
What are the effects and effects of Huang Cen?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the effects and effects of Huang Cen?

Huang Cen dug in spring and autumn to remove fibrous roots and silt. after drying, he knocked off the rough skin and dried it. What are the effects and effects of Huang Cen? Today, the editor will take you to understand the efficacy and function of Huang Cen.

The morphology of Huang Cen

Perennial herbs; rhizome fleshy, up to 2 cm in diameter, elongated and branched. Stem base protruding, ascending, 30-120 cm high, base 2.5-3 mm in diam., obtusely quadrangular, finely striate, subglabrous or convolute to spreading puberulent, green or purplish, much branched from base.

The efficacy and function of Huang Cen

Scutellaria baicalensis also known as Camellia Root, Tujin Tea Root. Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, a plant of Labiatae, is used in medicine with its root. It has the effect of clearing heat, dryness and dampness, cooling blood and calming the fetus, and detoxification. It mainly treats febrile disease, upper respiratory tract infection, lung-heat cough, damp-heat jaundice, pneumonia, dysentery, hemoptysis, red eyes, fetal movement, hypertension, carbuncle and furunculosis. The clinical application of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is better than Coptis chinensis and does not produce drug resistance.

The efficacy and function of Huang Cen

Huang Cen can be used for damp-temperature fever, chest tightness, thirst without drinking, and damp-heat diarrhea dysentery, jaundice and other diseases. For damp-temperature fever, it can be used with talc, cardamom kernel and Poria cocos; for damp-heat diarrhea dysentery and abdominal pain, it can be used with Radix Paeoniae Alba, Pueraria lobata and licorice; for jaundice caused by damp-heat accumulation, it can be used with Yin Chen, Gardenia jasminoides and light bamboo leaves.

The efficacy and function of Huang Cen

Huang Cen can also be used for fever, high fever, irritation and thirst, or lung heat cough, or heat forcing blood overflow and heat toxic sores and sores. Treat fever and high fever, often compatible with Coptis chinensis, gardenia jasminoides, etc.; treat lung-heat cough, can be used with Anemarrhena anemarrhena, mulberry bark, etc.; treat blood-fever, can be used with raw land, peony bark, Platycladus orientalis leaves, etc.; for heat sore, it can be used with honeysuckle, forsythia and other drugs.

Conclusion: from the efficacy and function of Scutellaria baicalensis, we can see that Scutellaria baicalensis can calm the mind, detoxify and tonify blood, and is of great help to febrile diseases, while the pharmacological action of Scutellaria baicalensis has a relaxing effect on some liver and other functions in the body. can improve immunity. Finally, the editor warmly reminds you that Chinese herbal medicine is not without toxic side effects, please take it according to the doctor's advice.

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