
What is daffodil tea? how to brew daffodil tea?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is daffodil tea? how to brew daffodil tea?

The tea of daffodil tea is just like the daffodils. Although the flower smell is light, it smells refreshing and makes people feel comfortable. Let's learn about it today.

First, the efficacy of daffodils tea

1. The catechu extract in Narcissus tea can neutralize the radioactive element strontium buckle to reduce atomic radiation damage. It can resist today's urban radiation pollution, so it is known as "the beverage of the atomic age".

two。 Tea is rich in catechu essence, especially green tea (daffodil tea belongs to green tea), which has high vitamin P activity, which can enhance the body's ability to accumulate vitamins, reduce the accumulation of fat in blood and liver, and maintain the normal resistance of capillaries, so regular tea drinking is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

3. Caffeine and theophylline are one of the components of narcissus tea, which can inhibit the reabsorption of renal tubules. Therefore, it is a good diuretic, which can not only smooth urination, strengthen kidney function, make kidney endotoxin and waste excreted out of the body as soon as possible, but also prevent kidney disease and stones.

4. Narcissus tea contains vitamin B1, B2, folic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and other vitamins. The content of all kinds of vitamins may not be very high, but drinking tea often is also valuable for supplementary nutrition.

Second, the types of daffodils tea

Wuyi Narcissus: Wuyi Narcissus has fat shape, tight knot, twisted folds, green color, oily luster, "dragonfly head, frog legs" shape, rich and long aroma, orange soup, deep and bright taste, refreshing back sweet, leaf bottom fat and tender yellow bright, with cinnabar edge, is the treasure of Wuyi rock tea.

Minnan Narcissus: the shape of Minnan Narcissus is fat and neat, tightly knotted with curls, such as dragonfly head, frog belly, and like dried sea oysters, glossy color, brown and green crisscross. After brewing, the aroma is like the unique fresh fragrance of magnolia, the soup color is orange and yellow, the taste is thick and refreshing, fragrant and mellow, Shengjin throat is moist. The bottom of the leaf is light yellow to green, and the margin is scarlet or a little red.

Zhangping Narcissus: Zhangping Narcissus is neutral, tan, rich aroma, mellow taste and sweet aftertaste. Zhangping daffodil tea is divided into loose silk tea and paper bag tea cake. Tea production is very particular about the process, after picking fresh tea leaves, after the sun, cool green, shake green, stir-fry, knead, baking, kneading and other processes made.

Third, the three elements of the technology of making daffodils tea.

(1) the amount of tea: to make good tea, to master the amount of tea. How much to use each time, there is no unified standard, mainly according to the type of tea, the size of tea sets, consumers' drinking habits. The amount of tea, the key to master, the ratio of tea to water, more tea, less water, strong taste; less tea, more water, light taste.

(2) Water temperature: when you make tea and boil water, you should bring it to a boil. Don't boil it slowly. It is appropriate to just boil and bubble, boil the tea in soft water, the flavor of the tea is better. The mastery of the temperature of brewing tea mainly depends on what kind of tea you make. Generally speaking, green tea can not be brewed with 100 ℃ boiling water, but 80 ℃ ~ 90 ℃ should be used (the water should be boiled and then cooled to the desired temperature). The greener the daffodil tea is, the lower the brewing water temperature is, so that the tea will be fresh and bright, taste refreshing, and vitamin C will be less damaged. At high temperature, the color of the tea is darker, vitamin C is greatly damaged, and the taste is bitter (caffeine in the tea is easy to extract), that is to say, the tea is "scalded".

(3) time: tea brewing time and times vary greatly, which is related to tea type, water temperature, tea dosage, tea drinking habits and so on. According to the test, the soluble substance can be leached by 50% to 55% in the first time, about 30% in the second time, 10% in the third time, and little left in the fourth time.

The above is the introduction of daffodils tea, daffodils tea because of the higher requirements for regional conditions, so the north is not suitable for large-scale cultivation, and domestic daffodil tea is also more inappropriate, but if there is a balcony friends can plant small plants to watch.