
[dripping Guanyin] how to raise Guanyin in dripping water

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, [dripping Guanyin] how to raise Guanyin in dripping water

How does the water keep the water? Many flower friends will encounter the situation of rotten roots of water-cultivated Guanyin. In fact, most of the reasons for this situation are because flower friends do not know enough about water-cultivated plants. Many flower friends think that as long as the roots of plants are put into water, it is OK. In fact, this is wrong. Aquatic plants, to go through a series of processes such as washing roots, disinfection, domestication, etc., can be regarded as hydroponic plants. For flower friends, it is often to wash the roots of plants and then put them in hydroponic vessels. Although the effect of water cultivation can be seen in a short time, rotten roots may occur in the later stage.

How does the water grow?

1. Dishui Guanyin, which grows well and has no diseases and insect pests, is selected as the female parent material of hydroponic culture. Clean up the old leaves and dead leaves on the stem and keep two or three new leaves; if the leaves are not beautiful, only the petiole at the top can be kept. Soak the basin soil, remove the basin, and then wash the whole plant clean, must not have soil, one is easy to pollute the water quality, the other is with germs, easy to cause rotten roots.

2. After cutting off all native roots from the base of the washed female parent plant, carefully check the stem for rot and pests; you can dig the soft or rotten stem with a knife until you dig wood to remove rot or pests. After pruning, fix the plants with planting baskets of different sizes according to their size and shape. Disinfect the entire colonization basket by immersing it in 3%-5% thiophanate-methyl solution or carbendazim solution for 5- 10 minutes; dry in a cool place.

3. The dried female parent plants together with the planting basket are planted in the rooting seedbed of pearlite. By controlling the moisture, nutrition, temperature and illumination of the seedbed, the primary roots (primitive aquatic roots) can grow in about 10- 15 days.

4. When the initial roots grow to 2-3 cm long, they can be moved to the induction pool to induce aquatic roots. At this stage, the adjustment of dissolved oxygen and EC value in water is very important, which is related to the success or failure of induction, and the proportion of nutrient solution should also be adjusted appropriately. Such as aquatic roots grow to a certain number and length, indicating that the adaptation of water growth, can be static on the bottle hydroponics.

The maintenance method of water culture Guanyin

Dishui Guanyin grows at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. It likes warm, humid and semi-shady environments. Therefore, it is placed on the balcony or courtyard in the shade during the growing season (avoid direct sunlight in summer). The pot soil is often kept moist. The thin liquid fertilizer mainly composed of nitrogen fertilizer and mixed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied 1-2 times a month (stop fertilizing in winter and control watering).

Dishui Guanyin likes big water and big fat flowers, likes loose rotten leaf soil or sandy loam soil, likes sufficient light, except for proper shade in hot summer, it is best to have all-day light in other seasons. In addition, Dishui Guanyin especially likes high temperature and high humidity climate. Spray water on the leaves at noon every day in midsummer to increase the humidity of the air. Only in this way can the leaves of Dishui Guanyin be large and thick, too shaded, and the leaves will increase but thin. Petiole is also brittle Petiole is too long and broken due to lack of light. Dishui Guanyin should be placed in a bright room, such as a window, and it needs at least 3 to 5 hours of light every day. Bright light is good, can not be exposed to the sun. Dripping Guanyin loves water, and if the leaves soften, they should be watered. A regular sprinkling of ferrous sulfate can make the leaves greener, bigger and thicker.

Dishui Guanyin is an indoor foliage plant. The leaves of foliage plants are relatively large, so transpiration is relatively strong, transpiration is large, and the moisture emitted into the air is relatively large. Dry weather makes everything in a state of water shortage, so this season at home to raise a basin of Guanyin, home can breathe moist air. However, its juice is poisonous, so it is necessary to prevent dripping into the eyes or taking it by mistake, causing throat redness or eye inflammation.

What about the root rot?

For the rotten root of the water cultivation of Guanyin, flower friends should cut off the rotten part, and then conditional disinfection treatment, such as potassium permanganate, plant ash can also be, after disinfection, in a cool place to dry the wound, and then soil cultivation, after the plant returns to normal (rooted) and then water cultivation, if the root is cut directly after water cultivation is still easy to rot roots, flower friends can weigh, is soil cultivation after water cultivation, or continue water cultivation.

Flower friends can weigh whether to plant in soil and then raise in water or continue to raise in water.