
How much is the price of Brazilian flowers?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is the price of Brazilian flowers?

The trunk of Brazilian wood is a very valuable wood and is often selected in the production of furniture. In Africa, Brazilian wood symbolizes good wishes and places a lot of feelings on people. Let's learn more about this plant today.

I. growth habits of Brazilian wood

1. Brazilian wood likes a hot and humid climate. It is highly adaptable to light and can grow under a little shade or sunlight, but it is better to be exposed to sunlight in spring, autumn and winter, and shade or indoor ventilation in summer. Brazilian wood has strong vitality, needs only sunlight, air and very little water, and can live well with its own potential energy.

two。 Potted Brazilian wood should be made of fertile soil rich in humus and good drainage, which can be made of rotten leaf soil and river sand. Brazilian wood is resistant to drought and not to waterlogging. The growing season can be fully watered. Brazilian wood is afraid of cold. In winter, the room should be kept in a sunny place and the temperature should be maintained at 5 ℃-10 ℃. In addition, the basin of Brazilian wood should be changed once a year.

2. Is Brazil poisonous?

1. The aroma of Brazilian wood comes from the oil cells in the flowers, which can secrete fragrant aromatic oils. When these aromatic oils spread in the air, with the help of the sense of smell, we will feel the comfortable strands of fragrance. In addition, it contains a substance called "glycoside", which can also emit the faint fragrance that people like in the process of decomposition. However, there is no data to show that the aroma of Brazilian wood is toxic. Only some people who are physically weak, or those who are allergic to the smell of pollen flowers should pay attention to the fact that it is best to move the flowers out of the living room.

two。 Brazilian wood can be domesticated and can purify the air to a certain extent, but if the plant size is too large, it is best not to put it in the bedroom, because at night plants will absorb oxygen and spit carbon as people do.

3. The flowers of Brazilian wood are not poisonous, but they taste so strong that it is best to move outdoors or to a place with more space when blooming. The leaf base, stem and branch of Brazil wood can extract traditional Chinese medicine and have the effect of hemostasis.

Third, why the leaves of Brazilian wood turn yellow

There are many reasons for the yellowing of Brazilian wood leaves, and only the right remedy can solve the fundamental problem.

1. Too much watering, the basin soil is too wet for a long time, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the soil, so that the roots rot.

two。 Drought, prolonged lack of watering causes tree trunks to dry up, affecting water absorption and yellowing Brazilian wood leaves.

3. Fertilization, no fertilization for a long time so that the nutrients in the soil are not enough to support the growth of Brazilian wood. Causing the leaves of Brazilian wood to turn yellow.

4. Pests, Brazil wood leaves yellowing may also be caused by pest problems, can be used to spray cypermethrin.

Will Brazilian wood blossom

Popular saying is that all plants blossom, and Brazilian wood is no exception. The time for Brazilian wood to blossom is uncertain. Some families have raised Brazilian wood for more than a decade before it blossoms. Patient waiting and careful care are the basic requirements of growing plants. Brazilian wood blossoms sometimes for a year, sometimes longer.

Price of Brazilian wood

The price of Brazilian wood varies according to regional differences, quality differences and so on. Generally, for Brazilian wood of the same quality, the price reference is mainly based on plant height. The plant height and reference price of some general Brazilian wood varieties are provided below.

Plant height 50-60CM 58.00RMB

Plant height 70-80CM 80.00 yuan

Plant height 90-100CM 110.00 yuan

Plant height 100cm + 130-200 yuan

Plant height 130RMB-150CM 145170RMB

Well, after reading so many introductions, do you have a general understanding of whether Brazilian wood is poisonous, whether it can blossom, and how much it costs to buy Brazilian wood? If you want to put a pot of Brazilian wood at home, this is indeed a good choice, you can also go to the flower market to learn more.