
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Begonia flower

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Begonia flowers are small deciduous trees. Up to 7-8 meters high, leaves alternate, leaf margin with flat obtuse serrations. Several flowers are clustered in an umbrella-shaped raceme, red in bud and pink after blooming. Pear fruit globose, yellow, pedicel apex fleshy, calyx depression raised, sepals persistent. The florescence is from April to May. Fruit ripening from September to October

Begonia flowers are small deciduous trees. Up to 7-8 meters high, leaves alternate, leaf margin with flat obtuse serrations. Several flowers are clustered in an umbrella-shaped raceme, red in bud and pink after blooming. Pear fruit globose, yellow, pedicel apex fleshy, calyx depression raised, sepals persistent. The florescence is from April to May. The fruit is ripe from September to October.

1. Soil selection of crabapple flower culture

The rhizome of crabapple flower is tender and fragile, so we should pay attention to choose loose, fertile and well-drained substrate as culture soil. Potted plants can generally use 7 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of river sand, mixed with a small amount of rotten bean cake fertilizer, or loose and well-drained soil mixed with 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of peat soil and 3 parts of river sand.

two。 Watering method of crabapple flower culture

Crabapple flowers can bear early and are most afraid of stagnant water. Whether planted or potted, generally keep the soil moist, potted crabapple flowerpot soil should not be too wet, semi-moisture strip is the best. However, potted flowers placed on balconies or highlands should be watered in time; the soil should not be too dry, because the soil is too dry, root absorption is blocked, plant leaves are dehydrated, it is easy to lose nutrition, or dry coke, causing plant death in serious cases. It is watered every 3-5 days in spring, every 1-2 days in summer, 4-6 days in autumn, and every semimonthly in winter.

3. Fertilization method of crabapple flower culture

The crabapple flower cultivated in the open field can dig ditches around the plant and apply rotten organic fertilizer after flowering every year, in addition to applying base fertilizer during cultivation. After returning to the soil, the water can be irrigated thoroughly to make it slowly absorbed to meet the nutrient requirements of plant vegetative growth. In autumn, organic fertilizer based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied once in autumn to promote flower bud differentiation and meet the nutrient requirements of reproductive growth. Fertilization of potted crabapple flowers can be carried out according to the season.

Flower buds form in spring, but when they are not open, mature organic liquid fertilizer can be applied at 1:10 or 1:12. Once a week, thin fertilizer is used to promote flowers to make them bright in color and large in size. After the flower fade, the plant enters the peak period of vegetative growth, at this time the concentration of fertilizer management should be increased, generally according to the proportion of 1:6 or 1:8, forced application every ten days and a half months, and stopped from July to August. In autumn, the concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied at 1:10.

4. Light and temperature requirements of crabapple flower culture

Begonia flowers mostly bloom in spring, but if the light and temperature are managed properly, cooling and shading methods are used for special technical treatment, it can bloom again in the autumn season of that year. The specific method is: in the high temperature and rainy early and mid-July, the flowerpot will be moved to a shady place to take shelter from the rain to cool down. The light intensity is reduced to about 40%, and the amount of water is gradually reduced, and the vegetative growth of the plant is controlled.

With the passage of time, the amount of water should be gradually reduced until the leaves turn yellow and fall off on their own, in order to promote its dormancy. After that, continue a small amount of watering to the extent that the life of the holding plant does not sprout. In this way, after a dormant period of 35 to 45 days, the plants were placed in the light, poured through water and applied with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to revive their flower buds. Generally, after 15 to 20 days, the bright crabapple flowers can be seen.

5. Matters needing attention in Flower Culture of Begonia

The main results are as follows: (1) Begonia flowers can be irrigated once when combined with fertilization in early spring, and should be irrigated again if the fruit is dry after flowering. Pay attention to the prevention and control of aphids, beetles and other insect pests and rot, it is best to spray lime-sulfur mixture in early spring to prevent.

6. The shaping and pruning method of Begonia flower culture

The main purpose of shaping and pruning is to improve the lighting conditions inside the crown and make it form a beautiful tree shape so as to improve the ornamental value. Generally, a pruning is carried out from the defoliation to the bud in early spring, and the dead branches, disease and insect branches and weak branches are cut off to keep the crown open, ventilated and transparent. In order to promote the vigorous flowering of the plant, it is necessary to truncate the overgrown branches to reduce the nutrient consumption of germination, so that the remaining axillary buds can get more nutrients and form more flowering and fruiting branches. Fruit branches and middle branches need not be pruned. During the growth period, if the coring can be carried out in time and the vegetative growth is restricted in the early stage, the effect is more significant, especially the pile scene of potted plants should be so controlled. If the plant is trimmed into a shrubby shape, it can be 20-30 cm high in the first year, increase gradually after 2-3 years, and remain 1-1.5 m high in the 4th year. It should be re-pruned in the gap of the crown or the thin and weak parts of the branches to promote the sprouting of strong branches; if the crown is shaped, it can be trimmed a little.

7. Flowering Control methods of Begonia Flower Culture

Generally speaking, begonia blossoms only once in spring. if the methods of cooling, reducing water and shading are used, it can blossom again in the autumn of that year. That is, in early July, the potted crabapple flowers were moved to a shady place to cool down, reduce light and control watering, so as to maintain life and not sprout new buds. In this way, after a dormant period of 35-45 days, the plant was placed in full light, watered thoroughly and applied liquid fertilizer to sprout new buds. After 5-7 days, the bright crabapple flowers could be seen. In addition, by using the temperature-sensitive habit of its bud, the potted crabapple can be moved into the sunny part of the greenhouse in the middle of winter, watered thoroughly, applied liquid fertilizer, and then properly sprayed on the branches of the plant every day to keep the temperature 20: 25 ℃. After 30-40 days, it can also blossom, which can be watched on New year's Day or Spring Festival.

8. Propagation methods of crabapple flower culture

Begonia flowers are mainly propagated by sowing or grafting, and can also be propagated by ramet, striping and root cutting, but the seedlings of seed propagation grow slowly and take more than 10 years to blossom. The seedlings obtained by grafting can blossom earlier and maintain their original excellent characteristics, so they are generally propagated by grafting.

(1) sowing and reproduction

It is often used for flower breeding or rootstock cultivation, such as Bauhinia mandshurica which is often used in rootstock in the north, Begonia lobata, Begonia lobata and Begonia fruit in the south, etc. After the seeds of begonia were treated with stratified sand storage, before sowing and after 30 days of low temperature stratification for 100 days, the emergence rate of begonia seeds could be increased and the seedlings could emerge quickly and neatly.

(2) Graft propagation

Is the most commonly used method of crabapple reproduction. Rootstocks can be seeded and propagated, either by branch grafting or bud grafting. Before sprouting in spring, branch grafting can be used, cutting grafting and splitting grafting can be used, and bud grafting can be used from July to September in autumn, and the specific time can be carried out according to the local climate. The scion selects the fully developed one-year-old branch and takes its middle section (with more than 2 full buds). Budding is often grafted in the shape of "T".

In addition, ramet, striping and root insertion can be carried out in spring.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Begonia flower

Begonia flower is known as "immortal flower", "flower imperial concubine" and "flower honor". It has been planted in Magnolia, peony and sweet-scented osmanthus. Often planted on both sides of the sidewalk, around the pavilion, the edge of the jungle, waterfront pool and other places. Next, let's take a look at how to raise begonia flowers and introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of begonia flowers. Begonia flower is a kind of tree plant, its plant is up to 8 meters high, branchlets are stout, cylindrical, pubescent when young, gradually falling off, reddish brown or purplish brown when old, glabrous. The leaves of crabapple flowers are oval, generally 5-8 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. The edges of the leaves are serrulate. Sometimes the leaves are nearly entire, sparsely pubescent on both sides when young, and then fall off, and the old leaves are glabrous. The inflorescence of crabapple flowers is umbrella-shaped, with 4-6 flowers, and the color is pink. How to raise crabapple flower is a kind of sunny plant, it is not tolerant to shade and avoid dampness. But it is extremely hardy, has strong adaptability to severe cold and drought, can withstand cold climate, and can grow well at-15 ℃, so crabapple flowers can be cultured outdoors. If the temperature is minus 30 or 40 ℃, we should pay attention to take protective measures. Crabapple flowers like the sun, suitable for growing in a sunny environment, if often in a cool place, it is very bad for its growth. Crabapple flower breeding methods generally grow plants, its large seedlings to take soil ball, small noodles according to the planting situation to stay in the soil. Crabapple flowers are generally propagated through sowing, ramet and grafting, and the seeds are usually sown in autumn or spring after sand storage, but the growth rate of sowing is relatively slow. In order for it to blossom, it will take at least five or six years to blossom. In horticultural planting, it is often used for grafting propagation, it is best to use bauhinia or begonia seedlings as rootstocks, branch grafting, bud grafting can be used, branch grafting can be used, split grafting, bud grafting is often used T-shaped grafting. Light crabapple flowers are positive plants, so more light is more important, if the light is not enough, it will cause the growth of begonia flowers is poor, the leaves grow too long, the leaves become light and yellow. And it will also cause unblooming or unattractive flowers. So when raising crabapple flowers, it is best to get enough light every day. Pruning crabapple flowers sprout in spring after falling leaves, need to be pruned, cut off dead, weak and diseased branches, and keep it ventilated. In order to ensure the bloom of crabapple flowers, his long branches can be cut short, so that other axillary buds can get more nutrition, so as to reduce nutrient consumption. Begonia flower notice 1, crabapple flower in its peak growing season, its soil should have more moisture, so it should be timely watering and keep moist. 2. In the growing period of crabapple flower, we must use rotten organic fertilizer water or inorganic fertilizer soaking solution to fertilize. If in the seedling stage, more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to promote the growth of its branches and leaves. 3. Begonia flowers grow slowly under the influence of environmental temperature in summer and winter, so it is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilization and water. Especially in the hot summer, measures can be taken to avoid strong direct light and cool down to create a temperature below 30 ℃. The above is the introduction that the editor brought to you. After reading the introduction of the editor, I believe everyone has a certain understanding. ▌ related recommendations ☑ asparagus pictures ☑ orchids how to raise ☑ primrose bonsai ☑ June snow how to raise ☑ yellow chrysanthemum efficacy and function ☑ makes arrow lotus ☑ Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid ☑ money tree picture ☑ potted flowers picture ☑ mosquito net what brand is good

How to raise Begonia Flower Culture methods and matters needing attention

Crabapple flower is a common flower species with high popularity and high recognition. Crabapple flowers usually grow and breed in the mountains, a kind of bright red flowers blooming all over the mountains, will be very beautiful. Crabapple flowers are also suitable for potted indoor plants, with short stems and leaves, so they have a full pot effect. It is not difficult to grow crabapple flowers. Let's take a look at how to raise begonia flowers and how to cultivate them.

The culture method of how to raise begonia flowers

1. How to cultivate crabapple flowers-- pot

The ornamental and decorative effect of the pottery basin is very good.

2. How to raise crabapple flowers the cultivation method of begonia flowers-soil

Crabapple flowers like to be fertile, so it is important that the soil is fertile and loose. After planting crabapple flowers, choose to turn the soil in a month, and sprinkle some bone powder at the bottom to promote the growth of crabapple flowers. The choice of fertilizer had better be used at the same time, if you keep using one kind of fertilizer, it will not be conducive to stimulate the flowering of begonia.

Third, the culture method of how to raise begonia flowers-Rizhao

Begonia flowers can not be planted indoors all the time, it is best to choose a place where you can shine in the sun. Begonia is a kind of plant that likes sunshine, so it may be better for it to bask in the sun.

Fourth, how to cultivate crabapple flowers-pruning

In order to maintain the beauty of crabapple flowers, it is not only necessary to turn the basin regularly, but also pruning, which can ensure the balanced growth of begonia.