
The cultivation methods and precautions of camellia

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Camellia, also known as camellia, camelliaceae evergreen shrubs or small trees. Originated in China, it is one of the famous traditional flowers in China, and there are a few distributed in Japan. Camellia graceful posture, lush leaves, flowers, red as fire white like jade, in the green leaves under the arch, it is unusually delicate, elegant and unique

Camellia, also known as Camellia, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Theaceae. Originated in China, it is one of the famous traditional flowers in China, and there are a few in Japan.

Camellia tree beautiful, luxuriant leaves, flowers, red as fire and white as jade, under the green leaves arch, appears extremely delicate and elegant and chic. Camellia is gorgeous but not demon, and has a long life; the tree is vigorous and straight, evergreen all the year round, and blossoms from February to March, which is the season with few flowers, so it is very suitable to watch potted plants. Camellia is also suitable for South Park and garden layout, suitable for decorating living room and study, and suitable for window and balcony, which adds joyful atmosphere and interest to New Year's Day and Spring Festival.

1. Selection of pot soil and pot for camellia culture

According to the growth characteristics of camellia, the mixed soil with slightly acidic, loose, fertile and good drainage should be selected as basin soil. Special attention should be paid to good drainage and do not use calcareous soil. The proportion of mixed soil is 6 parts of red soil, 3 parts of orchid mud (rotten leaf soil) and 2 parts of fine sandy soil.

The size of the basin should be moderate, not too big or too small. The general ratio of pot to seedling is: a camellia with a height of 40 cm and a crown of 20 cm should be planted in a purple sand basin or tile basin with a caliber of about 20 cm. Other sizes, and so on.

two。 The pot time of camellia culture

The potting time is November in winter and February to March in early spring. At this time, the buds are enlarged and the flowers are in full bloom, which is the most suitable for pots. When the flowers are withering and the new roots are still sprouting, if you want to put them on the pot, you must pay special attention not to hurt the roots. Generally stop potting before and after the sprouting period, because at this time the new shoots are waiting to be sent and the leaves are developed, which requires a lot of water, such as pots, new roots are injured, which can easily affect the growth and development of the year. High temperature and severe winter season also avoid pots, so as not to cause plant atrophy and death.

3. The pot method of camellia culture

First put 3 or 4 pieces of broken tiles on the bottom hole of the selected flowerpot, then fill part of the coarse soil, plant the seedlings in the basin, fill the root with fine soil, then slowly place the larger grain of pot soil all around the basin, gently shake the basin and press it by hand to make the basin soil close to the root. Large pots can be gently compacted down with bamboo sticks, and be careful not to hurt their roots. The basin soil should account for 4% of the basin height and 5% for watering.

4. Watering method of Camellia Culture

The seedlings newly put on the pot should be watered for the first time until the bottom of the basin is permeated.

The seedlings newly put on the pot should be kept moist and can be watered like other pot seedlings after 2 months. The frequency of watering depends on the climate, based on the principle of keeping the soil moist. Generally, it can be watered more in spring to meet the needs of sprouting and shooting. summer watering should be carried out in the morning and evening; water should be prevented in the Meiyu period, timely watering in autumn drought, and watering in winter should be carried out at noon to prevent the basin soil from freezing, and the soil is dry and frozen more intensely.

5. Fertilization methods for Camellia Culture

Camellia does not like fertilizer very much, so it is not necessary to apply too much fertilizer. Generally, it is fertilized for 2 or 4 times from 10 to 11 months before flowering and 4 to 5 months after flowering.

General use of mixed fertilizers (human feces and urine, cake fertilizer, barnyard manure, phosphate fertilizer), it is best to give priority to phosphate fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer as a deputy, in order to prevent branches from growing and flowers decreasing. All kinds of fertilizers must be fully mature and used, but rapeseed cakes and fish meal can be removed directly on the soil surface without decay, covered with a thin layer of soil, and allowed to slowly rot and seep into the soil for root absorption.

The amount of fertilizer application should be mastered that the strong seedlings should be applied more, and the weak seedlings should be applied less or not. for the seedlings whose growth is too weak, replace the pot soil instead of fertilization, the effect is also very good.

6. Shading and cold protection methods for camellia culture

Camellia prefers a warm and humid climate, and too cold and heat are not conducive to growth and development. The potted camellias should be given plenty of sunshine in spring and Meiyu period, otherwise the branches are weak, which can easily cause bituminous disease and shell insects, or epiphytic moss, resulting in withered branches, senescence or death. The high temperature season in summer and autumn should be sheltered and cooled in time.

When the temperature drops below zero in winter, it will cause buds to fall off or stamens to be frozen, affecting the quality of flowering. Therefore, the indoor overwintering temperature of potted seedlings should be kept at about 3Mel 4 ℃. If the temperature exceeds 16 ℃, it will promote early germination and serious defoliation and bud drop.

7. Control of Diseases and insect pests in Camellia Culture

The main pests of camellia are stem borer and shell worm. The main diseases are anthracnose on the leaf, black coal and mossy parasitism on the branches. The damaged branches should be cut off and sprayed in time.

8. Matters needing attention in Camellia Culture

Camellia is not suitable for intensity pruning, its flowers, leaves, buds develop for a long time, and the crown is formed evenly. Basically, there is no need for special pruning, just cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and truncated long branches.

Camellia is a multi-flowered tree species, especially on weak plants, if the buds are dense, it will consume too many nutrients, which is disadvantageous to the plant growth. Therefore, bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management, it is appropriate to leave 1 bud and 2 buds on each branch, only 3 buds at most, and keep a certain distance. The sparse buds can be used medicinally.

The flowering period of camellia is longer, and the whole flowering period is as long as half a year. Therefore, picking close to withered flowers in time is of great benefit to reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential.

9. Propagation methods of Camellia Culture

It can be propagated by sowing, cutting, striping, grafting and other methods, and it can be propagated by cutting and high branch pressing method.

The main results are as follows: (1) Cuttage propagation: cutting propagation is mostly carried out from May to June. It is appropriate to choose strong annual branches as cuttings, cut them into 10-12 cm long, leave the upper 2-3 leaves, and remove the lower leaves. Insert into Susha seedbed or flowerpot. River sand or loose mountain soil can be used as basin soil. After planting, pour water thoroughly, spray water properly later, keep the soil moist, and provide shade, it can take root in about 60-70 days.

(2) High branch striping propagation: the high branch pressing is mostly carried out between April and May. The method is to select the last year's branches, peel the ring in the high pressure part, and peel the ring 0.5 cm wide; wrap the ring peeling part with a moderate size plastic film, the length of which is 10-15 cm, tie up the lower mouth first, and fill the moist culture soil inside, often keep the soil moist, and then fasten the upper mouth; after root, you can cut it off and plant it again. 2016-3-26

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Camellia

Camellia is an attribute plant of Theaceae, which likes a warm and humid environment. Among the many flowers and plants, the flowering period of camellia is relatively long, and it can bloom from October to May of the following year. The colors of camellias are red, purple, white, yellow and other colors. Camellia is very popular because of its beautiful plant shape, thick green and glossy leaves and colorful flowers. Today, let's take a look at the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of camellia with the love of the editor. The soil of camellia culture method Camellia likes loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, loess and humus soil. Generally, when choosing soil culture, it can be cultivated with peat, sawn wood, red soil, humic soil, or above mixed substrate. The best PH for growing camellias is between 5 and 6.5. Soil with slightly acidic soil is the best. Camellia culture method of light, temperature camellia is a semi-shade plant, in the summer culture, need to give it shade. And after the Beginning of Autumn, the temperature dropped, camellia entered the flower bud to spend money, at this time to give it sufficient light. In winter, it should be kept indoors and in a sunny place. Camellia is a plant that shines for a long time, so it can only form flower buds in an environment that lasts 12 hours a day. Its growth temperature is 18-25 ℃. If it is higher than 35 ℃, its leaves will be burned. When breeding in winter, its temperature should be kept 3-5 ℃ earlier, and it can also endure a low temperature of-10 ℃ for a short time, but not more than 16 ℃ for a long time, otherwise it will promote germination and cause leaves to fall. The method of watering and fertilizing camellia has higher requirements for water, and its growth is ignored in neutral or alkaline soil. When watering, adding too much water will lead to rotting roots. If the basin soil can not be dry, it is easy to make the roots shrink because of water loss, so as to keep the basin soil and the surrounding environment moist. In the flowering period of camellia, don't spray water. When watering, do not pour water on its words, it is easy to cause mildew of flowers and shorten the florescence. When the camellia flowers fade, please remove the residual flowers in time. Winter watering is usually watered every three days to keep the pot soil moist. Camellia likes to be fat and usually applies sufficient base fertilizer when changing pots. In autumn and winter, rotten light liquid fertilizer should be applied once a week, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied once or twice a week. When applying fertilizer, it can be poured with thin alum fertilizer. After sprouting in spring, apply thin fertilizer and water once every half a month, apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in summer, stop fertilizer for about one month in early autumn, apply alum fertilizer and water before flowering, and apply available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer when flowering, so that the flower is big and colorful and the flowering period is long. The shaping and pruning of camellia culture methods in the pruning of camellia, the dry and withered branches, diseased and weak branches, cross branches and overdense branches are mainly cut off. If the buds of the camellia affect the tree-shaped branches, the extra buds can be picked. If it is a potted camellia, you can trim it according to your preference, but when you trim it, you can't cut it too heavily, it will impress its growth. Camellia Note 1. When watering camellias, you must first store the tap water in a bucket for a day or two and let the chlorine evaporate. It is better to put 1% ferrous sulfate in the water to improve the water quality. 2. Camellia should not accept strong direct light, especially in summer and early autumn, it must be shaded. 3. When fertilizing camellias, if there is too much nitrogen fertilizer, it is easy to scorch the buds, and less or no fertilizer can be applied after flowering. 4. Because camellia is not cold-resistant, sometimes its flowering period will be delayed, which is quite normal. Conclusion: Camellia is an evergreen plant of the four seasons, its plant shape is beautiful, the leaves are thick green and shiny, and the flower shape is a traditional ornamental flower in China. It ranks eighth in the "Top Ten famous Flowers" and is also one of the most valuable flowers in the world. The above is the introduction of the camellia culture methods and matters needing attention brought by the editor. After reading the introduction of the editor, I believe everyone knows it better. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Camellia

Usually many people like to raise beautiful camellias at home, but because of lack of experience, do not know much about breeding methods and other reasons, and finally do not raise well, either do not blossom or leaf yellow or death. If you want to raise camellias well, you must master its breeding methods, and if you want to know what you need to pay attention to when raising camellias, today the editor will specifically talk about this knowledge for you.

Culture method

1. Culture environment

At ordinary times, the cultivation of camellia needs to choose a high-temperature and humid environment, and in order to maintain the soil fertility and moisture, the soil must be slightly alkaline fertile soil, camellia is difficult to survive in acidic soil. In addition, camellias like warm and humid climate, shade tolerance is relatively strong, avoid exposure, cold resistance is relatively excellent, but it can not be placed in the environment of minus five degrees in winter.

2. Lighting conditions

If you want to raise camellias well, light conditions are also very important. usually, camellias should be placed in a semi-shaded environment, which can promote the healthy growth of camellias, but after camellias enter the flowering season, they should be moved to a sunny environment. Only in this way can camellias bloom in bright colors.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Usually raise camellias, fertilizer and water management is very important, usually once a month to fertilize camellias, but do not apply thick fertilizer, and the amount of fertilization can not be too much. When watering camellias, special attention should be paid to watering every day in hot summer weather to keep the soil moist, but there must be no stagnant water in the flowerpots, otherwise the buds of camellias will fall off.

Matters needing attention

At ordinary times, the cultivation of camellia can not be put in sufficient sunlight, otherwise its leaves will be burned, and it will rise most vigorously in the half-yin and half-yang environment. In addition, when raising camellias at ordinary times, the direction of camellias cannot be changed casually, because the adaptability of camellias is relatively poor, especially in the 17 schools of teething finishing between April and September every year, they cannot be moved at will, otherwise the leaves on the shady side will fall off in large numbers after they suddenly come into contact with strong light.