
[the method of raising flamingos] how to raise flamingos

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, [the method of raising flamingos] how to raise flamingos

The flaming crane flower is Anthurium andraeanum, and its outstanding posture has attracted the attention of many flower friends. Many breeders want to know how to raise flamingos and what to pay attention to when raising them. Collected some knowledge about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum, and now share it with you.

I. the culture method of fire crane flower

1. Soil

Crane flower is suitable for growing in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, so we can choose rotten leaf soil, moss and other mixed soil in the choice of potted soil.

2. Lighting

Anthurium "Fire Crane Flower" likes to grow in a semi-overcast environment and is afraid of strong light. Direct exposure to strong light can cause leaf burns. Therefore, when raising flamingos, we should pay attention to sunscreen work in summer and appropriate supplementary lighting in winter. Usually, when raising flamingos, you can put them indoors in a bright place where there is no direct sunlight.

3. Temperature

The suitable temperature for its growth is 20 ℃ and 28 mol, and both high temperature and low temperature are not conducive to its growth. Therefore, when breeding flamingo flowers, we should pay attention to the control of indoor temperature to avoid putting it in an overcold or overheated environment.

Second, the propagation method of fire crane flower.

The red crane flower is mainly propagated by sowing, ramet and tissue culture.

The main results are as follows: (1) due to poor natural pollination, good mother plants should be selected for artificial pollination, and the seeds should mature 8 and 9 months after pollination. The seeds should be sown with picking and sowing, the distance between plants should be 1 cm, there is no need to cover the soil, shade and moisture should be kept after sowing, the ground temperature should be kept at 25 ℃, and the seeds can germinate for about 3 weeks, and then transplant into the seedling pot after spreading leaves. The seedlings grew and flowered for 3 ~ 4 years.

(2) the tillering buds in the root neck of adult plants can be divided directly by ramet propagation. For large mother plants, the ramet part can be cut first, wrapped in wet moss, and then cut after germination. For the mother plant with weak growth, the leaves on the old stem can be removed first, and then embedded and moisturized with light substrate, the dormant buds should be protected during operation, the ground temperature should be kept at 25 ℃ and 35 min, and the new roots and leaves should be cut after germination.

(3) in tissue culture, leaves or young petioles were used as explants to form callus 20-30 days after inoculation, and it took 30 or 60 days for callus to differentiate into adventitious buds. It will not blossom until the third year after planting.

III. The value and use of the fire crane flower

Anthurium is used skillfully at home: absorbs benzene and trichloroethylene which are harmful to the human body in the air, and has the healthy effect of purifying the air.

Araceae flowers in bloom, the flowers will be slightly toxic, it is best to move to the outdoor, Anthurium, white palm, ruby, emerald these flowers belong to Araceae. And the representative of Euphorbiaceae is poinsettia, also known as Christmas red, this kind of flower is also toxic, or it will be safe to eat by mistake, wash your hands every time you trim branches and leaves, its poison mainly comes from juice, pay attention to it.

Ornamental value

Its flower is unique, is the Buddha's flame bud, the color is bright and gorgeous, the color is rich, is the world precious flower. The florescence is long, the cut flowers can be raised in water for up to one and a half months, and the cut leaves can be used as leaves for flower arrangement. It can be used as a potted plant, and the single flowering period of potted plants can be as long as 4-6 months. The anniversary can blossom.

Economic value

Anthurium andraeanum is an important tropical cut flower, Buddha inflorescence, its flame bud is large, thick with wax, the color is red, pink, white, green, two-color and so on. Because of its bright color, peculiar shape, wide range of application and high economic value, it is a high-grade tropical cut flower and potted flower with rapid development and great demand in the world.

In order to inject a natural atmosphere into the room, people will use some plants as embellishment. Not only can we get close to nature and adjust our mood, another important reason is to purify the indoor air. The green leaves of Huihe flower can also improve indoor air quality. Its flame bracts are scarlet and bright, and the inflorescences of meat spikes are inlaid with gold and inlaid with jade, which adds a unique charm to it.