
[culture method of Yushu flower] how to raise Yushu flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [culture method of Yushu flower] how to raise Yushu flower

Yushu is a small tropical tree suitable for indoor breeding. Commonly known as swallow palm, glass Cui. Growing indoors helps to purify the air, releasing oxygen during the day and absorbing carbon dioxide at night. Many people want to know how to raise Yushu. This article introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Yushu.

I. the culture method of Yushu flower

Yushu is planted or changed in the soil basin before it begins to grow in early spring. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and well drained. Generally, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, 2 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of coarse sand, 1 part of limestone and gravel, or 3 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of coarse sand, and 1 part of bone powder and plant ash were used as basin soil.

The suitable temperature for the growth of Yushu is 20 ℃ and 30 min. Spring and autumn are suitable growth periods. When it is hot in summer, it should be shaded or placed in the shade of trees to avoid strong direct sunlight. When the temperature exceeds 38 ℃, it grows slowly or enters short dormancy. In winter, it should be kept in the greenhouse or in the sunny place indoors. The room temperature should be kept at 7 ℃ and 10 ℃, and the minimum should not be less than 5 ℃. If it is as low as 0 ℃, it will freeze to death. During the growing period, except when it is hot in summer, it should be placed in a sunny place.

During the growing period of Yushu, water should be watered once every 3 days, but the basin soil should not be too wet, let alone stagnant water. When it is hot in summer, watering should be strictly controlled and ventilation should be strengthened, otherwise it is easy to cause fallen leaves. Watering should be reduced in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Topdressing fertilizer should be applied during the growing period, generally applying rotten thin cake liquid fertilizer 2 or 3 times a month. Adequate base fertilizer should be applied before soil change or planting. Mature organic fertilizer, such as chicken manure, pigeon manure, bone meal, large manure and all kinds of cake fertilizer, can be added to the culture soil as base fertilizer. In order to keep the plant shape plump, the fat and water should not be too large, so as not to cause overgrowth.

2. The main points of Yushu flower culture

1. Move the basin into the room in time

After entering winter, Yushu should be moved to an indoor thermal insulation that can maintain 7 ℃ to 10 ℃. In warmer days, Yushu can be moved to the balcony at noon to bask in the sun, and the night still moves indoors.

2. Control the dry humidity of basin soil.

In winter, the basin soil is mainly slightly dry, and timely spray fine mist to replenish water. In general, there is no need to directly water the basin soil.

3. Move into the greenhouse to keep warm

Conditional pots can be moved into the greenhouse, no conditions can also be used plastic film cover, but need to pay attention to the humidity in the cover, found that the water is too wet, it is necessary to remove the cover and breathe in time to prevent rotten leaves.

4. If Yushu has suffered frost damage due to the mistake of anti-freezing measures in the early stage, do not discard the plant easily.

As long as the frozen leaves and twigs are removed, the full main stem is preserved and fertilized properly in the coming spring, new branches and leaves can still germinate on the main stem. Generally, after 1 to 2 years of cultivation, it can develop into a perfect jade tree.

3. Cultivation techniques of Yushu flower

During the growth of Yushu, you only need to keep the basin soil slightly moist and ventilated environment, watering should not be too much, see dry again, basin soil stagnant water will cause rotten roots. If the basin soil is too dry in summer, it will also cause fallen leaves. Generally, there is not much fertilizer needed in the process of cultivation, and thin liquid fertilizer should be applied twice in the whole year.

Light and temperature control

Spring and autumn are the suitable growth periods for Yushu, and the optimum growth temperature is 20 ℃ and 30 min. Shade should be carried out when it is hot in summer to avoid direct sunlight. The growth is slow when the temperature is over 38 ℃. Keep it indoors in a sunny place in winter and keep it at room temperature for 7 ℃ and 10 min. If the temperature is below 0 ℃, it will freeze to death.

Water and fertilizer management

During the growing period, Yushu is watered once every 3 days, but it cannot accumulate water. When it is hot in summer, watering should be strictly controlled and ventilation should be strengthened, otherwise it is easy to cause fallen leaves. Watering should be reduced in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly dry. Topdressing fertilizer should be applied during the growing period, generally applying 2Mel rarefied cake liquid fertilizer three times a month. In order to keep the plant shape of Yushu plump, fat and water should not be too large, so as not to cause overgrowth.

The above is the introduction of Yushu breeding methods and matters needing attention. Yushu, also known as swallow palm, likes a dry environment. The real Yushu is non-toxic, and the swallow scenery celestial bodies contain a lot of toxins, so we should pay great attention to distinguish them when planting.