
[culture method of five-colored plum] how to raise five-colored plum

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, [culture method of five-colored plum] how to raise five-colored plum

The five-color plum dialect is colorful, the leaves are green, and the five-color plum has strong anti-dust and anti-pollution ability, so it is favored by people. We can often see the beautiful figure of five-colored plum in the courtyard, and we can also plant plants in pots and put them indoors as ornamental plants. The following is to introduce the culture methods of five-color plum, and enjoy the pictures of five-color plum with you.

I. Culture methods of five-colored plum

Temperature: five-colored plum likes a warm and humid environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ and 30 min. In the sunny place of the moving room in winter, if the room temperature is more than 15 ℃, the plant can grow normally. If the temperature is low, it is necessary to control watering, stop fertilization, let the five-color plum enter dormancy, and survive the winter safely above 8 ℃.

Fertilization: the flowering period of five-color plum is longer, and topdressing is needed once a month in spring, summer and autumn. Spraying 0.3% urea every 10 days before the flowering of five-color plum can make the five-color plum branches and leaves luxuriant and colorful.

Reproduction: the reproduction method of five-colored plum can be sowed and propagated by cuttings, generally mainly by cuttings. Cut 2-year-old strong branches in early spring and insert them into the sand bed. Five-color plum is very easy to take root, and the branches that come into contact with the soil can root naturally, so the cuttage propagation of five-color plum is very simple, and the branches can be cut off to become new plants.

II. Cultivation and maintenance of five-colored plum

The main results are as follows: 1. The pot soil is suitable for loose and fat sandy loam, and the demand is not strict. during the growth period, the mature liquid fertilizer is applied every 10 days, and water is sprayed together, and 3% urea is sprayed twice every 10 days, which can make the leaves thicker and greener.

2. Five-colored plum is strong in growth and germination, so we should always pay attention to heart-picking and pruning during the growth period. Contact to change the plate, carry out wipe head pruning, that is, leave 2 Mel 3 buds from the base of the plant, cut off the rest, and pay attention to thinning dense branches, cutting branches and so on. Pedicels should be cut off in time after each flower, so as not to consume nutrition, but also to promote new shoots and flower buds.

3. In order to make the five-colored plum bloom to welcome the National Day, the branches that sprouted that year should be wiped off in late August, leaving only three pairs of buds at the base, and the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened. from August to the first ten days of September, external topdressing with 3% 4% urea will be carried out twice, then it will be possible to welcome the National Day with luxuriant flowers and leaves.

If the five-colored plum is managed normally in accordance with the above methods, it can grow vigorously and bloom luxuriantly. If it is allowed to grow naturally, it can blossom by the end of October, but it is close to the late stage of flowering and the flower is not flourishing.

Third, the efficacy and function of five-colored plum.

1. Colorful plums can relieve pain and swelling

Take juice after mashing the five-colored plum and give it to the injured place, which can quickly play the role of anti-inflammation and swelling, because the branches and leaves of the five-colored plum are relatively cool, so it will make the affected area have a little ice compress feeling and relieve the pain.

2. Five-colored plum can treat skin diseases.

For those patients with itchy skin and often suffering from dermatitis, the fresh branches and leaves of five-colored plum can quickly remove skin diseases by boiling water and washing the skin.

3. Five-colored plum can treat cold and wind-fever.

The cool nature of the five-colored plum determines that it can reduce the deficiency fire in the human body after drinking it, and can relieve the symptoms of cold and wind-heat. If you want the five-colored plum to be better absorbed and used by the human body, you can add some sesame seeds and fry them together for better results.

Five-colored plum has beautiful flowers, long flowering period, green trees and flowers all the year round, and has the characteristics of strong resistance to dust and dirt, so it is one of the flowers and plants planted in parks and courtyards. It can also be potted, and they are all flowers of great ornamental value. The above is all the content brought to you. After reading the introduction, I believe you all understand the breeding methods of five-colored plum.