
[the method of inserting the Golden Bell upside down] how to reproduce the Golden Bell

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [the method of inserting the Golden Bell upside down] how to reproduce the Golden Bell

Inverted Admiralty Bell can also be called hanging Bell Begonia, inverted Admiralty Bell, is an epiphytic evergreen shrub, it usually clings to other plants and grows, while growing, it will also grow some whiskers. Its flower vine can grow to about 1 meter, the leaves are palmate, the flowers droop in the shape of a lantern, and have four petals. It looks very delicate and beautiful, and its ornamental value is very high.

I. the insertion method of hanging the golden bell upside down

1. Insertion time: with the exception of summer dormancy, the golden bell can be inserted as long as the temperature is suitable, but it is better from November of each year to mid-early April of the following year. Because this period is the peak growing season of the plant, the cuttings with strong vitality can be selected, coupled with the cooler temperature, the cuttings should not rot, and the survival rate is higher.

2. Selection of cuttings: cuttings should choose branches that are not lignified in the same year, preferably with tender tips, the length of cuttings is generally 6 to 10 meters, and the lower leaves should be cut off. It should be noted that when taking cuttings, you must use sterilized scissors to make the cuttings neat and smooth, and do not pinch the cuttings directly to the plant with your hands.

3. Preparation of insert substrate and bed: it is best to use fine river sand after screening, but it must be washed and sterilized with boiling water. The inserting bed can be used in a shallow basin or wooden box, and it should also be disinfected by spraying 0.1% potassium permanganate solution in advance.

4. The method of cutting: soak the cuttings in vitamin B12 for 20 minutes, insert a small hole in the sand with a thin bamboo stick, and then insert the cuttings into the sand hole with a depth of 3 to 4 meters, and the distance between cuttings should be kept at about 8 meters. In order to facilitate the pot after rooting. After inserting it, water it once and cover it with plastic cloth to maintain the humidity of the bed.

2. Upside-down Admiralty breeding

1. Potted soil. Potted soil should use rotten leaf soil (or grass shavings) 50%, sandy loam 40%, rotten cake dry 10%, combined with three as a culture soil, usually turn the basin and change the soil once a year in spring, the new soil is nutritious, it is conducive to bud budding and flowering.

2. Watering. The golden bell grows rapidly in spring and autumn. During the flowering period, it is watered once or twice a day. It would rather be wet than dry. However, usually watering should grasp the principle of "dry and wet". The weather is dry in spring and winter. In hot and hot summer season, in addition to watering once a day, foliar water should be sprayed on the branches and leaves once or twice a day, but the basin soil should not be watered too much. During flowering, the pot soil is too dry or too wet, which is easy to cause falling buds, flowers and leaves. If the basin soil is too wet for a long time, it will also lead to rotten roots, yellow leaves and even the death of the whole plant. When the room temperature is low in winter, watering should be more strictly controlled and fertilization should be stopped to prevent rotting roots. Hang the golden bell upside down in summer from July to August, do not water too much, beware of rain, rain will cause rotten roots, fallen leaves and even death.

3. Fertilization. The upside-down hanging golden bell usually combined with loose soil can apply thin organic liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days, but in the hot summer season, the high temperature forces the inverted hanging golden bell to go into dormancy or semi-dormant period, and the growth is slow from July to August in summer, so we should stop fertilizing and slightly water the rotten cake every 10 to 15 days from September to December to promote it to blossom continuously. After each fertilization or watering, loosen the soil the next day to facilitate ventilation.

III. Pest control of hanging Admiralty upside down

Its common symptoms are generally gray mold, powdery mildew and so on.

Botrytis cinerea is mainly harmful to flowers, stems and leaves, and water stains generally appear in the affected parts. 65% zinc or 50% carbendazim and other new agents with 500 times liquid can be used at the initial stage of the disease, sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, 3 times in a row for 4 times, usually pay attention to ventilation and light, so that the plant grows well and improves plant disease resistance. After the disease, the diseased branches and leaves should be cut off and treated in time to reduce the source of the disease.

The main harm of powdery mildew is also flowers, stems and leaves. The symptom of powdery mildew is that there is a layer of white powder on the surface. At the initial stage of the disease, we should pay attention to ventilation and light, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improve plant disease resistance. After the onset of the disease, spray 70% Tuobu body fluid or 2500 times liquid powder rust or other appropriate medicament in time, spray every 10 days, spray 2 times 3 times continuously.

After introducing the information of Admiralty flower upside down, do you know this kind of flower with very individual appearance? Hang the golden bell flower upside down can be cultivated indoors, after learning the breeding method of hanging the golden bell upside down, buy a pot to raise it!