
[what if the leaves of the cash cow fall off] how to raise the cash cow

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, [what if the leaves of the cash cow fall off] how to raise the cash cow

Deciduous trees, up to 15 m high, crown is approximately spherical, crown width 8 mi 12 m, odd-pinnate compound leaves alternate, leaflets 7 Mel 15, leaf margin dentate, young leaves brownish red in spring, yellow-brown in autumn, flowers small, petals yellow, base with red spots, panicles formed at the top of branches, flowering in June and July, seeds black, round. How to raise a cash cow? What if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow?

What if the leaves of the cash cow turn yellow?

1. Overwatering

Cash cow likes warm heat, more resistant to drought, but avoid wet water, too much watering will often lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves. Remove the cash cow from the basin and check whether the root system is rotten, if it has, replant it with sterilized culture soil, or bury the base of the cash cow in clean sand, keep it semi-shaded and control watering, but often spray on and around the branches and leaves before regular maintenance can be restored after allowing the cash cow to reissue new roots. If the root is not rotten, the cash cow should be half-shaded, because there are few leaves, it is not easy to dry after watering, watering should be controlled, and foliar water is often sprayed to allow the cash cow to slowly return to normal growth.

2. The air is too dry

The cash cow likes the wet environment, and the suitable air humidity is about 85%. Too dry leaves will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Put the cash cow on the wet sand table, usually pay attention to spray some water to the leaves, in order to wash away the fine dust attached to the leaves, and at the same time pay attention to shading. In winter, we should pay attention to spraying water to the leaf surface and the surrounding environment, so that the relative air humidity can reach more than 50%. In addition, in winter, special attention should be paid to the fact that the basin soil should not be too wet, and it is better to be too dry, otherwise, under the condition of low temperature, too wet basin soil is more likely to lead to plant root rot, or even death of the whole plant.

3. Soil acidity is insufficient.

The lack of acidity in the soil can also yellowed the leaves of the cash cow. Peat, coarse sand or washed cinder were often mixed with a small amount of garden soil, and the pH value was adjusted to between 6 and 6.5, showing a slightly acidic state. Because of its large tuber, well-developed root system and long pinnate compound leaves, it is appropriate to choose a deeper blue-and-white porcelain pot or purple sand pot to plant, but the lower part should be covered with more stones, bricks or bark, and the height is about 1max 4 of the depth of the flowerpot, in order to create a good root environment for air permeability and water filtration.

4. Improper fertilization

The cash cow likes fertilizer, but it must be well mastered in the process of fertilization. too much or too little fertilization will lead to the yellowing of its leaves. During the growing season, the cash tree was treated with 0.2% urea and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture every month. after the Mid-Autumn Festival, in order to make the cash tree survive the winter safely, nitrogen fertilizer should be stopped and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should be applied continuously for 2 times. In order to promote the hardening and enrichment of the young leaf axis and newly extracted leaves of the cash cow. When the temperature drops below 15 ℃, all forms of topdressing should be stopped so as not to damage the roots under the condition of low temperature.

Culture method

Mainly to sowing and breeding, tillering or root insertion is also possible, harvest when the fruit is ripe in autumn, drying and shelling in time. Because the seed coat is hard and impermeable, if it is not treated, spring sowing is often not germinated in the following year, so it can be sown in spring after wet sand stratification treatment in autumn. Generally use ridge sowing, ridge distance 60-70cm, because the seed emergence rate is low, so the amount of seed used is large, the sowing amount is 30-40kg/ mu.

The main results are as follows: (1) seed collection: the fruit of cash cow ripens from September to October. A good single tree with good growth, straight stem shape, open crown, full fruit and mature age is selected as the seed mother tree, which will be collected in time when the fruit is reddish brown or orange and the capsule has not yet cracked, otherwise it will fall off by itself. But it should not be picked too early, otherwise the seed germination rate is low.

As there are great differences in cold resistance of seeds from different provenances, local seeds should be selected as far as possible.

(2) Fruit treatment: remove the pericarp and pedicel after fruit collection, dry in time or spread out in the shade, knock and thresh after the capsule is cracked, and clean the seed by screening method. The seed is black, spherical, about 0.6cm in diameter, the seed emergence rate is about 20%, the 1000-grain weight is about 150g, and the germination rate is 60%-80%.

(3) seed storage and pre-sowing treatment: the seed coat of Koelreuteria paniculata seeds is hard and impermeable. If it is not germinated, spring sowing in the second year often does not germinate or the germination rate is very low. Therefore, it is best to sow seeds in autumn and let the seeds complete the germination stage in the soil, which can save the seed storage, germination and other processes. After one winter, the seedlings were unearthed early and neatly in the spring of the second year, and grew healthily.

However, when sowing in autumn, the seed is placed in the field for too long, and the management of the sowing site is more troublesome. Therefore, the stratification sprouting method is also used in production. In the late autumn, the terrain is high and dry, the drainage is good, and the pit is dug in the leeward and sunny place. The pit is 1.5 m wide, deep above the groundwater table and below the permafrost, about lm. The length of the pit depends on the number of seeds. The bottom of the pit can be covered with a layer of gravel or coarse sand, about 10~20cm thick, insert a bunch of grass handle in the pit for ventilation. When the sterilized seeds were mixed with wet sand and put into the pit, the volume ratio of seed to sand was 1 ∶ 3 or 1 ∶ 5, or one layer of seed and one layer of sand cross stratification. The thickness of each layer is about 5cm. Sand humidity to be able to hold with the hand into a ball, do not come out of the water, let go of the hand to spread out. Load 20cm left and right from the ground, cover with 5cm sand and 10~20cm thick straw, etc., and dig drainage ditches around. The seeds were taken out and sown directly in March of the following year.

However, when sowing in autumn, the seed is placed in the field for too long, and the management of the sowing site is more troublesome. Therefore, the stratification sprouting method is also used in production. In the late autumn, the terrain is high and dry, the drainage is good, and the pit is dug in the leeward and sunny place. The pit is 1.5 m wide, deep above the groundwater table and below the permafrost, about lm. The length of the pit depends on the number of seeds. The bottom of the pit can be covered with a layer of gravel or coarse sand, about 10~20cm thick, insert a bunch of grass handle in the pit for ventilation. When the sterilized seeds were mixed with wet sand and put into the pit, the volume ratio of seed to sand was 1 ∶ 3 or 1 ∶ 5, or one layer of seed and one layer of sand cross stratification. The thickness of each layer is about 5cm. Sand humidity to be able to hold with the hand into a ball, do not come out of the water, let go of the hand to spread out. Load 20cm left and right from the ground, cover with 5cm sand and 10~20cm thick straw, etc., and dig drainage ditches around. The seeds were taken out and sown directly in March of the following year.