
What is the Culture method of Aquatic Canna

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the Culture method of Aquatic Canna

Aquatic canna has a relatively strong vitality, is a healthy beauty, rarely sick and insect pests, very suitable for breeding, do not need to worry too much in the breeding process. Let's learn about this beauty and how to raise it.

1. What is aquatic canna

Aquatic canna is native to South America and is widely distributed in the southeastern United States. It can be seen everywhere along the shipping lanes of Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Louisiana. It is very similar to terrestrial canna, except that the narrow lanceolate leaves are covered with a layer of white powder and gray-green leaves. Its petals are erect, Corolla tube is very short, flowers are yellow, red or spotted, sepals, petals and false stamens are very similar to common canna, and the plant is 6 feet tall. Mexico is still wild and can be introduced to temperate zones. In summer, in the shallow water by the water, the design and color are very rich.

Second, the function of aquatic canna

1. Beautify the environment: aquatic canna has large and colorful flowers and long flowering period. planting in the courtyard can increase the vigor and vitality of the whole courtyard. It will also make the landscape of the whole courtyard clear, beautiful and natural. The bright canna flowers in full bloom set off the green flowers and leaves, showing vitality, adding a lot of interest, and the ornamental effect is good.

two。 Purify the environment: aquatic canna can not only beautify people's life, but also absorb harmful substances such as carbon dioxide. Aquatic canna is more resistant, but its leaves are very vulnerable. But it returned to growth quickly in a very short period of time. It can purify the air and protect the environment.

3. Medicinal: aquatic canna can also be used as an herbal medicine, its roots and flowers can be used as medicine. Taste sweet, light, can clear heat and dampness, calm the mind and lower blood pressure, with indications, uterine bleeding, excessive leucorrhea, and other effects. It is a good drug for women without any side effects.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture of aquatic canna

1. Reproduction: sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The sowing time is carried out indoors from March to April. Before sowing, the seed coat should be broken with a steel file, soaked in warm water for one day, and then the seeds should be removed to control dry water before sowing. In the pot of asexual reproduction, the divided tubers can be directly planted in the pot with fertile soil in spring, the growing point is slightly exposed, and then irrigated with water, put in the shady place of the flowers for 5-7 days, and then moved to the leeward and sunny place to cultivate. Open-field planting can choose pool-side wetlands or shallow water to dig holes and plant tubers in the soil, covering the soil for 7 to 10 meters, and maintain humidity or shallow water after planting.

two。 Soil: as long as it is loose, fertile, well-drained sand soil, he can grow healthily.

3. Sunshine: any plant should ensure that it has plenty of sunshine, and the place where it grows requires sufficient light for a long time, so that it can grow healthily. If there is not enough light, it will delay the flowering period.

4. Temperature: he is a kind of aquatic plant that likes warmth and avoids severe cold. The suitable temperature is 1630 ℃. This temperature is the best.

5. Watering: aquatic canna grows in the water, but it can also grow in the basin soil, but you must pay attention to less watering. Keep the basin soil moist and take "dry and wet" as the principle.

6. Fertilization: thin cake liquid fertilizer should be applied 3 or 4 times a month in the peak growing season.

IV. Disease and pest control of aquatic canna

Aquatic canna is highly resistant and has no significant disease and insect damage. However, attention should be paid to keep the water clean, salvage duckweed in time and remove weeds. Attention should also be paid to the harm of snails in the southern region. The control method is to mix trichlorfon and sawdust into a cloth bag, and then tie the cloth bag to the pseudo-stem to make the bag float on the water surface and fluctuate with the water. After the liquid spread, snail damage can be prevented.

So, through the above introduction, have you learned how to raise aquatic canna? If you are interested in aquaculture of aquatic canna, you can try it under suitable conditions, which can add a lot of color to life.