
The value and function of aquatic ornamental plants

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The value and function of aquatic ornamental plants

The method of breeding aquatic ornamental plants is very simple, so now more and more aquatic plants have been moved into the indoor culture, they not only do not need to spend too much thought, but also than the soil culture plants to cultivate some clean, so now is gradually becoming the mainstream of indoor culture plants.

1. Classification of Aquatic Ornamental Plants

Aquatic ornamental plants can be divided into emerging type, floating leaf type, floating type and submerged type according to their habits.

Water type plants tall, colorful, the vast majority of stem, leaf points; upright and straight, the lower part or base sank in water, roots or stems into the mud growth and development, such as lotus, Lysimachia, etc.

Floating-leaf rhizome developed, large flowers, colorful, leaf color variable, no obvious ground stem or stem thin can not stand upright, such as water lily, gorgon fruit and so on.

Floating roots are not born in mud, and plants float on water, such as water hyacinth, large drift, etc.

Submerged rhizomes are born in mud, the whole plant sinks into water, and the leaves are mostly narrow or filamentous, such as snapdragon algae.

II. Value of Aquatic Ornamental Plants

1. Unique growth environment enriches the landscape. Human affinity and desire for water is innate, and it has produced a variety of ornamental waters. In these waters, there is always a variety of aquatic ornamental plants. The rational arrangement of various aquatic ornamental plants in the water area forms a beautiful and unique aquatic ornamental plant landscape with wave shadow and leaves moving with water. Therefore, the landscape function of the garden is enhanced, the landscape effect of the garden is strengthened, the connotation of the garden landscape is enriched, and the charm of the garden landscape is enhanced.

Purify water quality and maintain ecological balance. Aquatic ornamental plants grow between water and land. With the increase of water depth, aquatic ornamental plants are distributed in a ladder-like manner from emerging plants, floating plants to submerged plants, forming a transition zone between water and land. A well-configured aquatic ornamental plant acts like a small water treatment plant and helps maintain ecological balance.

3) Economic value. In addition to ornamental value, aquatic ornamental plants also have high economic value. For example, 5 tons of reed can replace 20 cubic meters of wood for paper making and 1250 kilograms of lint for textile. The tender stem of cattail (cattail), the underground stem of lotus (lotus root), the fruit of water chestnut, etc. are delicious vegetables, which can enrich people's dining table and can be used as tourism products to realize higher economic value.

Common Aquatic Ornamental Plants

1. Acorus, Araceae, Acorus

Perennial herb, plant height 50-80 cm, leaves basal, sword-shaped strip, sessile, green. A little cold-resistant, East China can open winter. It can be grown in shallow water or as a wetland plant. It is the main foliage plant in the waterscape garden.

2. Perennial herb of Haishou Yujiu Flower Family

Erect aquatic plants, plant height 50-60 cm. Leaves long stipitate, lance triangular to ovate, base cordate. May to October flowering, spike, flower stem top with hundreds of purple flowers, very beautiful. Suitable for pond, wetland and river pond beautification. Features: purple flowers, long flowering, large and beautiful leaves, is a rare ornamental aquatic flowers in the waterscape garden.

3. Cyperus genus of Cyperaceae

Herbs perennial, rhizomes stout. Stems tufted, unbranched, 80-120 cm tall, leaves clustered on top of stems, spreading into umbrella-like, wet environment, suitable for planting in stream wetlands. The unique umbrella-shaped leaves bring special artistic conception to the waterscape garden.

4. Aquatic Canna Family Canna Family

It was introduced from South America. It grew in natural ponds and wetlands. Its leaves are large, wide oval, yellow and green, and purple. It is a large aquatic flower, flowering from June to October.

5. Cyperaceae, Cyperus genus

Perennial aquatic herbs, stems tall, terete. Plant height 150 cm. Cold-resistant, light-loving, planted in shallow water, water purification function.

The above is about aquatic ornamental plants introduced, in addition to the above introduction to these, there are other plants can also be aquatic culture, such as green radish, spider orchid, rich bamboo and so on, there is a lot of space for selection.