
How to cultivate holly and matters needing attention in cultivating holly

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to cultivate holly and matters needing attention in cultivating holly

Holly has luxuriant branches and evergreen four seasons because of its beautiful tree shape and green branches and leaves, it is the first choice for park fence greening, so it is mostly planted in the garden for beautification. It can be used in parks, gardens, green walls and central isolation zones of highways. Holly transplanting has high survival rate and fast recovery speed, and it is the most frequently used shrub in landscaping. It is a fine ornamental tree species in the garden because of its crisp, healthy and exuberant growth and high ornamental value. It is appropriate to plant alone on the lawn, planted on both sides of the courtyard, wall, garden road, or scattered on the stacked stones and hills, lush and lovely. Holly is dwarfed by old stakes or growth inhibition, which is used to make bonsai.

Sowing: harvest after ripening in autumn, peel off the peel, rinse clean, accelerate germination with low temperature stratification of wet sand, and sow before March of the following spring. The growth is slow in the seedling stage, so it should be carefully maintained and managed. If holly seeds are not germinated, they often can not germinate until every other year.

Holly is suitable for planting in moist and semi-shaded land, likes fertile soil, can grow well in general soil, and is not strict to the environment. The seedlings planted in that year can grow naturally after being watered once, depending on the soil moisture once every 15 days, combined with ploughing and weeding, the seedlings are properly topdressing once or twice a year in spring and autumn, and thin liquid fertilizers based on nitrogen are generally applied. Holly sprouts many times a year and is very resistant to pruning. Shaping and pruning once in summer, flat pruning or pruning into spherical or conical shape according to different greening needs in autumn, and appropriate branch thinning to maintain a certain crown-shaped branch state. Measures such as piling soil and preventing cold can be taken in cold places in winter.

Cuttings: it is advisable to take tender twigs and cuttings in the rainy season, cut off the lower leaves, leave only 6~8cm 2 leaves and cut them short, use sand as the substrate, set up a shed for shade after insertion, often spray water and keep moist, and take root after about 1 month. The lower leaflet can be cut off from the middle and upper part of the crown first, and the long and vigorous lateral branches of 5~10cm can be cut off, while the upper leaves are all retained. Then it is treated with rooting powder, and the cut is inserted into the seedbed. The nursery bed should be selected in the place of ventilation and shade, and it can also be sunshaded and inserted, and the survival rate is very high.

Holly is a subtropical tree species, like warm climate, have a certain degree of cold tolerance. Suitable for living in fertile, moist, well-drained acidic soil. More resistant to dampness, strong sprouting power, resistant to pruning. Strong resistance to carbon dioxide. Often grows in mixed wood forests on hillsides. Its use can be seen everywhere, for example, seeds and bark for medicine, as a strong agent, leaves have heat-clearing and detoxification effect, can treat tracheitis and burns; bark can extract tannin extract; wood is hard and can be used as fine working materials. The bark contains tannins, which can be used as protocatechuic acid, volatile oil and so on.

The role of holly: first, seeds and bark for medicine, for a strong agent, leaves have heat-clearing and detoxification effect, can treat tracheitis and burns; second, bark can extract tannin extract; wood hard, can be used as fine materials. Third, the bark contains tannins, which can be used as protocatechuic acid, volatile oil and so on.

Let's understand holly together and make holly play its best role. Work together to create a harmonious, beautiful and healthy home.

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