
[breeding methods and matters needing attention] how to cultivate flamingos

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, [breeding methods and matters needing attention] how to cultivate flamingos

Fire crane flower is also called andrographis andraeanum and Anthurium andraeanum, which is used to be called Anthurium andraeanum, which blossoms in four seasons with high ornamental value. Anthurium can be cultivated in pot soil or hydroponic culture. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum.

I. the culture method of fire crane flower

First of all, to disinfect the root of Anthurium andraeanum, rinse off the cultivation substrate with clean water (tap water placed for 2 days) and soak it with potassium permanganate 1000 times solution for 30 minutes; after washing, cut off the old root, residual root, and go to the flower.

Then, put the Anthurium andraeanum plant in a container, fill it with ceramsite, then dilute the rooting powder in proportion and spray it with wet ceramsite. Be careful not to accumulate too much water below, and pour it out if there is too much water.

Regular management should pay attention to regular change of water, generally spring and autumn can change water every 7 days, winter 7 rain 10 days to change water, summer temperature is high, 2 Mel 3 days to change water. When changing water, do not add too much water, so that the root of the plant at least 1 stroke 2 should be out of the water, so that the exposed part can absorb enough oxygen.

Anthurium likes a warm, moist, cool environment. It should be placed in a ventilated and scattered place, preferably no higher than 28 ℃ in summer; freezing injury will occur if it is less than 14 ℃ in winter, so it must be kept warm. The relative humidity should not be less than 80%, otherwise the edges of the leaves and the red bud will dry up. Pay attention to spraying water to ensure the humidity of the air.

Matters needing attention in raising fire crane flowers at home

1. Humidity

Anthurium andraeanum needs about 70% air humidity for normal growth, which is generally difficult to achieve in ordinary family farming. You can use clean wet towels to wet the leaves several times a day, or spray water around the plant regularly to increase air humidity. (but do not sprinkle the flowers with water, so as not to affect the ornamental quality. )

2. Watering and fertilizing

Under normal growth conditions, dry wetlands can be seen to water the cultivated soil every week. Generally grasp the principle that the soil surface is not dry or irrigated, and the soil surface is thoroughly watered. The watering times and amount of water can be reduced appropriately in spring, autumn and winter. 78% of the special nutrient solution or 500 times diluted fertilizer should be applied with watering every half month.

3. Pruning

In general, during the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, the basal petiole degenerates gradually, and the stipules can be cut off in time when the stipules become dry. When the pedicel turns yellow after anthesis, it should also be cut off from the protective post with 2 cm left at the base as soon as possible.

4. Temperature

For family breeding of Anthurium andraeanum, the temperature should be guaranteed as much as possible. The optimum growth temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 16 ℃ 24 ℃, and the lowest temperature should be above 12 min. If ordinary families have heating facilities, this condition is easy to achieve. But at the same time, it must be noted that the flowerpot should not be placed on or too close to the radiator. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the flowers should be moved to a ventilated room opposite to the north, and water can be sprayed around the plants to cool down.

Third, the collocation of flaming crane flowers and household style

The shape of Anthurium andraeanum is unique, the leaves are emerald green, the fiery red inflorescence is on it, the collocation of red and green is so eye-catching, and the yellow spike inflorescences are embedded in that fiery red. We have to praise this combination as a masterpiece of nature. It is precisely because of its outstanding grace that Anthurium andraeanum is loved by many flower lovers.

Anthurium andraeanum and its flowers of the same genus are new cut flowers and potted flowers at home and abroad at present. Each flower can bloom for up to one month and blossom all the year round. Because the flower bud of candle is gorgeous, the plant is beautiful, and the viewing period is long, the market demand increases. Potted flowers are often used as decorative flowers in indoor coffee tables and desks.

With the western way of flower arrangement, with a shallow vase cluster, surrounded by white or purple flowers, so that the hall appears extremely magnificent and luxurious. In addition, when the new store opens or the wedding is festive, people choose it as a flower basket to add a joyous atmosphere. The Japanese of the sandalwood flower path call it a "big red fan".

These are the collection of fire crane breeding methods and matters needing attention, through these we can see that it is not easy to raise fire crane flowers, if we want to raise fire crane flowers, we also need to take good care of them, so that we can better decorate our living space.