
How to select the seeds of fragrant flowers in Qili

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to select the seeds of fragrant flowers in Qili

The name Qilixiang makes people feel an intoxicated atmosphere, and its fragrance is the main reason why it is becoming more and more popular. If you want to cultivate Qili fragrant flowers well and make them invincible, you must make more efforts in maintenance.

The function and value of Qili fragrant flower

1. Medicinal value: the leaves, seeds and roots of Qili incense flower can be used as medicine. After being used in medicine, the root of Qili fragrant flower can disperse blood stasis and remove pain, stop bleeding, dispel wind and activate collaterals, and seeds can astringent intestines and fix essence.

two。 Ornamental function: Qili fragrant flowers are evergreen all the year round with luster and fragrance, which can be used for viewing and beautifying the environment.

3. Purify the air: Qili fragrant flowers also have strong resistance to toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, so they can be planted indoors, living rooms, and courtyards to purify the air.

Second, the ecological habits of fragrant flowers in Qili

Qili fragrant flower is a small tree or evergreen shrub, its plant is up to 3 meters high, dense branches and leaves, crown talk. Its leaves are alternate, leathery, narrowly Obovate and about 5 Mel 12 m long. Its flowers are white or yellowish green, fragrant, and the stalk is 0.8 Mel 1.5 cm long. Stamens, sepals, petals 5. The capsule of Qili fragrant flower is nearly spherical, angular, 1.5 cm long, green at first, and then yellow, with bright red seeds and slime. Qili fragrant flowers like to grow in a warm and humid marine climate, like the sun, more shady, do not have high requirements for the soil, whether alkaline or neutral soil can grow.

How to select fragrant flowers in three and seven li

Before sowing, we should first select the seeds. Whether the seeds are good or not is directly related to the success of sowing.

1. It is best to choose the seeds harvested in the same year. The longer the seed is preserved, the lower the germination rate is.

two。 Choose seeds that are full and have no defects or deformities.

3. Choose seeds free from diseases and insect pests.

4. Seed disinfection: disinfection includes two concepts, one refers to the disinfection of seeds, and the other refers to the disinfection of sowing substrates. Families usually soak the seeds in hot water for about 60 ℃ for a quarter of an hour, and then use warm hot water to accelerate germination for 12-24 hours. The best way to disinfect the substrate used for sowing is to stir-fry it in a pan so that any diseases and insects can be scalded to death.

Fourth, the culture method of Qili fragrant flower

Reproduction: there are many seeds in the south and many cuttings in the north. It is best to cut the semi-lignified branches of the same year in the rainy season, and then water them in the shade, which can produce callus and sprout new roots in about a month.

Soil: sex likes warm, moist environment, sunshine and semi-shade, which requires loose and fertile soil. 2 parts of rotten leaf soil or peat soil + 1 part of garden soil were mixed and used as base fertilizer.

Water and fertilizer: water is often sprayed to the leaves during the growing season, watering should be dry and wet, and thin pancakes should be applied before and after flowering.

Light: like plenty of light.

Pruning: Haitong has strong branching and resistance to pruning. It should be pruned from the seedlings, topped, lateral branches are promoted, and its crown is often trimmed into a spherical shape.

Change pots: young potted plants can be changed once a year, and adult plants can be changed for about 2 years.

Overwintering: the overwintering temperature is more than 5 ℃ and watering is controlled when the room temperature is low in winter.

How about, after reading the above introduction, everyone on how to cultivate Qili incense, let it produce white flowers, beautiful flowers, delicate flowers, fragrant flowers? If you learn it, go and try to plant it.