
Matters needing attention in planting white sesame how to eat white sesame

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention in planting white sesame how to eat white sesame

The role of white sesame is mainly used to color dishes and enhance the value of dishes, but white sesame itself also has a very high nutritional value, and is especially suitable for postpartum mothers to eat.

Introduction of white sesame

White sesame is the seed of Sesame seed of Sesame family. White sesame has good qualities such as high oil content, white color, full grain, thin seed coat, good taste, mellow aftertaste and so on. White sesame and its products are rich in nutrition and anti-aging. It can replenish blood, clear eyes, dispel wind, moisten intestines, promote milk, tonify liver and nourish anti-aging.

1. Egg white sesame pretzel

Egg white sesame pretzel

Ingredients: low gluten flour 15g egg white 40g excipients: White sesame 40g seasoning: butter 20g white granulated sugar 35g


1. Beat the egg whites with eggs, add sugar and stir well.

two。 Then add low powder and stir well.

3. Then add the white sesame and stir it well.

4. Finally, pour in the melted butter and stir well.

5. Spread the oilcloth on the baking pan, spread it into a circle on the back of the spoon, and bake it in the middle of the oven at 160 degrees for about 10 minutes (the time and heat should be determined according to your own oven and the size of the noodle stall.)

6. After coming out of the oven, use tools such as a rolling pin to bend while it is hot.

Third, the edible taboos of white sesame

Sesame taste sweet, sexual flat, into the liver, kidney, lung, spleen meridian.

It has the effect of tonifying blood and eyesight, dispelling wind and moistening intestines, promoting liver and nourishing hair, strengthening the body and anti-aging.

It can be used to treat weakness, dizziness and tinnitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cough, weakness, early white hair, anemia and yellowing, insufficient body fluid, dry stool, lack of milk, urine blood and so on.

The general population can eat it.

1. It is suitable for women with postpartum milk deficiency, weakness, anemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, senile asthma, tuberculosis, urticaria, habitual constipation, diabetes, thrombocytopenic purpura, chronic neuritis, peripheral nerve paralysis, hemorrhoids and hemorrhagic quality.

two。 People with chronic enteritis and loose diarrhea should avoid food; according to previous experience, men with impotence and spermatorrhea should avoid food.

Matters needing attention in the culture of white sesame

1. Seed selection: Yuzhi 4, Yuzhi 8 and Yuzhi 10 with high yield and high quality, strong stress resistance and pure white grain should be selected for the production of white sesame. In order to overcome the phenomena of low yield and serious diseases and insect pests in sesame continuous cropping, after repeated experiments, Yuzhi No. 4 was planted on the same piece of land last year, and Yuzhi No. 8 was planted next year, the yield increased by 11.6%, and the incidence decreased by 14.6%. Therefore, the exchange of improved varieties in the next and next year should be vigorously promoted.

two。 Timely: timely early sowing sesame seed is from the end of May to the beginning of June, when rape and wheat are in the critical period of harvesting and fighting. If the weather is not good, it will directly affect its timely sowing. For this reason, stubble should be planted one by one. Before sowing with poor soil moisture, water should be watered to make sure the whole seedling is sown.

3. Diseases and insect pests: there are many diseases and insect pests in white sesame. The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in white sesame should be based on prevention and control.

4. Harvest: generally, the white sesame leaves fall off basically, the capsule changes from green to yellow, and the cracking of the lower 2 or 3 capsules is the suitable harvest time. After harvest, it is bundled into small bundles to dry. After drying, the bundles are patted one by one, and then re-dried, and then you can do it again.

White sesame seeds are often used as excipients for various delicacies, such as sesame cakes, sesame paste, sesame spinach and so on. Because of their unique taste and whitening color, white sesame seeds can add a lot of color to all kinds of dishes. If you have friends in the yard, you can try breeding.