
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Prunus mume

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Triangular plum is also known as triangular flower, leaf flower, bougainvillea, and scarf. The flowering period is from July to October, but it can blossom all the year round as long as the temperature is right. The three bracts outside the flower are leaf-shaped. Like high temperature and humid environment. Like the bright light. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-30%. The flowers of triangular plum are strange and beautiful, and they are full of branches when they bloom.

Triangular plum is also known as triangular flower, leaf flower, bougainvillea, and scarf. The flowering period is from July to October, but it can blossom all the year round as long as the temperature is right. The three bracts outside the flower are leaf-shaped. Like high temperature and humid environment. Like the bright light. The suitable temperature for growth is 25-30%.

The flowers of triangular plum are strange and beautiful, and they are full of branches when they bloom. Triangular plum needs strong light, leaves and flowers will fall in the semi-shade, so it is only suitable for viewing on the lighted balcony or on the outer shelf of the balcony.

1. Soil selection of Prunus mume culture

The cultivated soil is made of loam, cow dung, rotten leaf soil, sand and so on, and appropriate amount of bone powder is added when used. During cultivation, the triangular plum should be planted correctly, filled with culture soil and watered thoroughly. In the process of cultivation, it is often necessary to pick the heart to form a clump and low plant type. A bracket can also be set up to make it climb.

The following soil formulations can be used for families: garden soil: rotten leaf soil: sand = 5RV 3RV 2; peat soil: rotten leaf soil: sand: perlite = 5Rd 2RV 2VR 1.

two。 Watering method of Prunus mume culture

Triangular plum has a large demand for water, especially in midsummer, lack of water is easy to cause defoliation, affecting growth and flowering. Therefore, the summer flowering period is watered twice a day, sprayed in the morning, and watered once after 4 pm; watering can be reduced appropriately after flower fade, and the soil will cause fallen leaves and rotten roots if the soil is too wet; watering is controlled in winter, and the basin soil is not dry or irrigated. However, the water should be deducted 4-5 weeks before flowering, that is, after watering once, the leaves or buds should be watered again, which is beneficial to the differentiation and formation of flower buds.

Triangular flowers like wet soil and are afraid of water stains. With the acceleration of growth in spring, it needs to be watered every day, and often sprinkle water to its leaves and around to increase air humidity, air humidity is insufficient, it is very easy to fall leaves. Triangular flowers and leaves, summer water consumption is large, it is best to water once every morning and evening, so that the soil is in a moist state, increase the number of times to sprinkle water to its leaves and around. When the temperature is cool in autumn, keep the basin soil moist. In late autumn, winter and early spring, when the temperature is low (about 10 ℃), less watering makes the basin soil dry. However, if the indoor temperature is kept above 15 ℃, it is appropriate to water more to make the basin soil moist.

3. Fertilization method of Prunus mume culture

Triangle plum likes fertilizer. After the weather gets warmer in spring, nitrogen fertilizer is applied every 10 to 15 days, cake fertilizer and water is applied once a week during the growing period, and phosphate fertilizer is applied several times during flowering. Reduce the amount of fertilizer application after cool autumn, and stop fertilization in winter. During the growing and flowering season, 1000 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution could be sprayed on the leaves for 3 times, or 1000 times of Huaduoduo general fertilizer could be applied once every 10 days.

Stop fertilizing when the temperature is cool in autumn. Do not apply fertilizer when the temperature is low in late autumn, winter and early spring. However, if the temperature is above 15 ℃, the mixed liquid fertilizer can be applied every other month.

Triangular plum is very sensitive to urea, such as improper fertilization, it may produce luxuriant branches and few flowers, so we should be very careful when applying urea.

Spring blossom is the vegetative growth period of Prunus mume, and urea can be applied every other week. This can not only supplement the consumption of post-anthesis plants, but also promote the growth of new branches and lay a good foundation for reproductive growth.

Some liquid fertilizer should be applied thinly in summer, and 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used as foliar topdressing once every half month. Urea is still needed at the initial stage of flower branch growth to facilitate flower branch growth.

4. Light and temperature requirements of Prunus mume culture

The suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume is 20-30 ℃, and the winter temperature below 5 ℃ is easy to be frozen and fallen leaves.

Triangular plums like the light, the lack of light in the growing season will lead to the weakening of plant growth and affect flowering. Winter should be placed in bright places, and the daily light can not be less than 8 hours, otherwise a large number of fallen leaves are easy to appear.

5. Matters needing attention in the culture of triangular plum

The main results are as follows: (1) the light-loving plants of the genus Prunus should be sunny, whether potted or planted on the ground. the plants treated by strong sunlight have short branches, full growth, many flowers, deep color and long flowering period. Lack of light results in weak growth of new branches, dim leaves and little or no flowering.

(2) triangular plum bonsai mostly choose rectangular or oval purple sand pottery or glazed pottery basin, the color should not be too deep, in order to set off the bright color of triangular plum bracts. The basin soil should be mixed with nutrient soil rich in humus, loose and well drained, and the basin should be put on the basin in the period of stable temperature in spring.

(3) the cool temperature in autumn can reduce the supply of water and fertilizer, make the basin soil moist and ensure sufficient light. When the temperature drops to about 10 ℃, you should timely move the indoor light sufficient place or close the balcony where there is light to cultivate. Because the indoor air humidity is low, should often sprinkle water to its leaves and around to increase the air humidity.

(4) the triangular flower is not cold-tolerant, and the leaves will fall when the temperature is lower than 7 ℃ in winter. However, for those with deciduous leaves in winter, the leaves will grow again after the temperature rises in spring, but the growth is not good. Therefore, it is best to keep the room temperature about 10 ℃ in winter. In winter, triangular flowers should be placed on the windowsill with plenty of light, and different water and fertilizer management should be carried out according to different temperatures. It should be sprayed around it several times a day to increase air humidity.

6. The method of shaping and pruning in Prunus mume culture

Triangular plum has more deciduous leaves and flowers at flowering stage and needs to be reshaped and pruned after flowering. Potted plants are often cut into round-headed crowns or tied shapes, requiring more branches and dense flowering to form a gorgeous crown. Planting on the ground needs to set up a support to make it climb on the shelf. You should always pick your heart for new branches. After changing the basin, some over-dense branches, overgrown branches, withered branches, disease and insect branches were pruned to promote more new branches. The coring was carried out from July to August to control the growth and promote the formation of flower buds and exuberant flowering. The plants of 5 ~ 6 years should be truncated or re-cut and renewed once.

7. Propagation methods of Prunus mume culture

The propagation of Prunus mume is mainly by cutting, and the varieties which are not easy to take root by cutting can be propagated by grafting or high pressure.

Cuttage propagation: generally cut mature semi-lignified branches after flowering from June to July, with a length of 10 to 15 cm, soak the base of the cuttings with 20 mg / kg indolebutyric acid for an hour, then insert it into a sand bed or spray seedbed, and take root in about 1 month under the condition of 2l~25 ℃ and relative humidity of 80% to 90%. It can also be cut in greenhouse from January to March.

8. Regulation of florescence of Prunus mume in culture

The flowering period is mainly regulated by the way of controlling water and promoting flowers. Select individuals with plump crown and moderate growth, apply growth fertilizer once half a month in advance, and then begin to control water. Generally 2-3 days later, the leaves will wilt and droop due to lack of water. At this time, water will be drenched to protect the leaves and keep the surface of the basin soil moist. After 2-4 weeks, the soil can be loosened, watered, fertilized, and kept moist, supplemented by proper pruning, which can be transferred to normal management. When the branch leaf axil has the side branch to pull out, if sees the new branch leaf axil to attach the thorn, the top has the young bract, namely succeeds. Of course, to let the plum blossom all the year round, but also to adjust the light and temperature, and apply enough fertilizer.

In addition, triangular plum is a short-day plant, if you want to bloom on National Day, you can shade the plant from the beginning of August, that is, 40-50 days in advance, and put the plant in the dark room. Shading must be strict, but light leakage will not achieve the effect. Shading lasts for 45 consecutive days from 5pm to 8am. When the room temperature is high, water should be sprayed to the ground to cool down. During the shading period, 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar fertilizer was applied once a week.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Prunus mume

Triangular plum is a tropical plant, mostly produced in southern China, usually it is mainly to watch flowers, can be planted in garden scenic spots, can also be made into potted culture. Just need to master certain methods when breeding, and understand what triangulated plum needs to pay attention to in the process of breeding, otherwise it is difficult to raise triangulated plum.

Culture method of triangulated plum

1. Select suitable culture soil.

When cultivating triangular plum, we must choose a suitable culture soil, this kind of plant has strong vitality and does not have high requirements for soil, but he likes the clayey soil with good drainage and high mineral content. in addition, it is best to keep the culture soil slightly acidic, which can make the flowers of triangular plum blossom more and brightly colored.

2. Rational watering

Triangular plum is a kind of ornamental plant that likes plenty of water. It should be watered once a day in spring and autumn. After entering summer, the weather is hot and the water evaporates quickly. It is necessary to increase the frequency of watering, watering once every morning and evening, and spray water to the leaves in time, otherwise the air is too dry, the leaves will stop growing and the leaves may turn yellow.

3. Ambient temperature

Environmental temperature is one of the important conditions for breeding triangular plum. This plant grows fastest when the external ambient temperature is between 15 and 30 degrees. In summer high temperature weather, it is necessary to reduce the environmental temperature by spraying water to the leaves and ventilating to ensure the normal growth of triangular plum. After entering winter, as long as it is placed in an environment above five degrees, it can survive the winter safely.

Matters needing attention in culture

At ordinary times, when raising triangular plums, we must pay attention to the adjustment of light. This kind of plant likes the semi-shaded environment, but after entering winter, the triangular plum should be placed in front of the sunny window, and it can receive sunshine for no less than eight hours a day, otherwise it will be difficult for triangular plum to blossom normally. In addition, when cultivating triangular plum, special attention should be paid to fertilization. Thin fertilizer must be applied, and thick fertilizer must not be applied, otherwise its roots will rot and the leaves will turn yellow, and in serious cases, it will lead to the death of triangular plum.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Prunus mume

For a flower friend who likes triangular plum, most of them will consult the breeding methods and points for attention of triangular plum, so as to understand triangular plum, as an introduction to triangular plum culture, will start with the basic knowledge, so that flower friends can understand.

1. The culture method of triangular plum.

1) the environmental triangle plum likes the sun, and the conservation environment should be exposed to sunlight for a long time. If the light is insufficient, it will blossom little or not.

2) watering triangular plum is afraid of waterlogging, so watering should be based on basin soil that is not dry or watered, and it will be watered thoroughly. In addition, the flowering period of triangular plum needs more water, so it is necessary to ensure that the potted soil has enough water at the flowering stage.

3) Fertilizer triangular plum is more fond of fertilizer, so it should be fertilized every 5-7 days (thin fertilizer should be applied more), flower fertilizer should be mainly phosphate fertilizer, fertilizer should be added before flowering, no fertilizer should be applied during flowering, and a heavy fertilizer should be applied after flowering.

4) soil Triangle plum likes loose and fertile slightly acidic soil (relatively lax soil requirements), afraid of stagnant water, not resistant to waterlogging.

5) the temperature triangular plum is not cold-resistant and is easy to be frozen and fallen leaves, so we should pay attention to the temperature change during maintenance, preferably not less than 10 ℃.

6) flowerpot potted triangular plum, when choosing flowerpots, try to choose shallow flowerpots, which help to permeate water. It is better to plant large flowers in small pots than small ones.

7) the first thing to say about pruning is that triangular plum is very resistant to pruning. Trimming is divided into post-flowering pruning and winter pruning. The purpose of post-flowering pruning is to adjust the plant type and promote the next batch of flowers to bloom early, so the residual flowers should be cut as early as possible, and the whole plant should be trimmed so that it can bloom at the same time next time. When Prunus mume grows slowly or dormant in winter, the plant can be pruned intensively to reduce the plant volume and prevent frostbite of branches. The triangular plum cultivated on the balcony will generally cut off all the new branches from the old branches of the previous year.

2. matters needing attention in the culture of triangular plum.

1) the wintering triangular plum is not cold-resistant and is easy to freeze to death with severe frostbite, so we must pay attention to the temperature change. Generally speaking, if the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ for a long time, it may be frozen to death, even in the southern winter, the lowest can only reach 3 ℃ or so.

2) as we said before, triangular plum is afraid of waterlogging, so potted plum must not have stagnant water in the basin.

3) pruning trimmed plums is resistant to pruning, don't be afraid of bad pruning, pruning helps to blossom more.