
[culture method of hanging bamboo plum] how to culture hanging bamboo plum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [culture method of hanging bamboo plum] how to culture hanging bamboo plum

Hanging bamboo plum because the leaves look like bamboo, and often hanging in the form of hanging basin cultivation, so this name. It is a tropical plant, the required winter temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees, so friends in the north may not have seen it, but it is very common in the vast south of China, whether in the homes of ordinary people or in the greening of the park. Can see it. This herbaceous foliage plant has made a great contribution to beautifying our living environment.

I. the culture method of hanging bamboo plum


The basin soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand.

Fertilizer application

Apply dilute liquid fertilizer once every half month or so, but pay attention not to apply too much fertilizer, if you apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, the leaf color will fade.


During the growing season, the basin soil should be kept moist, and water should often be sprayed on the stems and leaves to maintain high air humidity so as not to dry the leaves.

Temperature, light

Hanging bamboo plum like semi-overcast environment, spring and autumn season should be placed in the indoor bright scattered light, summer indoor well-ventilated place maintenance, to avoid exposure to the hot sun. The room temperature in winter should be kept above 10 ℃, and the amount of water should be reduced properly. if the watering is too much at this time, the basin soil will be moist for a long time, which will easily lead to rotten roots and yellow leaves. Winter should be placed on the windowsill facing south, so that it is appropriate to see more sunshine.

II. Maintenance of hanging bamboo plum

The cuttage matrix of Diaozhumei is used to insert nutritious soil or river sand, peat soil and other materials. The branches used for cutting are called cuttings. Cut the stem into 6 cm long segments, each with more than three leaf nodes, or use the top tip as cuttings. The culture soil should be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand, keep the basin soil moist during the growth period, and apply dilute liquid fertilizer or compound chemical fertilizer once in about 15-20 days. It should be cultivated indoors near the south window in spring and autumn, and in a well-ventilated place with bright scattered light in summer. Such as long-term lack of light, stems and leaves are easy to grow, internodes become longer, flowering less or no flowering. Higher air humidity is required. If the air is dry, the leaves are often easy to dry and the leaf tips are scorched. Therefore, the growing season should pay attention to often spray water on the stems and leaves, in order to maintain air humidity. In order to keep its branches and leaves plump, when the stem grows to about 25 meters, the heart should be picked to promote the branches, otherwise the branches will grow slender and affect the ornamental effect.

Third, the function of Diaozhumei

1. Decorative function

The growth rate of Diaozhumei is very fast. In just one year, it can sprout and grow to the whole flowerpot. It is a small creature with strong vitality. It is often hung in the indoor and courtyard, the branches and leaves crawl, layer upon layer, beautiful but also appear to have a different charm. If you put it on the top of the flower bed or cabinet and let its branches and leaves droop and grow, it will soon grow all over the plane and form a green curtain, which is very stylish. This is why it is widely liked by people.

2. Fresh air

Like all green plants, Chimonanthus przewalskii grows by absorbing sunlight and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, so it also has a good effect on purifying the air. Because of its fast growth and luxuriant leaves, it only needs conventional cultivation to grow a large one, which not only can be decorated in its own yard, but also absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide and toxic substances. If you live on the first floor and do have such a small garden, then you can hang it above the window, and before long, you can get green curtains, like Parthenocissus, which look from the outside. Your house is naturally clear and full of spring. From the inside, the green "curtains" not only block the dazzling light, but also form a green barrier, isolating the dust PM2.5 and other particles in the air.

Hanging bamboo plum is a very common foliage plant, because of its strong adaptability, it can grow everywhere, and some places have become wild or semi-wild, but it still has its own unique charm in decorating the house. this is the end of the introduction of the breeding method of Diaozhangmei. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.