
[culture methods and matters needing attention of Milan flowers] how to raise Milan flowers

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [culture methods and matters needing attention of Milan flowers] how to raise Milan flowers

Milan blossoms when the fragrance, people can not help but stop, so that Milan flowers more lasting lingering around us. But we will have a question, is the fragrant Milan flower suitable for indoor use? What matters should be paid attention to in breeding Milan flowers?

I. Culture methods of Milan flowers

Temperature: the temperature suitable for Milan to grow is 20 to 25 degrees, which is usually taken as the standard, and when the flowering time comes, if the temperature is kept at about 30 degrees, the flowers will have a strong fragrance.

Fertilization: Milan prefers fertilizers, but it is necessary to apply more liquid fertilizers that contain more phosphorus, and it is best to use crushed bones, fish bones, chicken bones and other fermented alum fertilizer, often supplemented with chemical fertilizers containing more phosphorus or fermented rice water.

Potted soil: pottery pots are generally used in aquaculture Milan, while the soil can choose loose, drained and well-ventilated soil, such as culture soil dominated by rotten leaf soil. If you change the basin, you can do it once a year or two, and you don't need to pay too much attention to the basin soil at other times.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of Milan flower

Although Milan flowers are suitable for interior decoration, they cannot be kept indoors for a long time. Milan is a positive flower and likes plenty of sunshine. In the environment of sufficient light, sufficient fertilizer, ventilation and ventilation, it can grow healthily, blossom frequently, florescence is long, aroma is rich, and these conditions are not prepared indoors.

Keeping it indoors for a long time will also cause Milan to grow, do not blossom, be vulnerable to diseases and insects, and even die. We have to regularly move Milan outside to shine more on the sun and receive the sun.

Milan is afraid of the cold, so it is necessary to keep it indoors in winter and put it in a sunny place when the temperature rises at noon. When the temperature is below 12 ℃, Milan enters a dormant period and stops growing. At this time, fertilization should be stopped and watering should be reduced.

III. Disease and pest control of Milan flower

The main diseases in Milan are stem rot, anthrax, Milan chlorosis, etc.; pests are mainly white moth wax cicada, aphids, red spiders, shell insects and so on.

If stem rot occurs in the plant, at the initial stage of the disease, the branches should be smeared with 0.5%-1% Bordeaux solution or 70% carbendazim 800 times solution.

Anthrax is a major disease easily infected in Milan, which often breaks out from June to October. Infected leaves will start from the tip and edge of the leaves and gradually turn brown. Petioles and stems will also gradually turn brown if infected with this pathogen.

To prevent and cure this kind of bacteria, it is necessary to remove the diseased body in time after discovering the diseased branches and leaves, cut off the source of infection, and then improve the ventilation condition.

After introducing so much knowledge about Milan, everyone has a certain understanding of Milan. When raising Milan flowers, we should pay attention to the breeding skills and methods. Milan is a non-toxic flower plant, put indoors can purify the air, decorate the home, but still let Milan bask in the sun, Milan can grow normally, we can also smell the strong fragrance of Milan flowers.