
[efficacy and function of towel gourd] what are the efficacy and functions of towel gourd

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, [efficacy and function of towel gourd] what are the efficacy and functions of towel gourd

What is the efficacy and function of towel gourd? Towel gourd contains B vitamins to prevent skin aging, whitening vitamin C and other ingredients, which can protect the skin, eliminate plaques and make the skin white and delicate, so it is a rare beauty product, so loofah juice is called "beauty water". It is also helpful for women to eat more towel gourd to recuperate their menstruation.

Efficacy and function of towel gourd

1. Moisturizing and whitening

Protect skin, eliminate plaques and prevent skin aging. It is a rare beauty product for delicate skin. The sap of loofah vine and stem has the special function of maintaining skin elasticity. It can remove wrinkles by beauty, so towel gourd is known as "beauty water".

two。 Strengthen the brain

It is beneficial to the brain development of children and the brain health of the middle-aged and elderly, and the extract of towel gourd has obvious preventive effect on Japanese encephalitis virus.

3. Promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals

It has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, cooling blood and detoxification. External use can stop bleeding and reduce inflammation, and it is helpful for women to eat more to regulate menstruation.

4. Detoxification and detumescence

Towel gourd rattan taste bitter cool, has the effect of dredging muscles and activating collaterals, relieving cough and relieving phlegm. Loofah collaterals taste sweet flat, with heat-clearing and detoxification, diuretic and detumescent effect.

Nutritional value of towel gourd

1. Antiscurvy

Towel gourd has a high content of vitamin C, which can be used to resist scurvy and prevent all kinds of vitamin C deficiency.

two。 Brain health and cosmetology

Due to the high content of vitamin B in towel gourd, it is conducive to the brain development of children and the brain health of the middle-aged and elderly; the juice of towel gourd rattan stem has a special function of maintaining skin elasticity and can beautify and remove wrinkles.

3. Antivirus, antiallergy

Towel gourd extract has obvious preventive effect on Japanese encephalitis virus, and a kind of anti-allergic substance diarrheolic acid was extracted from towel gourd tissue culture medium, which has a strong anti-allergic effect.

Production skills of towel gourd

1. Towel gourd should not be eaten raw, can be cooked, fried soup, or tamper with juice to apply to the affected area.

two。 Towel gourd juice is rich in water, it should be cut and done now, so as to prevent nutrients from flowing away with the juice.

3. When cooking towel gourd, you should pay attention to keep it as light as possible, use less oil, thicken with color, and enhance flavor with monosodium glutamate or pepper, so as to show the tender and refreshing characteristics of towel gourd.

4. Towel gourd tastes sweet, soy sauce and bean paste should not be added when cooking, so as not to steal the taste.

Preservation methods of towel gourd

For 7-15 days, do not wash, pack it in a plastic bag, leave a few small holes on the bag, put it flat on the vent floor, it is better to be a little wet indoors, try not to stack it, it can be kept for half a month; plastic bags can also be put in the refrigerator for a week; towel gourd can also be dried and preserved in the sun and sliced while it is tender.

Edible efficacy

Towel gourd tastes sweet and cool, entering the liver and stomach meridians

It has the effects of relieving heat and resolving phlegm, cooling blood and detoxification, relieving summer heat and relieving annoyance, activating collaterals and dispelling wind.

It is used for the treatment of febrile diseases, such as fever, heat, thirst, phlegm, asthma and cough, intestinal wind and hemorrhoids leakage, hemolysis, sore carbuncle swelling, women's milk retention and so on.

Loofah is sweet in taste and smooth in nature. it passes through the twelve meridians, which can activate collaterals, clear heat and resolve phlegm.


Peel the fresh towel gourd and press out the juice and mix it with the same amount of honey. Apply a small amount to the face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water, often with the effect of cleansing and wrinkling.