
[plain sailing doesn't blossom] what if it doesn't blossom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, [plain sailing doesn't blossom] what if it doesn't blossom?

Plain sailing is a common ornamental plant, because its flower language is more auspicious, many people prefer breeding, what is the role of plain sailing flowers? What if plain sailing doesn't blossom?

What if it doesn't blossom smoothly?

If you want to blossom smoothly, you must first consider the problem of light. Although smooth sailing is very shady, it is very difficult to blossom in a very dark place for a long time, but it is not in the hot sun, but it is most suitable in bright astigmatism. In addition, it is necessary to ensure a certain fertilizer effect, if the pot soil is too barren, it is not conducive to flowering. It is best to give sufficient light conditions in winter, which is not only conducive to thick green leaves, but also conducive to overwintering.

There is an induction method spread on the Internet to make smooth flowering. The method is to spray gibberellic acid to induce plant flowering artificially, and the flowering time varies with different varieties. The response of small varieties to gibberellic acid was fast, and it could blossom in 7-9 weeks after spraying, 10-11 weeks for medium-sized varieties and 12-13 weeks for large varieties. It should be noted that too high concentration of gibberellic acid will cause plant flower deformation, generally between 1000-1500 times. This method has not been tried, but this method reminds me of a question, that is, if the smooth sailing bought by Hua you has been induced to blossom, does it have to be induced to blossom after the first flowering period? Therefore, it can not be ruled out that the smooth sailing of some flower friends is not induced by gibberellic acid at the beginning, so it is difficult to blossom in the later stage.

The function of plain sailing

1. Plain sailing

Flower words: it indicates that the host can be plain sailing. Represents a kind of hope, a kind of prayer.

2. Purify the air

A fengshui flower can be removed: ammonia, acetone, benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, play a role in purifying the air, the newly renovated house can place several pots of plain sailing flowers. Families with children must pay special attention. So as not to cause the phenomenon of accidental eating.

The bathroom is often warm and humid, which is in line with the habit of white palm. It is an "expert" who suppresses exhaled exhaust gases such as ammonia and acetone. Can be put into the bathroom to purify the air, we know that the bathroom may produce ammonia, so putting the toilet can not only beautify the environment, but also purify the air and make the air take on a new look. Kill two birds with one stone.

In addition, the bedroom is also a more suitable place for white palm to survive, moreover, white palm can absorb indoor exhaust gas, its high evaporation rate can prevent nasal mucosa from drying, so that the possibility of illness is greatly reduced, which is undoubtedly good news for everyone.

At the same time, the weak light in the bathroom and bedroom is the best, which is more suitable for the growth of plain sailing.

How to cultivate smooth sailing in hydroponics

Plain sailing in water culture can not only see its white and tender roots, but also see the lovely little fish swimming among the roots, which is indeed a feast for the eyes. The key points of smooth sailing in hydroponics: oxygen, light, nutrients.

1. The water is hot every 15-20 days, it is cold for about a month, and the water level can reach 3/4 of the immersed root system.

two。 Usually scatter light, avoid light in summer, avoid direct light.

3. Use foliage plant nutrient solution.

4. To properly spray water on the leaf surface to increase the humidity of the air. If tap water is used, it should be connected in advance and placed in the air for more than one day to fully dissolve oxygen and release chlorine. When changing water, wash the mucus from the roots and cut off the rotten roots and scorched leaves.

Water-raised flowers choose a special foliage plant formula nutrient solution, the vigorous growth of the spring and autumn season, add more times of the nutrient solution.