of clearing away heat and cooling blood.

First, the culture method of beautiful female cherry

1. Fertilization: fertilizer is applied once every semimonthly during the growing period. Nitrogen is the main fertilizer at seedling stage to promote the growth of branches and leaves, and potash fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage to promote flowering and blooming continuously. Avoid the simple application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the branches and leaves grow vigorously, but the amount of flowering is reduced. Stop fertilizing in winter.

2. Pruning: coring should be carried out when the seedling is 10-12 cm high to promote branching. Some varieties have strong branching and can not be removed from the heart. If the branch grows too long, it can be cut short to control the plant shape.

3. Pots up and turning: flowerpots with a diameter of 15-20 cm can be planted, with 3-5 plants in each pot. When perennial cultivation, the pot should be turned once every spring. Like fertile, loose and well-drained sandy soil, the matrix can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, garden soil, river sand or rice chaff ash.

4. pest control: red butterfly spiders are easy to occur in high temperature and dry in summer, and others are powdery mildew, downy mildew, aphids, whitefly and other diseases and pests.

Second, the pot technology of Sakura.

1. Selection of potted soil. The cultivation soil with loose, fertile and good drainage performance should be selected in the pot substrate, and the rotten organic fertilizer and some superphosphate should be applied to the bottom of the pot before planting.

2. Watering and fertilizing. As the beauty cherry likes fertilizer and moisture, in addition to applying base fertilizer, thin liquid fertilizer needs to be applied every month during the growing period. The potted soil should be kept moist, but the watering should not be too frequent, otherwise it will cause the basal leaves to grow or wither, affecting the pregnant buds and flowering. The basin soil should be a little dry in winter.

3. Heart picking and pruning. When the seedlings grow to 10 meters high, it is necessary to pick the heart to promote the lateral branches to germinate and the plant type is compact. At the same time, in order to blossom continuously, the residual flowers should be cut off in time after each flower, and the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened in order to reproduce new branches and blossom.

4. Lighting and renewal. Beautiful cherry is a light-loving plant, which should be cultivated in a sunny place during the growth period, and move to an indoor sunny place before Frosts Descent. The mother plant is easy to aging and needs to be renewed every 2 years.

III. Maintenance of Beautiful Sakura

If the cherry cherry is used for flower bed cultivation, it should be planted early and cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering, which can prolong the flowering period. Proper fertilization, watering, timely ploughing and weeding, and timely drainage in the rainy season. The cultivation of beautiful cherry should choose loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Because the root system of Beautiful Sakura is relatively shallow, we should pay attention to watering in summer to prevent drought, and we need to apply thin fertilizer once every half a month.

During maintenance, the moisture content should not be too much, but not too little. If there is too much water, the stems and branches will grow thin and weak, and the flowers will bloom very little; if there is a lack of fertilizer and water, the plants will grow and develop poorly, resulting in early seed setting. The plants with strong growth have strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, and few diseases and insect pests occur.

The seedlings planted should not be too large, so as not to lose leaves on lateral branches. The distance between plants of Beautiful Sakura is generally about 40cm. Pick the heart early to promote the second branch. Cut off the flower head after flowering, and often water it in summer. At the same time, topdressing 1 Mel liquid fertilizer twice. In the south of the Yangtze River, the overwintering flower plant can only leave the underground part in the soil to survive the winter, and it can be propagated with new branches or ramets in the coming year. The seeds should be harvested once and dried and threshed in the sun.

Beautiful cherry blossoms are colorful, especially brilliant when they are open, and the decorative effect is particularly good. Those who like beautiful cherry can put several pots of beautiful cherry at home. I believe they can make the home refreshing and comfortable.