
Soil culture methods and matters needing attention of flamingos

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Soil culture methods and matters needing attention of flamingos

Crane flower is one of the mainstream indoor potted ornamental plants because of its beautiful flower shape, bright color and emerald green leaves. The cultivation of crane flowers can be carried out by soil culture and water culture, both of which are relatively simple.

I. the growth habits of flamingos

Flamingos are perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers. Sex likes warm, hot, humid and well-drained environment, afraid of drought and strong light exposure. The suitable day temperature for growth is 26-32 ℃ and night temperature is 21-32 ℃. The highest tolerable temperature is 35 ℃ and the bearable low temperature is 14 ℃. The light intensity should be 16000-20000lx, and the air relative humidity should be 70% and 80%.

2. the method of soil culture of flamingos.

Planting: there are four kinds of common potted materials of flamingos: tissue culture seedlings, cutting plants, pot seedlings and potted seedlings. A basic principle: the smaller the plant, the more difficult it is to cultivate. For growers, if the cultivation conditions are better and have some experience, you can choose potted seedlings with a plant height of 10-15 cm. This kind of seedlings can be planted directly in the last pot, which is safer. When you have enough experience, you can choose a pot seedling with a height of 6-10 meters. This kind of seedling is cheaper.

Temperature: the best temperature for the growth of domestic fire crane flowers is 16: 24 ℃, the lowest temperature should not be lower than 12 ℃, and the highest temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. If the ambient temperature is too high or too low, necessary measures should be taken to ensure the temperature environment for the normal growth and development of fire crane flowers.

Lighting: pay attention to the fact that the flamingo flower can not receive strong light and need to be given sufficient scattered light. at the same time, it is best to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that the plant receives light evenly.

Humidity: ensure that the humidity of the flamingos is not less than 50%, but at the same time the temperature and humidity should not be too high to avoid the negative effects. The environment above 28 ℃ can be sprayed to increase humidity and create a normal growth environment. In winter, pay attention to the leaf surface not to be too wet, to prevent the plant from getting too wet at night, it is easy to cause frost damage, so the loss outweighs the gain.

Soil: red crane flower is a kind of flower which is sensitive to salt. therefore, the pH value of the substrate should be controlled between 5.2 and 6.1 as far as possible, which is the most suitable for its growth. If the pH value is too small and the flower stem becomes shorter, the ornamental value will be reduced.

Fertilization: the effect of root fertilization on flamingos is much better than that of foliar topdressing. Because there is a layer of wax on the surface of the leaves of flamingos, the fertilizer can not be well absorbed. The application of liquid fertilizer should grasp the principle of regular quantity, and autumn usually takes 3-4 days as a cycle. The time of fertilization varies depending on the climatic environment, usually from 8 a.m. to 17:00, and from 9 a.m. to 16:00 in winter or early spring.

Pruning: in general, in the process of growth, the basal petiole degenerates gradually, and the stipules can be cut off in time when the stipules become dry. When the pedicel turns yellow after anthesis, it should also be cut off from the protective post with 2 cm left at the base as soon as possible.

Matters needing attention in hydroponic culture of flamingos

In hydroponic culture of flamingos, half of the roots should be exposed to the air, so that the roots can breathe in the air, otherwise, it will easily lead to rotting roots. The roots of hydroponic plants grow when exposed to light, and the plant cells have photosynthesis after exposure to light, and so are the roots. It's normal when it's green. As long as it is not in direct sunlight, it can usually ensure the healthy growth of the roots. It is healthy that not all hydroponic plants end up with green roots. For example, some are brown.

Then put the plant into a container. Fill the ceramsite, then dilute the rooting powder in proportion, spray the ceramsite, be careful not to accumulate too much water below, and pour out if there is too much water. After a long wait, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that the thick and white flesh roots of flamingos grow on all sides, all close to the edge of the container. Congratulations at this time, even if a hydroponic flamingo is complete, the next thing to do is to add nutrients regularly to take care of its growth.

In addition, flamingos in indoor breeding should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, as long as they are aphids, as long as they usually pay more attention to indoor ventilation and avoid stagnant water in the basin, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests can be avoided.