
How to grow beautiful evening primrose

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to grow beautiful evening primrose

Beautiful evening primrose, the name always makes people have a sense of "a beauty dancing in the bright moonlight", sounds very attractive. In fact, after the beautiful evening primrose blossoms, there is indeed the elegant demeanor of the beauty under the moon, and it is relatively easy to raise, so it is very suitable for home breeding.

I. the main value of beautiful evening primrose

1. Ornamental value: can be a large area of landscape layout, can also be cultivated as flower beds. It can not only be sowed and cultivated directly in the open field, but also can be produced and sold as a ground cover plant in the nursery.

two。 Medicinal value: beautiful evening primrose is not only beautiful in color, but also has high value in economy and medicine. Beautiful evening primrose is produced in America. Indians discovered the medical value of evening primrose hundreds of years ago. Soak the whole evening primrose in warm water to make a lake-shaped plaster to treat bruising and apply it to the surface of the skin to treat skin trauma and dermatitis. It was not until the 18th century that the beautiful evening primrose was carried by cotton ships to England, and it was only at this time that Europe began to carry forward the efficacy of evening primrose, and many scientists and doctors devoted themselves to the study of evening primrose. It is also used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, atopic dermatitis and rheumatoid arthritis.

2. Morphological characteristics of Evening Primrose.

The root is cylindrical, the stem is erect, the seedling stage is rosette, there are red long hairs at the base, the leaves are alternate, the lower part of the stem has a stalk, and the upper leaves are sessile; the leaf blade is round or lanceolate, the margin is sparsely serrulate, and both sides are white pilose. Flowers solitary in leaf axils at the end of branches, arranged in a sparse spike shape, and the calyx tube is slender. The flower is white to pink, the flower diameter is more than 8 cm, and the flowers bloom continuously from May to October. Height range: 50-80 cm, beautiful evening primrose (Oenotheraspeciosa) is a low ground cover plant, strong growth, very drought tolerance, a wide range of adaptation. From April to October, the flowers are beautiful pink, with a large diameter and a large number of flowers. It can also be sown and transplanted in protected areas in winter. Open every evening until near noon the next day. Unable to bear the severe cold, Jiangnan can take shelter from the wind and survive the winter in the open field.

3. Growth habits of Evening Primrose

Growth habits: like light, cold resistance, avoid stagnant water.

IV. Culture and nursing of beautiful evening primrose

Colonization: take the growth of North China as an example. In spring, the green space was deeply leveled, fertilized with more phosphorus and potassium, and planted according to the row spacing of 15cm × 15cm; once it survived, it could be closed and blossomed one month later with the issuance of new branches and leaves, and reached the full flowering stage from May to June; pruning in time after anthesis from July to August, leaving stubble 10cm or so, so that the rosette-shaped leaves at the base could fully absorb nutrients, and then ushered in the second full flowering period until November.

Water and fertilizer management: beautiful evening primrose is not strict with water and fertilizer. Organic manure and humus are generally applied before planting, and topdressing is usually not needed during the growth period. More sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer, easy to grow branches and leaves, water and fertilizer is too sufficient or neglected management for a long time, easy to grow lodging and reduce the number of flowers; generally, topdressing liquid fertilizer before flowering can improve the effect of flowering and make the seeds full.

Pest control: there are few diseases and insect pests in Evening Primrose. When planted too densely, it is easy to be infected with rot disease, the roots of diseased plants gradually change color and rot, hyphae are produced, leaves wilt and wither, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Pay attention to reasonable planting density, prune in time, remove overdense plants, maintain ventilation and ventilation, and can be irrigated with 1500 times of limewater or 50% methyl thiophanate, or 1000 times of 75% chlorothalonil.

Pruning: the growth and germination of Evening Primrose is strong, in order to build a good landscape effect, avoid due to years of growth, neglect of management, resulting in overdense plants, reduced flowers, generally need to be renewed and planted every year. However, by adopting the maintenance and management technical measures of "one room and two shears", it is not necessary to renew planting every year to maintain a good landscape for many years. From July to August after the full flowering period of the second year of planting, the 10cm was kept low and pruned on the beautiful evening primrose grassland, and the seedlings were evenly preserved according to 36 plants / m2, and the seedlings between other basal buds were removed to ensure a good growth space for the plants. before winter, stubble 10cm was left to cut off the cluttered parts of the ground, and the new red buds still maintained a good landscape effect in winter.

The price of beautiful evening primrose

The market price of beautiful evening primrose is not expensive, the general potted beautiful evening primrose is only ten or twenty yuan, of course, if the flower color is better, the shape is beautiful and the pruning beautiful evening primrose is more expensive, but it is not very expensive. Beautiful evening primrose is generally planted by sowing, because of its strong growth ability, easy to survive, you can also choose to sow and plant.

This is the end of the introduction of beautiful evening primrose. After studying, do you have a deeper understanding of beautiful evening primrose? It should be noted that the beautiful evening primrose has a very strong reproductive ability, so it must be "ruthless" when pruning in order to let it bloom a large beautiful flower.

The market price of beautiful evening primrose is not expensive, the general potted beautiful evening primrose is only ten or twenty yuan, of course, if the flower color is better, the shape is beautiful and the pruning beautiful evening primrose is more expensive, but it is not very expensive. Beautiful evening primrose is generally planted by sowing, because of its strong growth ability, easy to survive, you can also choose to sow and plant.

This is the end of the introduction of beautiful evening primrose. After studying, do you have a deeper understanding of beautiful evening primrose? It should be noted that the beautiful evening primrose has a very strong reproductive ability, so it must be "ruthless" when pruning in order to let it bloom a large beautiful flower.