
How to keep Anthurium andraeanum leaves from yellowing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to keep Anthurium andraeanum leaves from yellowing

Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of flower with unique ornamental value, its petals have only one petal, but the cultivated Anthurium andraeanum flowers can give people a very full and beautiful feeling, which is no less than those plants with layered petals.

I. growth habits of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is a tropical flower that likes shade and avoid sun, dampness and drought, and is afraid of high temperature and cold. Family maintenance should be careful not to be exposed to the sun according to its habits, but it should not be placed in a room with dark light for a long time, but it should be placed in a place with scattered light. See some sunshine sooner or later. Generally, the substrate of Anthurium andraeanum is peat, loose and breathable, and the appropriate temperature should keep the basin soil moist, or often spray some water to the leaves to increase air humidity. Now the weather turns cold, if the temperature can not be guaranteed above 12 degrees in winter, watering should be controlled to improve the cold resistance of Anthurium andraeanum, the lowest temperature can not be lower than 8 degrees, otherwise it is easy to freeze.

Matters needing attention in the culture of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Humidity: the normal growth of Anthurium andraeanum needs about 70% air humidity, which is generally difficult to achieve in ordinary family farming. You can use a clean wet towel to wet the leaves several times a day, or spray water around the plant regularly to increase air humidity.

two。 Water and fertilizer: under normal growth conditions, dry wetlands can be seen to water the cultivated soil every week. The watering times and amount of water can be reduced appropriately in spring, autumn and winter. 7-8% special nutrient solution or 500 times diluted fertilizer water should be applied with watering every half month.

3. Pruning: during the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, the basal petiole degenerates gradually, and the stipules can be cut off in time when the stipules become dry. When the pedicel turns yellow after anthesis, it should also be cut off from the protective post with 2 cm left at the base as soon as possible.

4. Temperature: when raising Anthurium andraeanum in the family, the temperature should be guaranteed as much as possible. The optimum growth temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 16-24 ℃, and the lowest temperature should be above 12 ℃. But do not put the flowerpot on the radiator or too close to the radiator. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the flowers should be moved to a ventilated room opposite to the north, and water can be sprayed around the plants to cool down.

5. Illumination: Anthurium andraeanum must have sufficient scattered light for normal growth. Family culture should generally pay attention to: avoid strong light to direct leaves and flowers in summer; move to the vicinity of the window in autumn and winter as conditions permit to increase light. It is also necessary to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that it receives uniform light and promote the perfection of its crown shape.

Third, what if the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum turn yellow

1. Soil discomfort: most areas in the north contain more salt and alkali in the medium and water. Due to the lack of soluble iron that plants need to absorb in the medium, the leaves will gradually lose green and turn yellow. Solution: use oxalic acid and other treatment media and water for watering flowers.

two。 Too much watering: too much water will make the medium in the basin too wet for a long time, causing some fibrous roots to rot, hinder normal breathing and absorption of nutrients, and cause leaves to gradually turn yellow and fall off. Solution: watering normally.

3. Solution: according to the growth characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum, increase the air humidity appropriately.

4. Excessive sunshade: if Anthurium andraeanum is placed in a place with insufficient light for a long time, it will lead to weak growth and thin and yellow leaves. Solution: according to the growth characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum, increase the light intensity appropriately.

5. Solution: keep the temperature in the greenhouse relatively stable.

6. Uneven fertilization: excessive fertilization will also lead to new leaf thickening, old leaf dry tip, scorched yellow shedding. Solution: at this time, fertilizer should be stopped immediately, and new culture soil should be replaced for normal management.

The conditions that all plants need to pay attention to are nothing more than soil, water, light, warmth, fertilizer, disease and other factors. generally speaking, as long as they are more careful in these aspects, all plants can be raised, and Anthurium andraeanum is no exception.